mmealling - 16/3/2007 11:16 PMChris, IMHO, the reason you don't see NASA in a lot of the "main attractions" advertisement is that there is no real way for those who are advertising to monetize NASA's existence. Who directly makes money from tourists visiting NASA?
mmealling - 17/3/2007 3:16 PMChris, IMHO, the reason you don't see NASA in a lot of the "main attractions" advertisement is that there is no real way for those who are advertising to monetize NASA's existence. Who directly makes money from tourists visiting NASA?
Well, I can give you the standard formula and then some "with steroids" suggestions.
Edit: I forgot to mention letters to the editor. Many local and national papers, radio and TV broadcasts will editorialize -- usually negatively -- about money spent ("wasted") on space exploration and efforts to go to the Moon and Mars -- often making the distinction that money spent on manned space exploration is a evil waste but money spent on robotic exploration is a sensible expenditure -- as long as it doesn't amount to much. Typically these editorials/comments are woefully ignorant of relevant facts and receive very little criticism from readers/viewers. Anything you can do to reverse this trend of negative press is extremely valuable. It is not just that the public reads these comments and tends to take them as true, but they also help to shape opinions in the State and Federal Government. This is a vicious cycle that all of us need to help reverse.
MarsDriver - 18/3/2007 11:54 AM In the end, expanding our numbers in pro active ways is the best thing we can all do to give all space projects a brighter future.
Yes! Because its apathy, ignorance, and disillusionment that have killed the momentum in space. Attack the root cause.