Quote from: Phillip Clark on 06/08/2013 12:28 amOriginally it had been reported that the Perso A question which has always puzzled me is whether the design bureau programme name (like Yantar-4K2M) was Persona or whether the Ministry codename (like Kolbalt-M) was Persona. Can anyone give a definitive answer to this? Since Persona is used without an attached numerical designator, it would appear to be the Ministry name rather than the design bureau name - in which case what is the design bureau name? Of course the system of assigning the different design bureau and ministry names might have changed over the years!My understanding was that only the design bureau name was used until the satellite type was 'adopted into armaments' - but maybe I've misunderstood the system.
Originally it had been reported that the Perso A question which has always puzzled me is whether the design bureau programme name (like Yantar-4K2M) was Persona or whether the Ministry codename (like Kolbalt-M) was Persona. Can anyone give a definitive answer to this? Since Persona is used without an attached numerical designator, it would appear to be the Ministry name rather than the design bureau name - in which case what is the design bureau name? Of course the system of assigning the different design bureau and ministry names might have changed over the years!
Работы по изделиям «Лиана», «Барс», «Персона», «Дон» ведутся в соответствии с намеченными графиками и заключенными контрактами.
Предприятием сформирован портфель заказов по основной деятельности до 2013 года на общую сумму около 9 млрд. рублей, состоящий из таких приоритетных проектов для государства, как: «Булава», «Персона», «Карат», «Игла-С», «Верба» и др.
Разработка проектов каталожных описаний системы 14К031 (с изд. 14Ф137 № 2)
In July 2013, NII TP design bureau published a press-release stating that Persona No. 2 was undergoing flight testing. The company congratulated its staff with the successful commissioning of the communication gear onboard the satellite. However shortly thereafter, the spacecraft was apparently lost, prompting Russian air and space defense forces, VKO, to take out of retirement a previous-generation Kobalt-M satellite and launch it on May 6, 2014. However, given the short life span of Kobalt-type spacecraft, it would be only a temporary solution to the problem of inadequate high-resolution imaging capabilities available to the Russian military in a midst of the Ukrainian crisis.
Quote from: Stan Black on 07/07/2013 07:07 am14К031 PersonaElectro-optical reconnaissance satelliteProduct: 14Ф137 № 3Components: ОЭК 17В321, СУ 14М339М, БВС 14М828, 3x БОКЗ-М60, БА МЛСПИLaunch vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B with 14С738<snip>МЛСПИ - межспутниковой лазерной системы передачи информации[translation: Intersatellite laser information transmission system]Oh! That looks interesting. Any indication what the satellite on the other end of the laser link might be?
14К031 PersonaElectro-optical reconnaissance satelliteProduct: 14Ф137 № 3Components: ОЭК 17В321, СУ 14М339М, БВС 14М828, 3x БОКЗ-М60, БА МЛСПИLaunch vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B with 14С738<snip>МЛСПИ - межспутниковой лазерной системы передачи информации[translation: Intersatellite laser information transmission system]
Обеспечение и проведение калибровочных радиационных испытаний электро-радиоизделий иностранного производства, комплектующих аппаратуру МЛСПИ изделия 14Ф137 N 2
Of the five images of Eastern Ukraine published by Russian Ministry of Defense on July 17, two were made by Persona and other three by Resurs-P №1. It follows from the dates and times of images which correspond to high passes of the two satellites.
Quote from: Liss on 08/03/2014 05:06 pmOf the five images of Eastern Ukraine published by Russian Ministry of Defense on July 17, two were made by Persona and other three by Resurs-P №1. It follows from the dates and times of images which correspond to high passes of the two satellites.Are these images available online, Igor?
Quote from: Phillip Clark on 08/03/2014 05:45 pmQuote from: Liss on 08/03/2014 05:06 pmOf the five images of Eastern Ukraine published by Russian Ministry of Defense on July 17, two were made by Persona and other three by Resurs-P №1. It follows from the dates and times of images which correspond to high passes of the two satellites.Are these images available online, Igor?The pictures shown during the press conference are available on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense :http://stat.multimedia.mil.ru/multimedia/photo/gallery.htm?id=17402@cmsPhotoGalleryA full transcript of the press conference (in Russian and English) is here :http://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=11970654@egNewsWhich pictures were made by Persona?
Quote from: ChileVerde on 07/07/2013 07:25 pmQuote from: Stan Black on 07/07/2013 07:07 am14К031 PersonaElectro-optical reconnaissance satelliteProduct: 14Ф137 № 3Components: ОЭК 17В321, СУ 14М339М, БВС 14М828, 3x БОКЗ-М60, БА МЛСПИLaunch vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B with 14С738<snip>МЛСПИ - межспутниковой лазерной системы передачи информации[translation: Intersatellite laser information transmission system]Oh! That looks interesting. Any indication what the satellite on the other end of the laser link might be?Google just found this for me:-QuoteОбеспечение и проведение калибровочных радиационных испытаний электро-радиоизделий иностранного производства, комплектующих аппаратуру МЛСПИ изделия 14Ф137 N 2http://www.socionet.ruLooks like this one too featured a LASER communications system?
Приборы и системы «Сторож-2М-7М», МЛСПИ, БЦВМС, ДКУ, БИТС-2Ц-7М, гермоперехода ИБПА, ОСД, БОКЗ-М60, КАС 14М102, блока мультиплексора для изготовления производством изделия 14Ф137 №2, а также приборы и системы ОСД, БОКЗ-М60, 14М533 (СГК), БИУС-ВОА, БЦВМС, ДКУ, ОДУ 14Д520, АБ, БСКВУ разрабатывались предприятиями-соисполнителями в рамках договоров на выполнение ОКР (СЧ ОКР), заключенных ФГУП ГНПРКЦ «ЦСКБ «Прогресс» и изготавливались по конструкторской документации, входящей в комплект документов разрабатываемого изделия, и являются составными частями опытного образца изделия 14Ф137.
As a stopgap measure, Russia may rely on imagery obtained by Iran’s Khayyam satellite, which has two daylight passes over Ukraine every morning.
Quote from: B. Hendrickx on 01/05/2023 06:43 pmAs a stopgap measure, Russia may rely on imagery obtained by Iran’s Khayyam satellite, which has two daylight passes over Ukraine every morning. China could also be providing images of Ukraine to Russia.
Quote from: Steven Pietrobon on 01/06/2023 05:12 amQuote from: B. Hendrickx on 01/05/2023 06:43 pmAs a stopgap measure, Russia may rely on imagery obtained by Iran’s Khayyam satellite, which has two daylight passes over Ukraine every morning. China could also be providing images of Ukraine to Russia.Anything is possible, but as far as we can tell, China does not (yet) intend to provide military support for Russia's war effort in Ukraine. Sharing satellite images with Russia would be doing exactly that, so I'm not so sure.
Ukraine: US sanctions Chinese firm helping Russia's Wagner GroupThe US has sanctioned a Chinese company for allegedly providing satellite imagery of Ukraine to support the mercenary Wagner Group's combat operations for Russia. Changsha Tianyi Space Science and Technology Research Institute is among 16 entities slapped with curbs by the Treasury Department. The firm, also known as Spacety China, has offices in Beijing and Luxembourg.Wagner supplies Russia thousands of fighters in the Ukraine war.Spacety China had provided Terra Tech, a Russia-based technology firm, with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images of locations in Ukraine, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control said in a statement on Thursday."These images were gathered in order to enable Wagner combat operations in Ukraine," it said. The department has also sanctioned Spacety's Luxembourg-based subsidiary. Under the sanctions, there can be no transfer, payment, or export of any property or interests in the United States to the targeted entities. Spacety China has yet to respond to the move.China, a close ally of Russia, has attempted to position itself as a neutral party with regard to the Ukraine war. It has been criticised by the US and its allies for refusing to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine. On its website, Spacety China describes itself as a "pioneer" in providing commercial SAR technology and says it wants to "make SAR imagery of every point on earth accessible and affordable" to users all over the world. Its chief executive officer Yang Feng sits on China's Ministry of Science and Technology's panel of experts, according to the company's website. The site also lists a number of working partners including state-owned enterprises China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, as well as the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences....