Author Topic: and NSF Forum Bug Reports  (Read 144278 times)

Offline CorvusCorax

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« on: 05/02/2020 05:51 pm »
Bug 0001:

In PM's to mods, no screenshots can be attached (no attachments in PMs) as such the only way to report things that require a screenshot for demonstation require to post in a regular forum thread. I didn't find an existing thread with suggestions for improvement or bug reports, therefore I think this is the appropriate section to do so.

Offline CorvusCorax

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #1 on: 05/02/2020 06:01 pm »
Bug 0002:

Poll options get lost when a poll is being edited:

When a poll is created on a thread, (Button [Add Poll]) there are a number of useful options exist, such as the selection flag:
"Allow users to change vote" [ ]

This is especially useful when one wants to add new options to a poll at a later time.

However when actually doing so by clicking [Edit Poll] on the same thread, the interface does not display this option.

If the edited poll is then saved via the [Save] button, the users ability to change their vote - if previously set - gets lost, and the [Remove Vote] is no longer present.

There is a work around, but it requires browser extensions.

If the HTML of the page is edited to manually add the checkbox with the correct parameters (from the Add Poll dialog) to the Edit Poll dialog, the ability of users to change their vote can again be selected, and if this is then saved, the preference is stored correctly by the backend and the poll again works.

As such, permanently fixing this bug only requires a frontend change (adding the missing flag to the HTML form)

A similar problem also exists with the poll duration and the maximum number of votes per user, which can not be changed when editing the poll (but at least this setting does not get lost).
« Last Edit: 05/02/2020 06:28 pm by CorvusCorax »

Offline ulm_atms

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #2 on: 06/02/2020 11:32 pm »
I have a bug I just stumbled on....

Firefox just updated and now the "preview" button when replying to a post does not work.  It turns into a hand to click....but does absolutely nothing....

This post is no different...just tried preview...nothing at all.

Going to go to Chrome and check there.

EDIT with Chrome: 

Chrome's test:  Preview is not working for Chrome either.  Clicking the button does nothing.

FOUND THE PROBLEM.  It is a change in how the page is drawn.  Usually when I click Preview, it pops the page up to the top and shows the preview.  For some reason when I click the preview button now, the page updates at the top with the preview but the editor part never moves off view so it looks like it is doing absolutely nothing when pressing the preview don't even getting a spinny part at the top like it is doing something.

Is this a recent change?  When you click would be nice if it actually moved the page to the preview section like it has always done since I first got here :-)
« Last Edit: 06/02/2020 11:43 pm by ulm_atms »

Offline meberbs

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #3 on: 06/03/2020 12:02 am »
Is this a recent change?  When you click would be nice if it actually moved the page to the preview section like it has always done since I first got here :-)
Yes it is fairly recent, I noticed it as well. Super confusing the first couple times until you realize what is happening.

As another recent thing, I have noticed that after posting in a thread, sometimes that section switches to "unread" on the main forum page, even though the post I just wrote is the most recent one, and I have certainly already read my own post. Not a big deal, easy enough to click in and switch it back to read status.

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #4 on: 06/03/2020 12:33 am »
Is this a recent change?  When you click would be nice if it actually moved the page to the preview section like it has always done since I first got here :-)
Yes it is fairly recent, I noticed it as well. Super confusing the first couple times until you realize what is happening.

As another recent thing, I have noticed that after posting in a thread, sometimes that section switches to "unread" on the main forum page, even though the post I just wrote is the most recent one, and I have certainly already read my own post. Not a big deal, easy enough to click in and switch it back to read status.
The Chromium project which manages code for its main browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and many others have the same underlying base code so it effects all.

Offline ulm_atms

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #5 on: 06/03/2020 01:02 am »
Is this a recent change?  When you click would be nice if it actually moved the page to the preview section like it has always done since I first got here :-)
Yes it is fairly recent, I noticed it as well. Super confusing the first couple times until you realize what is happening.

As another recent thing, I have noticed that after posting in a thread, sometimes that section switches to "unread" on the main forum page, even though the post I just wrote is the most recent one, and I have certainly already read my own post. Not a big deal, easy enough to click in and switch it back to read status.
The Chromium project which manages code for its main browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and many others have the same underlying base code so it effects all.

No...  Chromium is Edge(new version), Chrome, and Opera.  Firefox is 100% NOT based on Chromium.

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #6 on: 06/03/2020 05:01 am »
Is this a recent change?  When you click would be nice if it actually moved the page to the preview section like it has always done since I first got here :-)
Yes it is fairly recent, I noticed it as well. Super confusing the first couple times until you realize what is happening.

As another recent thing, I have noticed that after posting in a thread, sometimes that section switches to "unread" on the main forum page, even though the post I just wrote is the most recent one, and I have certainly already read my own post. Not a big deal, easy enough to click in and switch it back to read status.
The Chromium project which manages code for its main browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and many others have the same underlying base code so it effects all.

No...  Chromium is Edge(new version), Chrome, and Opera.  Firefox is 100% NOT based on Chromium.
Correct it uses Rust/Gecko
« Last Edit: 06/03/2020 05:19 am by russianhalo117 »

Offline edzieba

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #7 on: 06/12/2020 12:30 pm »
This may just be a "forum software updated a while back, this can never be fixed" issue, but doing some digging on Canfield joints I'm coming across a lot of decade-old links using an older addressing style (e.g. ) that 404. The annoying thing is even if you translate to the current URL formatting (e.g. ) the thread still cannot be accessed. With the forum search being inoperable, this is doubly irritating for links to L2 threads that are not google-indexed. It's possible some of this is due to thread-shifting post-Constellation where forum/subforum layouts were rejiggered.

Offline gongora

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #8 on: 06/12/2020 05:13 pm »
This may just be a "forum software updated a while back, this can never be fixed" issue, but doing some digging on Canfield joints I'm coming across a lot of decade-old links using an older addressing style (e.g. ) that 404. The annoying thing is even if you translate to the current URL formatting (e.g. ) the thread still cannot be accessed. With the forum search being inoperable, this is doubly irritating for links to L2 threads that are not google-indexed. It's possible some of this is due to thread-shifting post-Constellation where forum/subforum layouts were rejiggered.

Do you have an example of a thread that can't be accessed when you put it in the new format?

Offline edzieba

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #9 on: 06/15/2020 01:56 pm »
The examples linked do not work (for me) in either format, link originally from the OP here.

Offline Paul451

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #10 on: 06/18/2020 06:12 am »
Trivial thing:
In your user profile summary, it lists Posts, Likes, Liked and shows a little graph or progress-bar of (I assume) likes/posts ratio. Except it doesn't. (On mine, Posts=2224, Likes=1193, Liked=994. But the graph hover text says "2% Likes/Posts (1193 Likes)" and the graph does seems to show 2%.

Is the graph meant to show something else than the likes/posts ratio? In which case, better labelling would help. If not, maths be wonky.

Doesn't hurt anything. (How often would you look at this summary?) But it might be an easy fix if it's just an equation with flipped terms.

Re: Preview change.
I like that it doesn't have to reload the whole tab. V.v.good. But as other said, it would be nice if it could move to the top of the previewed text. It's always weird when you click something and nothing appears to happen.

Offline leetdan

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #11 on: 06/22/2020 09:27 pm »
The favicon has been updated to the new logo for a while now, but if you open an attached image in a new tab it will have the old favicon with the white background.

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #12 on: 06/29/2020 10:26 am »
Moderator reminder:
Do not embed images in your post text. Among other things, it can slow down or mess up page loading or formatting.

Attach files--this function is available in the mobile version of NSF as well. Scroll down past the text box. "I'm on my smart phone" is not an excuse.

Otherwise, you may lose your post.
Bolding mine.

If it's really that serious then it'd be better for image embeding to be disabled, if at all possible.

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #13 on: 08/18/2020 09:32 pm »
The search function often doesn't work. I have to re-click several times the search button before it displays the results of the search.
« Last Edit: 07/12/2021 02:30 pm by yg1968 »

Offline intrepidpursuit

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #14 on: 09/01/2020 11:06 pm »
The favicon has been updated to the new logo for a while now, but if you open an attached image in a new tab it will have the old favicon with the white background.

Came here to post this. It is nitpicky, but probably also an easy fix.

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #15 on: 09/09/2020 04:39 pm »
The search function often doesn't work. I have to re-click several times the search buttion before it displays the results of the search.

I don't think I've ever seen a forum or a bulletin board type of affair with a usable search function.  Certainly, this forum software doesn't offer usable functionality.  It either glitches as you describe, or finds nothing to a wide variety of search arguments, from basic to boolean-complex.

As someone noted in another thread, I think it comes down to how people use a forum like this.  The people who developed the software seem to look at it as a way of sharing a stream of information.  Once it's been shared, and a majority of interested people have seen it because it's new, the software doesn't deem it important to be able to find it again.  The backlog of posts is useless dross as far as that use paradigm is concerned... ;)
-Doug  (With my shield, not yet upon it)

Offline Kansan52

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #16 on: 09/09/2020 04:49 pm »
Someone posted a way to search this forum using Google. If they could post that search parameter here, that would solve your search needs. Such a search parameter could be uses or adapted to other search engines.

Offline AnalogMan

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #17 on: 09/09/2020 06:07 pm »
Someone posted a way to search this forum using Google. If they could post that search parameter here, that would solve your search needs. Such a search parameter could be uses or adapted to other search engines.

Paste this into the Google search box:

[put your search terms here]

Note, this will only work for the public threads, L2 stuff is not accessible by Google.

Offline leovinus

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #18 on: 09/09/2020 06:21 pm »
Someone posted a way to search this forum using Google. If they could post that search parameter here, that would solve your search needs. Such a search parameter could be uses or adapted to other search engines.

Paste this into the Google search box:

[put your search terms here]

Note, this will only work for the public threads, L2 stuff is not accessible by Google.

And the Google equivalent query to search in the title only should be intitle:"Forum Bug Reports"

See also

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Re: and NSF Forum Bug Reports
« Reply #19 on: 09/24/2020 03:20 pm »
I just noticed that when I look at my profile, it shows "Likes Given: 0". Zero!

I know that is wrong since I give our more likes than I get (philosophy of mine).

Temporary bug?
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