Author Topic: LIVE: Congressional Hearings into Obama's NASA Budget FY2011 - Feb 24-25 Part 2  (Read 367561 times)

Offline Chris Bergin

PAO are working overtime, surrounding items that Bolden seemed to be pushing on his "student inspiration" repeat-a-thon, etc. Here's the latest bunch:




"Kansas Students Connect With International Space Station Crew for Out of This World Conversation"

Seems like a new PAO too, someone called Sonja Alexander - unless I've missed her name from some previous releases. Then again, there seems to be a boatload of PAOers based on the countless names I've seen send out these sort of releases.
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Offline Bernie Roehl

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Sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but this thread has grown faster than I can keep up.

Is there another set of hearings today?  If so, what time and what's the best place (url) to watch them?

Offline zerm

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Thanks ploss- I forgot about the NASA Authorization Bill.

The question remains- does Obama want the political heat from a veto of that bill as a stand-alone act? This plan... as I said would happen a few months ago... takes his decision pn what to do about NASA, Constellation and HSF and simply puts it into the budget then slides it under the door for everyone to figure out. This gives him some political distance for his own comfort. A veto of the NASA Authorization Bill would mean a direct involvement where he has to sit at his desk and, with his own hand, kill NASA (as many will like to portray it).

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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Sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but this thread has grown faster than I can keep up.

Is there another set of hearings today?  If so, what time and what's the best place (url) to watch them?

No more hearings for today. And I have no idea if there will be any in the future.
« Last Edit: 02/25/2010 05:35 pm by Cog_in_the_machine »
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Offline psloss

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The question remains- does Obama want the political heat from a veto of that bill as a stand-alone act? This plan... as I said would happen a few months ago... takes his decision pn what to do about NASA, Constellation and HSF and simply puts it into the budget then slides it under the door for everyone to figure out. This gives him some political distance for his own comfort. A veto of the NASA Authorization Bill would mean a direct involvement where he has to sit at his desk and, with his own hand, kill NASA (as many will like to portray it).
Yup, that's why I think the action is still in front of us, after the public hearings.  Still remains to be seen what's in the two bills on the House and Senate sides and still remains to be seen whether the President would veto a bill that mandated something substantially different than his proposal.  It may turn out that a lot of negotiations are in private and all we see (at least at first) is a bill and a signature.  Or maybe there will be a confrontation.

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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Does anyone have an idea when the budget will be finalized and approved?
By approved I don't mean necessarily accepted in it's current form.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Olson mentioned some guy (I didn't catch his name, but it's probably someone notable in NASA) on twitter that sent out the message "To those that don't like Obamas' new budget - bite me"


Obviously trying to demonize everyone supporting the new budget

And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.
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Offline svenge

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Bolden seems more and more like a puppet after these past 2 days...

Offline zerm

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Does anyone have an idea when the budget will be finalized and approved?
By approved I don't mean necessarily accepted in it's current form.

Could be a long, long time... enough to fly to Mars and back perhaps. There is a lot of other stuff in the overall FY2011 budget that hang it all up and cause a Continuing Resolution. We're under a CR right now because the FY2010 budget has not passed from over a year ago.

Offline psloss

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Does anyone have an idea when the budget will be finalized and approved?
By approved I don't mean necessarily accepted in it's current form.
To get some idea, you can look back at the time-line for the authorization bill in 2008:

For appropriations, you can look at the FY 2010 time-lines:

Offline psloss

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And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

Could be a long, long time... enough to fly to Mars and back perhaps. There is a lot of other stuff in the overall FY2011 budget that hang it all up and cause a Continuing Resolution. We're under a CR right now because the FY2010 budget has not passed from over a year ago.
No, it passed and was signed into law at the end of last year (before Christmas).

Offline bad_astra

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Luxury. We've barred from any social networking sites. Or anything labelled humor/comedy, for that matter, for awhile now.
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Offline nooneofconsequence

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Be advised that 9B of Cx resulting in one very limited test did not inspire these kids - many told me they saw it as a meaningless diversion.

A 7th grader said that? Amazing.
No, actually a 6th grader at a regional science fair who did a board on his hybrid launch vehicle concept. Spent 4 hours of him talking at me, letting him lecture me on the subject. About what you'd think in terms of mixture of knowledge, skill and voids.

Blew me away.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something" - Plato

Offline zerm

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And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

Could be a long, long time... enough to fly to Mars and back perhaps. There is a lot of other stuff in the overall FY2011 budget that hang it all up and cause a Continuing Resolution. We're under a CR right now because the FY2010 budget has not passed from over a year ago.
No, it passed and was signed into law at the end of last year (before Christmas).

Whoops, my mistake- just looked at the link you posted... guess I was off planet around Christmas :0

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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Olson mentioned some guy (I didn't catch his name, but it's probably someone notable in NASA) on twitter that sent out the message "To those that don't like Obamas' new budget - bite me"


Obviously trying to demonize everyone supporting the new budget

And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

Any idea who's the one who sent the tweet?
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Offline Ben the Space Brit

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Olson mentioned some guy (I didn't catch his name, but it's probably someone notable in NASA) on twitter that sent out the message "To those that don't like Obamas' new budget - bite me"


Obviously trying to demonize everyone supporting the new budget

And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

First rule of thumb for any governmental bureaucracy when faced with embarrassing facts & leaks - Witchhunt and kill the messenger.
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Offline psloss

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Olson mentioned some guy (I didn't catch his name, but it's probably someone notable in NASA) on twitter that sent out the message "To those that don't like Obamas' new budget - bite me"


Obviously trying to demonize everyone supporting the new budget

And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

First rule of thumb for any governmental bureaucracy when faced with embarrassing facts & leaks - Witchhunt and kill the messenger.
Well, I haven't seen any public confirmation of this yet, but 'bite me' doesn't really count as a fact or a leak.  (It would be more of a Ron Burgundy moment.)  If it's true (and I would think given the report there's an effort to track it down), it would be another example that style matters.
« Last Edit: 02/25/2010 06:20 pm by psloss »

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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Olson said (paraphrasing):
"Is that the essence of the new plan for the workforce at NASA?"

Bolden responded that that's unacceptable and he'll find out why that statement was made.
« Last Edit: 02/25/2010 06:25 pm by Cog_in_the_machine »
^^ Warning! Contains opinions. ^^ 

Offline Ben the Space Brit

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Olson mentioned some guy (I didn't catch his name, but it's probably someone notable in NASA) on twitter that sent out the message "To those that don't like Obamas' new budget - bite me"


Obviously trying to demonize everyone supporting the new budget

And it's had an effect, as an e-mail just went out telling all employees they are barred from using Twitter from this point onwards - based on amendment to "CP-A-33, Basic – SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE".

That'll go down badly with the spacetweeps.

First rule of thumb for any governmental bureaucracy when faced with embarrassing facts & leaks - Witchhunt and kill the messenger.
Well, I haven't seen any public confirmation of this yet, but 'bite me' doesn't really count as a fact or a leak.  (It would be more of a Ron Burgundy moment.)  If it's true (and I would think given the report there's an effort to track it down), it would be another example that style matters.

FWIW, I was referring to the ban on Twitter rather than the attempt to find the person responsible.  People really need to be more tactful, at least when using company computers. 

However, NASA blocking its staff from using Twitter will only encourage conspiracy theorists to suggest that NASA wants to hide stuff.
"Oops! I left the silly thing in reverse!" - Duck Dodgers


The Space Shuttle Program - 1981-2011

The time for words has passed; The time has come to put up or shut up!

Offline nooneofconsequence

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If they make the worst possible choice and decide to continue Constellation with the same vehicles, I hope they at least have the sense to fund it properly this time.
As I see it the battle right now is to go back to the status quo - poorly funded Ares I.

Its ironic that DIRECT may lead a charge back into that idiotic outcome.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something" - Plato


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