Author Topic: LIVE: Congressional Hearings into Obama's NASA Budget FY2011 - Feb 24-25 Part 2  (Read 367581 times)

Offline Robotbeat

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Bolden: PoR would've ended the ISS in 2015 and Ares would've had nowhere to go.
Chris  Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

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Offline northanger

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(Did Bolden get emotional here?) My kids are 38/39 (?) so I don't know what it feels like with a 15-year-old who wants to be an engineer... just recently spoke to young woman at JSC who said -- "I don't want a JOB".
« Last Edit: 02/24/2010 07:32 pm by northanger »

Offline Chris Bergin

"I don't think we would have ever gotten there with Constellation. But I don't think Constellation was a bad program. We are going to go back to the moon and get to Mars before the POR timeline.

"If we developed Ares, it would have had no where to go."

"Extending ISS to 2020, it gives us hope that we will fill the gap on some technologies to go to Mars. If you gave me unlimited money we could still not get to Mars within the next 10 years.

"I want to dev a technology that gets us to Mars in days. At least half the time it would take now."
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Offline Robotbeat

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Vitter: Doesn't support the PoR WITH the old budget together... Acknowledges it wasn't adequate budget.
Chris  Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

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Offline CessnaDriver

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Whoa, that got tasty!

Yep, it looks like it is going to be a fight.

As some of us predicted.

Yep. I was among them.
Bolden is losing ground that is for sure.
Obama himself does not seem to have his back on this either.

Offline Robotbeat

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Nelson: Calling Obama to come out and lead with the new goal of Mars that Bolden just mentioned.
Chris  Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

To the maximum extent practicable, the Federal Government shall plan missions to accommodate the space transportation services capabilities of United States commercial providers. US law

Offline Chris Bergin

Vitter, I believe this budget is a step backwards.

Nelson asking questions now. Notes he had a private conversation with him over the architect of the budget. OMB is running the space program.

The president needs to step out and take control. If you leave Mars to OMB, it's going to be a long time coming. If you have a presidential decision, and he turns to his marine general, and says make it happen, then we can start popping.
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Offline northanger

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hmm. Nelson wants Obama to give the "order" for Mars.

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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Vitter - "This budget has some significant amount of money, but it's accompanied by radical change in vision and approach"
^^ Warning! Contains opinions. ^^ 

Offline Chris Bergin

Sen Vitter: There's new money, but a dramatic change of vision, which does not suggest OMB counting beans.

Sen Nelson: Since there is new money here, we can "perfect"
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Offline Robotbeat

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Vitter, I believe this budget is a step backwards.

Nelson asking questions now. Notes he had a private conversation with him over the architect of the budget. OMB is running the space program.

The president needs to step out and take control. If you leave Mars to OMB, it's going to be a long time coming. If you have a presidential decision, and he turns to his marine general, and says make it happen, then we can start popping.
Good call, Nelson.
Chris  Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

To the maximum extent practicable, the Federal Government shall plan missions to accommodate the space transportation services capabilities of United States commercial providers. US law

Offline northanger

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Senator LeMieux, junior Senator from Florida.
« Last Edit: 02/24/2010 07:42 pm by northanger »

Offline Cog_in_the_machine

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LeMieux: "Without a goal next year the situation will be worse."

LeMieux: Again asking who made the decision to cancel Constellation.

Bolden: dodging bullets - (paraphrasing) "I don't know what the input was from the others that were involved"

Bolden: We need to determine the steps that eventually get us to Mars and any other destination. Also talks about defending against possible asteroid impacts on Earth.

LeMieux: Where are we going and when will we get there?

Bolden: We'll develop a plan in a few months. We need more time since the budget was formed only a couple of months ago.

LeMieux: "Plans go along with funding" i.e. we need a goal

Bolden talking about a robot capable of doing missions like the Hubble repair mission (i.e. comparable capability to a human)
« Last Edit: 02/24/2010 09:13 pm by Cog_in_the_machine »
^^ Warning! Contains opinions. ^^ 

Offline Mark S

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Bolden: Steps to go to Mars are complex and complicated.

No! Really?

Offline Chris Bergin

Another Senator, can't see the name.

Isn't happy with the plan either. No goal, cancelling the programs that take us there. Without a goal, the situation will be even worse next year. We're certainly going to look more at this budget.

It's not a question of money, it's a question of priorities.

We have to have a goal to remain the leader in spaceflight. I have great concern in getting there someday (no goal).

Who made the call to cancel CxP?

Bolden: Not at liberty to discuss predecisional information.

What it unanimous?

Bolden: Not at liberty to discuss.

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Offline marsavian

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The implication is that it was dropped on his lap by Presidential Advisors.

Offline kraisee

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Aren't these guys NASA's oversight?

Why aren't they permitted to know?

*THAT* answer might bite him in his butt if he isn't careful.

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Offline CessnaDriver

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He's protecting someone.


Offline northanger

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Another Senator, can't see the name.

Senator LeMieux, FL

Offline Chris Bergin

Bolden repeats saving some parts of CxP, not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Mars is the ultimate destination.

Q) Are we going to the moon first?

Bolden: We will at some point. (Doesn't seem positive about it). But this is one person's thinking.

Q) But you're the admin?

Bolden: Yes but there's a lot of work to be done by the team. Goes on to asteriods and their threats. Part of my job is defence of the planet, from things, not from people. We need to study asteriods.

One of the earlier human missions would be to go to an asteriod. How would we get there, we don't know yet?

Q) When will you have a plan?

Bolden: Over the coming months. Two weeks after the budget rollout, I'm not capable of a complete plan on something as important as getting into deep solar system.

Q) Plans and money go together. Funding (six billion) without a plan concerns me.

Bolden: Let me use CxP as an example. CxP at the time I came into the office was a lunar-centric program. We kinda drifted to the moon via a lack of a Mars plan. There was nothing there as there wasn't any funding for landers etc.

I'm not sure we need habitats on the lunar surface. I would never send a human into space when I'm confident a robot could do it.

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