According to an official post-launch article about the LM-2C launch today, the launch team is staying at Jiuquan for preparing yet another LM-2C/YZ-1S launch, this time with LM-2C s/n Y41 & YZ-1S s/n Y4.The obvious candidate for the payload is YG-32 Group 02, which is being prepared for launch there according to an official article last week.
According to the video a Sylda type object should also be found in orbit
我国成功发射遥感三十二号02组卫星 Our country successfully launched the remote-sensing 32-group 02 satellite2021-09-13 15:49据央视军事微博消息,今天15时43分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丙运载火箭/远征一号S上面级,成功将遥感三十二号02组卫星发射升空。卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。此次任务是长征系列运载火箭第389次飞行。According to CCTV’s military Weibo news, at 15:43 today, my country used the Long March 2C carrier rocket/expedition 1S upper stage at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the remote sensing 32 02 satellites into the air. The satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. This mission is the 389th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.
As a repeat of the recent cz4c/gf5-02, similar posts have reached social media indicating launch postponement.
The 9ifly launch topic has been opened at
Quote from: tehwkd on 09/13/2021 09:35 amAs a repeat of the recent cz4c/gf5-02, similar posts have reached social media indicating launch postponement.I can confirm that multiple sources on Weibo that indicates the launch did not took place today.
Is it possible to be sure a launch did *not* take place? Could an early failure have been covered up under the new rules? - Ed Kyle
The intelligence community routinely monitors launch sites via multiple assets and early warning satellites detect launches.
Is there a chance the payload and rocket were removed from the pad?
Quote from: Josh_from_Canada on 09/23/2021 09:40 pmIs there a chance the payload and rocket were removed from the pad?If you are referring to the rumor, I don't know, if it is true that there is a problem with a valve I suppose they will do their best to fix it on the platform, but if they don't manage to do so, it may be necessary to lower the payload, although I don't know if this is possible on the CZ-2C/YZ-1S.
For completeness: This didn't launch in September; no new news.
One object found as 49383 / 2021-099A.
Yaogan 32 Group 01 launched 02:43 UTC Group 02 07:43 UTC
The upper stage has shown up:2021-099D/49386 in 185 x 669 km x 98.11°
Worth noting that this is the first time the YZ-1S has not been completely deorbited