Author Topic: Commercial human spaceflight regulation  (Read 17297 times)

Offline Jim

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Re: Commercial human spaceflight regulation
« Reply #20 on: 07/17/2023 03:30 pm »

I highly doubt that commercial human spaceflight regulations would impair manned flights of the Dragon 2 because no crewmembers for each flight aboard the ISS would lose contact with NASA ground controllers.

Incorrect.  NASA ground controllers have no role when the Dragon is outside the ISS sphere of influence.

Offline Jim

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Re: Commercial human spaceflight regulation
« Reply #21 on: 07/17/2023 03:31 pm »
Dragon and Falcon 9 were commercially developed as much as Starship is being commercially developed.

that wasn't for debate

Offline AmigaClone

Re: Commercial human spaceflight regulation
« Reply #22 on: 07/17/2023 04:32 pm »

I highly doubt that commercial human spaceflight regulations would impair manned flights of the Dragon 2 because no crewmembers for each flight aboard the ISS would lose contact with NASA ground controllers.

Incorrect.  NASA ground controllers have no role when the Dragon is outside the ISS sphere of influence.

Wouldn't there be a small group of NASA ground controllers observing any mission to or from the ISS even when that mission is outside the ISS sphere of influence? This would apply to both SpaceX and Roscosmos flights on the crew side, with flights using the Boeing Starliner eventually being added.

Offline Jim

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Re: Commercial human spaceflight regulation
« Reply #23 on: 07/17/2023 05:19 pm »

Wouldn't there be a small group of NASA ground controllers observing any mission to or from the ISS even when that mission is outside the ISS sphere of influence? This would apply to both SpaceX and Roscosmos flights on the crew side, with flights using the Boeing Starliner eventually being added.

What would they be looking at?  Everything is the contractor's responsibility.


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