Author Topic: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]  (Read 2305666 times)

Offline Salo

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4080 on: 10/20/2024 06:49 am »
COMMENT |       EVENT        |       TIG        | ORB |   DV    |   HA    |   HP    |
COMMENT |                    |       GMT        |     |   M/S   |   KM    |   KM    |
COMMENT |                    |                  |     |  (F/S)  |  (NM)   |  (NM)   |
COMMENT =============================================================================
COMMENT  Crew8_Undock          295:07:00:00.000             0.0     428.0     404.1
COMMENT                                                    (0.0)   (231.1)   (218.2)
COMMENT =============================================================================

Offline Salo

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4081 on: 10/20/2024 07:09 am »
Completed ISS flight events
UTC time is used in table

January 8 - relocating the Gambit experiment package from Site D to Site C by Dextre and Canadarm2
January 9  18:22 - Cygnus "S.S. Laurel Clark" (NG-19) entry
January 12  16:30:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-24 engines (dt= 1053.7 s, dV= +1.65 m/s, dH= +2.9 km)
January 18  21:49:11 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.3] launch [AX-3:  Lopez-Alegria, Villadei, Wandt, Gezeravci]
January 20  10:42 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.3] docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) [AX-3: Lopez-Alegria, Villadei, Wandt, Gezeravci]
January 27  11:39:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-24 engines (dt= 788.2 s, dV= +1.17 m/s, dH= +2.0 km)
January 30   17:07:21 - Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" launch
February 1  09:59 / 12:14 - Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
February 7  14:19:57 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.3] undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) [AX-3: Lopez-Alegria, Villadei, Wandt, Gezeravci]
February 9  12:37 / 12:40 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.3] trunk jettison and deorbit (dt= ~540 s) [AX-3: Lopez-Alegria, Villadei, Wandt, Gezeravci]
February 9  13:27 / 13:30  - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.3] main parachutes deploy and splashdown [AX-3: Lopez-Alegria, Villadei, Wandt, Gezeravci]
February 13  02:09:30 - Progress MS-24 (85P) undocking (from Zvezda)
February 13  05:16:51 / ~05:47 / ~05:55 - Progress MS-24 (85P) deorbit burn, entry and Pacific Ocean impact
February 15  03:25:05.527 - Progress MS-26 (87P) launch
February 17  06:06:13 - Progress MS-26 (87P) docking (to Zvezda)
February 21 ~16:00 - Canadarm2 removed the Nanoracks Bishop Airlock from the port Common Berthing Mechanism of Node 3, and is maneuvering it into position to work with SPDM Dextre for the GITAI S2 robotics demonstration
February 24  00:21:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 1053.12 s, dV= +1.73 m/s, dH= +3.04 km)
March 4  03:53:38 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8) launch [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat,  Epps, Grebyonkin]
March 5  07:28 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8) docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat,  Epps, Grebyonkin]
March 11  15:20 - Crew Dragon Endurance [C210.3] (Crew-7/USCV-7) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z) [Exp 70: Moghbeli, Mogensen, Furukawa, Borisov]
March 12  08:46 / 08:56 / 09:13 - Crew Dragon Endurance [C210.3] (Crew-7/USCV-7) trunk jettison, deorbit (dt= ~810 s, dV= -95 m/s), nosecone closing [Exp 70: Moghbeli, Mogensen, Furukawa, Borisov]
March 12  09:43 / 09:44 / 09:47 - Crew Dragon Endurance [C210.3] (Crew-7/USCV-7) drogue parachutes deploy, main parachutes deploy and splashdown [Exp 70: Moghbeli, Mogensen, Furukawa, Borisov]
March 14  13:11:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 1096.7 s, dV= +1.59 m/s, dH= +2.8 km)
March 21  20:55:09 - Dragon v2 (SpX-30) [C209.4] (inside: Burstcube, HyTI, SNoOPI, Big Red Sat 1, CURTIS, MicroOrbiter 1, Kashiwa, Killick 1, QMSat, VIOLET) launch
March 23  11:19 - Dragon v2 (SpX-30) [C209.4] (inside: Burstcube, HyTI, SNoOPI, Big Red Sat 1, CURTIS, MicroOrbiter 1, Kashiwa, Killick 1, QMSat, VIOLET) docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z)
March 23  12:36:10.573 - Soyuz MS-25 (71S) launch [Novickiy, Caldwell-Dyson, Vasilevskaya]
March 25  15:02:50 - Soyuz MS-25 (71S) docking (to UM Prichal) [Novickiy, Caldwell-Dyson, Vasilevskaya]
April 6  03:53:55 - Soyuz MS-24 (70S) undocking (from MIM1 Rassvet) [Exp 70: Novickiy, O'Hara, Vasilevskaya]
April 6  06:23:53 / 06:51:41 / 06:54:35 - Soyuz MS-24 (70S) deorbit (dt= 281, dV= - 128 m/s), dividing on compartments and entry  [Exp 70: Novickiy, O'Hara, Vasilevskaya]
April 6   07:03:07 / 07:17:47 - Soyuz MS-24 (70S) main parachute deploy and landing [Exp 70: Novickiy, O'Hara, Vasilevskaya]
April 11  09:05 - release of satellite CURTIS from J-SSOD#28
April 11  10:35 - release of satellites KASHIWA and MicroOrbiter-1 from J-SSOD#28
April 18  11:26 - release of ELaNa 51 satellites SNOOPI and BurstCube from NRCSD#27
April 18  11:36 - release of satellite HyTi (ELaNa 51) from NRCSD#27
April 18  17:55 - release of CSA's satellites Killick-1, QMsat (UdeSat), VIOLET (CubeSat NB) from NRCSD#27
April 18  18:05 - release of satellite Big Red Sat-1 (ELaNa 51) from NRCSD#27
April 25  15:00:39-19:33:46 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-62) from MIM2 Poisk Module (to complete the deployment of one panel on a Napor-miniRSA radar on the Nauka module and install equipment and experiments on the Poisk module to analyze the level of corrosion on station surfaces and modules) [Kononenko, Chub]
April 26  02:35:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 403.2 s, dV= +0.6 m/s, dH= +1.0 km)
April 28  17:10 - Dragon v2 (SpX-30) [C209.4] undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z)
April 30  05:38 - Dragon v2 (SpX-30) [C209.4] splashdown
May 2  12:57 / 13:46 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z) [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat,  Epps, Grebyonkin]
May 24  14:16:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" engines (dt= ~1245 s, dV= +1.12 m/s)
May 24  23:03:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" engines (dt= ~1245 s, dV= +1.14 m/s)
May 28  08:39:23 - Progress MS-25 (86P) undocking (from MIM2 Poisk)
May 28  11:48 / ~12:21 / 12:29 - Progress MS-25 (86P) deorbit burn, entry and Pacific Ocean impact
May 30  09:42:59.080 - Progress MS-27 (88P) launch
June 1  11:43:05 - Progress MS-27 (88P) docking (to MIM-2 Poisk)
June 5  14:52:15.2 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) launch [Wilmore, Williams]
June 6  17:34 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) [Wilmore, Williams]
June 8  15:52:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" engines (dt=~1080 s, dV= +1.08 m/s)
June 15  04:40:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 1390.3 s, dV= +2.0 m/s, dH= +3.5 km)
June 24  12:46-13:17 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-90) from Quest airlock (cancelled due to Caldwell-Dyson's spacesuit cooling unit water leak) [Caldwell-Dyson, Barratt]
June 29  22:39:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 536 s, dV= +0.78 m/s, dH= +1.36 km)
July 12  08:00 -  Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" unberthing (from Unity nadir)
July 12  11:01 - Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" releasing by Canadarm2 from ISS
July 13  15:21 / 16:06 - Cygnus (NG-20) "S.S. Patricia "Patty" Hilliard Robertson" deorbit and entry
July 31  09:51:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-26 engines (dt= 1233.3 s, dV= +1.78 m/s, dH= +3.1 km)
August 4  15:02:53 - Cygnus (NG-21) "S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee" [iROSA 3B ModKit 8 in trunk] launch
August 6  07:11 / 09:33 - Cygnus (NG-21) "S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee" [iROSA 3B ModKit 8 in trunk] capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
August 13  02:00:33 - Progress MS-26 (87P) undocking (from Zvezda)
August 13  05:09 / ~05:41 / 05:49 - Progress MS-26 (87P) deorbit burn, entry and Pacific Ocean impact
August 15  03:20:18.472 - Progress MS-28 (89P) launch (to Zvezda)
August 17  05:53:05 - Progress MS-28 (89P) docking (to Zvezda)
August 22  17:21:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Cygnus (NG-21) "S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee" engines (dt= ~1140 s, dV= +1.1 m/s)
August 26 - Canadarm2 removed the Bishop airlock from the port end berthing port on Node 3, the airlock was handed off to the MBS Payload ORU Accommodations (POA) LEE, Canadarm2 picked up Dextre from the Node 2 PDGF
August 27 - Installing ArgUS 2-1 in slot 5 of the Bartolomeo platform, installing the ArgUS unit in slot 2 on Bartolomeo, Canadarm2 then retrieved the ArgUS multi-payload carrier from Bishop and installed it on the Columbus laboratory module’s Bartolomeo external science platform, Bishop has been returned to Tranquility where it will be repressurized
August 28  01:46:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-28 engines (dt= 1075.42 s, dV= +1.95 m/s, dH= +3.4 km)
August 29  ~09:45 - release of satellites CosmoGirl-Sat (Emma), SaganSat0, SAKURA, Wisseed Sat from J-SSOD#31
August 29  ~11:20 - release of satellites Binar-2, Binar-3, Binar-4 from J-SSOD#31
September 5  19:45:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-28 engines (dt= 781.98 s, dV= +1.42 m/s, dH= +2.48 km)
September 6  22:04:00 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) uncrewed undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F)
September 7  03:17:13 / 03:20:47 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) uncrewed deorbit burn (dt= 59 s, dV= -129.9 m/s) and service module separation
September 7  03:45:26 / 03:56:25 / 03:57:32 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) uncrewed atmospheric entry, drogue chute deploy and main chute deploy
September 7  03:58:00 / 03:58:32 / 04:01:35 - CST-100 Starliner Calypso (Boe-CFT) uncrewed heat shield jettison, airbag inflation and landing
September 11  16:23:12.436 / 19:32:09 - Soyuz MS-26 (72S) launch and docking (to MIM1 Rassvet) [Exp 72: Ovchinin, Vagner, Pettit]
September 23  08:36:20 - Soyuz MS-25 (71S) undocking (from UM Prichal) [Exp 70/71: Kononenko, Chub, Caldwell-Dyson]
September 23  11:05:46 / 11:3:32 / 11:36:27 - Soyuz MS-25 (71S) deorbit, dividing on compartments and entry [Exp 70/71: Kononenko, Chub, Caldwell-Dyson]
September 23  11:44:55 / 11:58:57 - SA Soyuz MS-25 (71S) main parachute deploy and landing [Exp 70/71: Kononenko, Chub, Caldwell-Dyson]
September 28  17:17:21 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.4] (Crew-9/USCV-9) launch [Exp 72: Hague, Gorbunov]
September 29  21:30 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.4] (Crew-9/USCV-9) docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) [Exp 72: Hague, Gorbunov]
October 4  08:44:00 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-28 engines (dt= 1207.62 s, dV= +1.66 m/s, dH= +2.9 km)
October 8  10:25:12 - release of satellite ELaNa 52: CySat-1 from NRCSD#28
October 8  10:35:12 - release of satellite ELaNa 52:  DORA from NRCSD#28
October 23  21:05 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z) [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat, Epps, Grebyonkin]
October 25  06:34 / 06:39 / 06:51 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8) trunk jettison, deorbit (dt=~500 s, dV=59.1 m/s), nosecone closed  [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat, Epps, Grebyonkin]
October 25  07:17 / 07:25 / 07:26 / 07:29:02 - Crew Dragon Endeavour [C206.5] (Crew-8/USCV-8)  atmospheric entry, drogue and main parachutes deploy, splashdown [Exp 71: Dominick, Barrat, Epps, Grebyonkin]

Current schedule of ISS flight events
UTC time is used in table

NET    Late October   November 3 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.4] (Crew-9/USCV-9) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z) [Exp 72: Hague, Gorbunov, Wilmore, Williams]
NET November    2  03:40   5  02:29 - Dragon v2 (SpX-31) [C208.5] launch
NET November    3   6 - Dragon v2 (SpX-31) [C208.5] docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F)
November 19 - Progress MS-27 (88P) undocking (from MIM-2 Poisk)
November 19 - Progress MS-27 (88P) deorbit burn and entry
November 21 - Progress MS-29 (90P) launch
November 23 - Progress MS-29 (90P) docking (to MIM-2 Poisk)
NET November - release of satellites ELaNa 52: BLAST, EagleSat-2 from NRCSD#
NET November - release of satellites Dragonfly (BIRDS-X), LignoSat from J-SSOD#
NET   Late November   Early December - Dragon v2 (SpX-31) [C208.5] undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F)
NET   Late November   Early December - Dragon v2 (SpX-31) [C208.5] deorbit burn, entry and splashdown
December - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-91) from Quest airlock (RFG retrieval, Swap sample collection of different surfaces with canisters which will be returned to ground for analysis)
December - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-92) from Quest airlock (replacing a gyroscope assembly, relocating an antenna, and preparing the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer for future upgrades)
December - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-93) from Quest airlock (ModKit 7 iROSA Prep 2A)
December - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-63) from MIM2 Poisk Module (to install SPIN-X1-MVN X-ray spectrometer outside the Zvezda module) [Ovchinin, Vagner]
Late - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA) from Quest airlock (AMS-02 Tracking Silicon Layer-0 Upgrade)
NET Q4 - release of satellites e-kagaku-1, GHS-01, RSP-03, YOMOGI from J-SSOD#
NET Q4 - release of satellite BAMA-2 from NRCSD#
NET Q4 - release of satellites MR-SAT (M-SAT 1, Nanosat 8A), MRS-SAT (M-SAT 1, Nanosat 8B) (USA) from SSIKLOPS
NET Q4 - release of satellites CU-Alpha, ContentCube from NRCSD#
TBD - release of CSA's satellite SpudNik-1 from NRCSD#
TBD - release of satellites Dream Sat 01, Knacksat-2, STARS-Me2 from J-SSOD#
TBD - release of satellites Binar-5, Binar-6, Binar-7
TBD - release of satellite Arksat-2

January - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-94) from Quest airlock (ModKit 8 iROSA Prep 3B)
January - Cygnus (NG-21) "S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee" unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
January - Cygnus (NG-21) "S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee" deorbit burn and entry
February 12 - Progress MS-28 (89P) undocking (from Zvezda)
February 12 - Progress MS-28 (89P) deorbit burn and entry
February 12 - Progress MS-30 (91P) launch
February 14 - Progress MS-30 (91P) docking (to Zvezda)
NET February - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-1] (SNC-1) launch
NET February - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DС-1] (SNC-1) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by Canadarm2
NET Mid-February - Crew Dragon (Crew-10/USCV-10) launch and docking (to Harmony) [Exp 73: McClain, Ayers, Onishi, Peskov]
NET February 22 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.4] (Crew-9/USCV-9) undocking (from Harmony) and splashdown  [Exp 72: Hague, Gorbunov, Wilmore, Williams]
NET Late February - Dragon v2 (SpX-32) launch
NET Late February - Dragon v2 (SpX-32) docking (to Harmony)
March 21  13:21 / ~16:30 - Soyuz MS-27 (73S) launch and docking (to UM Prichal) [Exp 73: Ryzhikov, Zubritskiy, Kim]
NET Late March - Dragon v2 (SpX-32) undocking (from Harmony)
NET Late March - Dragon v2 (SpX-32) splashdown
Q1 - release of satellite K’OTO, UiTMSAT-2 from J-SSOD#
NET Q2 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-64) from MIM2 Poisk Module
April 1 - Soyuz MS-26 (72S) undocking (from MIM1 Rassvet) and landing [Exp 72: Ovchinin, Vagner, Pettit]
NET Late April - Crew Dragon launch [AX-4: Whitson, Shukla, Kapu, Uznański]
NET Late April - Crew Dragon docking (to Harmony) [AX-4: Whitson, Shukla, Kapu, Uznański]
NET April - Cygnus (NG-22) launch
NET April - Cygnus (NG-22) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
NET April - release of satellites ELaNa 58: BLAST, EagleSat-2, QubeSat-2, RHOK-SAT from NRCSD#
NET April - release of satellite DUPLEX from NRCSD#
NET Early May - Crew Dragon undocking (from Harmony) and splashdown [AX-4: Whitson, Shukla, Kapu, Uznański]
NET May - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DС-1] (SNC-1) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET May - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DС-1] (SNC-1) deorbit burn and landing on LLF
June - Progress MS-29 (908P) undocking (from MIM-2 Poisk)
June - Progress MS-29 (90P) deorbit burn and entry
June - Progress MS-31 (92P) launch
June - Progress MS-31 (92P) docking (to MIM-2 Poisk)
NET July - Crew Dragon (Crew-11/USCV-11) launch and docking (to Harmony) [Exp 74: TBD, TBD, TBD, Adenot]
NET July - Crew Dragon (Crew-10/USCV-10) undocking (from Harmony) and landing  [Exp 73: McClain, Ayers, Onishi, Peskov]
NET September - Cygnus (NG-22) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET September - Cygnus (NG-22) deorbit burn and entry
NET September - Cygnus (NG-23) launch
NET September - Cygnus (NG-23) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
NET September - HTV-X1 launch
NET September - HTV-X1 capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by Canadarm2
NET September - HTV-X1 DELIGHT (AFRAM) payload transfer demonstrations by Canadarm2/DEXTRE to and from DEXTRE's EOTR
NET September - HTV-X1 I-SEEP payload transfer demonstrations by Canadarm2/DEXTRE to and from JEMEF
NET September - HTV-X1 I-SEEP 1 and I-SEEP 2 final transfer by Canadarm2/DEXTRE to JEMEF
NET September - HTV-X1 transfer of TBD JEMEF return payloads by Canadarm2/DEXTRE from JEMEF to HTV-X1 carrier
NET H2 - Crew Dragon launch [AX-5: TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD]
NET H2 - Crew Dragon docking (to Harmony) [AX-5: TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD]
NET H2 - Crew Dragon undocking (from Harmony) and splashdown [AX-5: TBD, TBD, TBD, TBD]
NET H2 - Soyuz MS launch and docking (to ISS) [russian cosmonaut + two spacetourist]
NET H2 - Soyuz MS undocking (from ISS) and landing [russian cosmonaut + two spacetourist]
November - Soyuz MS-28 (74S) launch and docking (to MIM1 Rassvet) [Exp 74: Kud'-Sverchkov, Mikaev, Platonov] (or Mid-September)
November - Soyuz MS-27 (73S) undocking (from UM Prichal) and landing [Exp 73: Ryzhikov, Zubritskiy, Kim] (or Late September)
NET November - HTV-X1 unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET November - HTV-X1 HTVX-SSOD 1 and 2 service module deployments - SSD rideshare mission phase (1 week)
NET November - HTV-X1 SLR Payload Science Phase ( up to 3 weeks)
NET November - Progress MS-30 (91P) undocking (from Zvezda)
NET November  - Progress MS-30 (91P) deorbit burn and entry
NET November - Progress MS-32 (93P) launch
NET November - Progress MS-32 (93P) docking (to Zvezda)
December - release of satellite GXIBA from J-SSOD#
NET December-January 2026 - HTV-X1 DELIGHT Science Phase (2 months)
TBD - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA) from Quest airlock (Install iROSA 2A on the P4 truss segment)
TBD - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA) from Quest airlock (Install iROSA 3B on the S6 truss segment)
TBD - release of ELaNa satellites Alpha (CayugaSat), BeaverCube II, CaNOP, CougSat-1, Foras Promineo, GW-Sat (GWSat), OreSat-1, Stratus from NRCSD#

NET January - CST-100 Starliner-1 (USCV-12) launch and docking (to Harmony) [Exp 75: Tingle, Fincke, Yui, Kutryk]
NET January - Crew Dragon (Crew-11/USCV-11) undocking (from Harmony) and landing [Exp 74: TBD, TBD, TBD, Adenot]
NET February - Cygnus (NG-23) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET February - Cygnus (NG-23) deorbit burn and entry
NET February - Cygnus (NG-24) launch
NET February - Cygnus (NG-24) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
NET February - HTV-X1 deorbit burn and entry
NET March - Progress MS-31 (92P) undocking (from MIM-2 Poisk)
NET March - Progress MS-31 (92P) deorbit burn and entry
NET March - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-2] (SNC-2) launch
NET March - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-2] (SNC-2) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by Canadarm2
NET June - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-2] (SNC-2) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET June - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-2] (SNC-2) deorbit burn and landing on LLF
July - Soyuz MS-29 (75S) launch and docking (to UM Prichal) [Exp 75: Dubrov, Korsakov, Kikina or Williams K.]
July - Soyuz MS-28 (74S) undocking (from MIM1 Rassvet) and landing [Exp 74:  Kud'-Sverchkov, Mikaev, Platonov]
NET July - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-3] (SNC-3) launch
NET July - Dream Chaser Cargo System [DCС-3] (SNC-3) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by Canadarm2
NET July - USCV-13 launch and docking (to Harmony) [Exp 76: TBD, TBD, TBD, Liégeois]
NET July - CST-100 Starliner-1 (USCV-12) undocking (from Harmony) and landing [Exp 75: Onishi  Tingle, Fincke, Yui, Kutryk]
NET August - Cygnus (NG-24) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET August - Cygnus (NG-24) deorbit burn and entry
NET August - Cygnus (NG-25) launch
NET August - Cygnus (NG-25) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by Canadarm2
NET H2 - HTV-X2 launch
NET H2 - HTV-X2 docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z)
NET H2 - HTV-X2 undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z)
NET H2 - HTV-X2 deorbit burn and entry
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-3) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-3) deorbit burn, entry and landing on LLF
Late - AxHab 1 launch
Late - AxHab 1 docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F)

NET January - USCV-13 undocking (from Harmony) and landing [Exp 76: TBD, TBD, TBD, Liégeois]
NET February - Cygnus (NG-25) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by Canadarm2
NET February - Cygnus (NG-25) deorbit burn and entry
March - Soyuz MS-29 (75S) undocking (from UM Prichal) and landing [Exp 75: Dubrov, Korsakov, Kikina or Williams K.]

AFRAM        - Active Flight Releaseable Attachment Mechanism
AX-#           - Axiom space mission to ISS
AxHab 1     - Axiom Habitat module - first Axiom Space module
DELIGHT     - DEployable LIGHtweight planar antenna Technology demonstration system
HTVX-SSOD - HTV-X Small Satellite Orbital Deployer
HyTI            - Hyperspectral Thermal Imager
I-SEEP        - IVA-Replaceable Small Exposed Experiment Platform (x2)
IDA-F          - International Docking Adaptor Forward on PMA 2
IDA-Z          - International Docking Adaptor Zenith on PMA 3
ILLUMA-T    - Integrated Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal
J-SSOD        - JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer
LLF              - Launch and Landing Facility on Merritt Island, Florida
MLM-U         - Multipurpose Laboratory Module - Upgrade
NRAL           - NanoRacks Airlock (Bishop)
NRCSD        - Nanoracks CubeSat Deployer
PCM            - Post-Certification Mission (Boeing)
PDAM          - Predetermined Debris Avoidance Maneuvre
PMA 2         - Pressurized Mating Adaptor 2
PMA 3         - Pressurized Mating Adaptor 3
SLR            - Satellite Laser Ranging
SNoOPI      - SigNals of Opportunity P-Band Investigation
SSD            - Small Satellite Deployment
SSIKLOPS   - Space Station Integrated Kinetic Launcher for Orbital Payload Systems
UM              - Node Module
USCV          - US Crew Vehicle

Changes on October 23rd
Changes on October 25th
Changes on October 27th
« Last Edit: 02/12/2025 04:42 pm by Salo »

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4082 on: 10/20/2024 06:05 pm »
Weather briefing for possible undock tomorrow has moved to 1600Z from 1100Z.

Weather forecast is to press for undock at 0100  tomorrow [Oct 22 UTC]. WInds are probably too high for landing near Panama City but get worse the following days so this is the best shot.  Later models will updated overnight.
NASA and SpaceX teams have seen a marginal improvement in forecast weather conditions in potential splashdown sites off the coast of Florida for the return of the Crew-8 mission. The teams are proceeding closer to undock in order to get better resolution on the weather forecast, targeting no earlier than undocking of the spacecraft at 9:05 p.m. EDT on Monday, Oct. 21. Pending weather conditions, the earliest splashdown opportunity for the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft is about 12:55 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 22. The next weather briefing will take place at 9 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 21.
Undocking NET 22 October 01:05 UTC
Splashdown NET 22 October 16:55 UTC
« Last Edit: 10/20/2024 06:10 pm by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4083 on: 10/21/2024 02:38 pm »
CAPCOM update, weather is no go for undocking, so next attempt is Wednesday at 0100.

Weather conditions near the multiple splashdown sites off Florida’s coast remain unfavorable for the return of NASA’s SpaceX #Crew8 mission from @Space_Station.

Forecasts remain marginal for an undocking on Tuesday, Oct. 22, and Wednesday, Oct. 23.

If weather conditions improve, NASA and SpaceX will target no earlier than 9:05pm ET, Oct. 22, for undocking from the space station.


« Last Edit: 10/21/2024 04:10 pm by zubenelgenubi »
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4084 on: 10/21/2024 03:46 pm »
Delay announcement

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4085 on: 10/22/2024 08:29 am »
COMMENT |       EVENT        |       TIG        | ORB |   DV    |   HA    |   HP    |
COMMENT |                    |       GMT        |     |   M/S   |   KM    |   KM    |
COMMENT |                    |                  |     |  (F/S)  |  (NM)   |  (NM)   |
COMMENT =============================================================================
COMMENT  Crew8_Undock          297:01:00:00.000             0.0     428.0     403.8
COMMENT                                                    (0.0)   (231.1)   (218.0)
COMMENT =============================================================================

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4086 on: 10/22/2024 12:35 pm »
Crew 8 return events are now shown in NASA TV schedule:

Tuesday, Oct. 22

7 p.m.—Coverage of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 departure  from the International Space Station. Hatch closing scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Stream on NASA+

8:45 p.m.—Undocking coverage of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8  from the International Space Station. Undocking scheduled for 9:05 p.m. Stream on NASA+

9:30 p.m. —Following the conclusion of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 hatch closing and undocking from the International Space Station, coverage will continue with audio only. Full coverage of splashdown resumes on NASA+ Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 11:40 a.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 23

11 a.m.—Coverage of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 splashdown. Stream on NASA+

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4087 on: 10/22/2024 01:32 pm »
From:  (Hatch closing scheduled at appx. 7:30 p.m. EDT on October 22). So at 23:30 UTC on October 22 (Undocking scheduled at 9:05 p.m. EDT on October 22). So at 01:05 UTC on October 23 (Deorbit burn is scheduled at 12 p.m. EDT, splashdown off the coast of Florida is scheduled at 12:55 p.m. EDT on October 23). So at 16:55 UTC.
« Last Edit: 10/22/2024 05:57 pm by zubenelgenubi »
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4088 on: 10/22/2024 05:47 pm »
Today's undock was canceled this morning. First opportunity for undock is 2130Z on Wednesday.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4089 on: 10/22/2024 06:56 pm »
Update: from: (Hatch closing scheduled at appx. 3:30 p.m. EDT). So at 19:30 UTC on October 23. (Undocking scheduled at 5:05 p.m. EDT). So at 21:05 UTC on October 23. (Deorbit burn is scheduled at appx. 2:35 a.m. EDT; splashdown off the coast of Florida is scheduled at 3:23 a.m. EDT). So at 07:23 UTC on October 25.
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4090 on: 10/22/2024 11:25 pm »

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4091 on: 10/23/2024 09:38 pm »
International Space Station @Space_Station
Three @NASA_Astronauts and one Roscosmos cosmonaut, representing the @SpaceX
 #Crew8 mission, undocked from the space station aboard Dragon at 5:05pm ET today.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4092 on: 10/24/2024 11:28 am »
At 5:05 p.m. EDT, NASA astronauts Matt Dominick, Mike Barratt, and Jeanette Epps, along with Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin undocked from the forward-facing port of International Space Station’s Harmony module aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

NASA’s return coverage continues with real-time, audio only commentary, and full coverage will resume at the start of the splashdown broadcast. The audio feed will remain available, including astronaut conversations with mission control, in addition to a live video feed from the orbiting laboratory.

NASA’s coverage will resume at 2:15 a.m. Friday, Oct. 25, on NASA+ and the agency’s website until Dragon splashes down at approximately 3:29 a.m. off the coast of Florida, and Crew-8 members are safely recovered. Learn how to watch NASA content through a variety of platforms, including social media.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4093 on: 10/24/2024 11:46 am »
Dragon and Crew-8 autonomously undocked from the International Space Station at 5:05 p.m. ET on Wednesday, October 23. After performing a series of departure burns to move away from the space station, Dragon will now conduct multiple orbit-lowering maneuvers, jettison the trunk, and re-enter Earth’s atmosphere for splashdown off the coast of Florida in approximately 34 hours at 3:29 a.m. ET on Friday, October 25.

October 23 - October 25    Event
3:20 p.m. | October 23    Dragon Hatch Closure
5:05 p.m. | October 23    Dragon Autonomously Undocks from the International Space Station
5:05 p.m. | October 23    Departure Burn 0
5:10 p.m. | October 23    Departure Burn 1
5:58 p.m. | October 23    Departure Burn 2
6:44 p.m. | October 23    Departure Burn 3
2:34 a.m. | October 25    Trunk Jettison
2:39 a.m. | October 25    Deorbit Burn
2:51 a.m. | October 25    Nosecone Closed
3:25 a.m. | October 25    Drogue Parachutes Deploy
3:26 a.m. | October 25    Main Parachutes Deploy
3:29 a.m. | October 25    Dragon Splashdown

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4094 on: 10/24/2024 10:34 pm »
During a Rob Navias update, Nov 3rd revealed as the date for Crew 9 Dragon relocation to zenith port.

SFN Launch Schedule, updated October 24:
Launch 5 November 02:29 UTC

The briefing answered (in the affirmative) one question I had, namely as to whether there would be any trunk cargo:

Here's a link to a video showing the ROBO ops they'll use to install it on ELC-3.
« Last Edit: 10/26/2024 07:43 pm by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4095 on: 10/25/2024 07:55 am »
William Harwood @cbs_spacenews
Crew 8: The descent will begin with an 8-minute 20-second deorbit burn starting at 2:39am (0639 UTC), slowing the ship by about 130 mph - just enough to drop the far side of the orbit into the discernible atmosphere around 3:17am (0717 UTC); following a southwest-to-northeast trajectory, the spacecraft will streak across Mexico/Central America before splashing down south of Pensacola, Florida
William Harwood @cbs_spacenews
Crew 8: Deorbit ignition confirmed; this is a planned 8-minute 20-second burn, changing the spacecraft's velocity by about 130 mph, or 59.1 m/s
William Harwood @cbs_spacenews
Crew 8: Deorbit burn complete; nosecone closure momentarily; atmospheric entry expected at ~3:17am (0717 UTC); splashdown at 3:29am (0729 UTC)
William Harwood @cbs_spacenews
Crew 8: SPLASHDOWN! At ~3:29am EDT (0729 UTC); mission duration: 235 days 3 hours and 35 minutes since launch from the Kennedy Space Center on March 3; this was the longest flight by any piloted U.S. spacecraft in the history of the American space program

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4096 on: 10/25/2024 11:43 am »
Schedule of ISS events indicates the following:

NET    Late October   November 3 - Crew Dragon Freedom [C212.4] (Crew-9/USCV-9) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA-F) and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA-Z) [Exp 72: Hague, Gorbunov]

Shouldn't crew for this maneuver also include Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams?

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4097 on: 10/26/2024 04:24 pm »
You are correct:

It should be the whole crew: Nick Hague, Butch Wilmore, Suni Williams and Aleksandr Gorbunov during for this maneuver.
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4098 on: 10/27/2024 11:14 am »
Jonathan McDowell @planet4589
Dragon Crew-8 splashdown in Gulf of Mexico off Pensacola at 0729:02 UTC Oct 25

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]
« Reply #4099 on: 10/27/2024 12:33 pm »
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
July 29  ·
Welcome to the EagleSat Lab at Embry-Riddle's Prescott Campus!
Our lab is the heart of the EagleSat space grant project, currently focused on EagleSat-2. This innovative satellite is designed to analyze the degradation of memory and data on modern solid-state memory devices.
Once launched in Q1-2025, our ground station will communicate with EagleSat-2 for about nine minutes daily as it passes overhead. The satellite transmits telemetry signals on a 435.7 MHz amateur radio frequency, using the AX.25 protocol and 2-GFSK modulation.
Students at YUAA are building Yale's first CubeSat in partnership with the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative. After its inception in 2015 and a rocky initialization that featured multiple complete overhauls as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, the project entered development in 2021 and is now nearing integration with a launch No Earlier Than spring 2025.

The Bouchet Low-earth Alpha/Beta Space Telescope (BLAST) is named in honor of Edward Bouchet, the first African American to earn a PhD at Yale. BLAST will hitch a ride to the International Space Station in low-earth orbit and deploy from the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer. Following an autonomous active detumbling phase (2-4 days), ground control will signal extension of a gravity gradient boom for passive stabilization (2-8 weeks), after which a scintillator-based cosmic ray detector will begin recording energy-resolved cosmic ray events that will be downlinked and published to enable astrophysical investigation for students and scientists around the world. BLAST is planned to remain in orbit for 1 year.


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