Scheduled for Dec 15, 2024After the deaths of his friends and colleagues aboard Columbia, a disaster that could have been avoided, Astronaut Charles Camarda and his fellow crewmates worked diligently through their grief and many stress-filled days to return the United States to space on the next shuttle flight. This allowed NASA to once more take on the prideful mantle of success but only after paying a very steep price, a price that seems at times to have been already forgotten but may have to be paid again unless there are changes within both the organizational structure and culture of the agency.Join us for a discussion with former NASA Astronaut Charles Camarda, author of the newly released book Mission Out of Control: An Astronaut's Odyssey to Fix High-Risk Organizations and Prevent Tragedy, about his role in reimagining the safety culture at the administration post-Columbia and the valuable lessons he's learned to pave the way for a safer future in space.