Author Topic: NSF Live - 26 Apr 2024  (Read 1078 times)

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NSF Live - 26 Apr 2024
« on: 04/26/2024 03:25 pm »

Voyager 1 Talks Again NSF Live + Intrepid Museum Astro Live with Orion´s Timothy Straube

26 Apr 2024

Join us for a special episode of NSF Live. First, Sawyer and Jack will talk about the return of Voyager 1, and other spaceflight topics, and then Das and Elysia will take us through the new "Apollo: When We Went to the Moon" exhibit at the Intrepid Musem. After that, Tim Straube will take the stage at the Intrepid. He is the deputy manager of the avionics, power, and software for NASA´s Orion spacecraft.

Moderated by Intrepid Museum's Elysia Segal. Hosted by NSF's John Galloway.



Dr. Timothy Straube currently serves as the deputy manager of the Avionics, Power, and Software (APS) Office for NASA’s Orion Program at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Dr. Straube has worked on human spaceflight missions at Johnson for 30 years, and most recently led APS Office flight readiness activities leading up to the Orion spacecraft’s successful Artemis I mission in 2022, the first human-rated mission to the Moon in over 50 years. Prior to this, Dr. Straube managed Orion’s guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) development team for over a decade. He led flight dynamics activities for the spacecraft’s three successful flight tests: Pad Abort-1 in 2010 and Ascent Abort-2 in 2019, which both successfully demonstrated Orion's early abort capability, and Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) in 2014, which showcased Orion's automated human-rated reentry flight system. He also previously led GN&C development projects for the Space Shuttle Program, the International Space Station, and the Autonomous Landing Hazard Avoidance Technology Program.


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