Author Topic: NSF LIVE - 05 April 2024 - Static Fires and Eclipse  (Read 1252 times)

Offline catdlr

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Booster 11 Static Fires and Eclipse Approaches Over North America - NSF Live

In this episode of NSF Live we will talk about all things space that have occurred in the last few days. This includes the Static Fire of Booster 11, and SpaceX steps to the fourth Starship flight, Stoke Space, the Eclipse, and much more.

NSF Live is's weekly(ish) show covering the latest (~1 week old) news in spaceflight. It's broadcast live on Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern. On each show, we rotate through various hosts and special guests.

« Last Edit: 04/05/2024 11:17 pm by catdlr »
It's Tony De La Rosa, ...I don't create this stuff, I just report it.


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