And while Bolden did make it sound like SLS was definitely going to be Shuttle-derived, in actuality he just said that the SLS design reference vehicle is Shuttle-derived. There is no guarantee that what NASA actually chooses for SLS will be the DRV.
Wow, sounds like CR for FY2011 will include 'flexibility' for NASA to work around CxP action to not cancel. Comes out at midnight IIRC?
Here is the archived webcast:
"In any of the contracts we have now, we cannot pay the amount of money that was contracted years ago..." "...we have got to get our costs down." "We may have to descope the vehicle in some manner."
Quote from: robertross on 04/11/2011 11:53 pm"In any of the contracts we have now, we cannot pay the amount of money that was contracted years ago..." "...we have got to get our costs down." "We may have to descope the vehicle in some manner."Yet it seems the vehicle is still divided in that the SM is managed by Glenn and the CM is managed by JSC, along with the "overall vehicle".If cost is paramount does that make logical sense? I am absolutely convinced that part of the way to keep from not having to pay "the amount of money that was contracted years ago" is to minimize the amount of oversight that can drive requirements, a test here or there, extra long working an effort that everyone else believes is resolved, etc. But we're keeping the status quo there with respect to the NASA centers and their piece of the pie.
And he said more than that, but I'm not sure why you're being negative about this all. Remember, last time he was talking about five year studies and game changing propulsion. Now he's directly referencing SLS as the HLV we've written about.That's progression. Yes, the studies are going on pointlessly too long as I bet if he had the chance to hand over the keys for everything to commercial he and Ms Garver would jump at the chance, but per LAW - and that's what some people have ignored - he is restricted from doing such a thing.Today we saw him referencing this vehicle with as the DRV - still the DRV - with very little RAC time to go.
I am just thinking out loud here, but could Admin. Bolden be waiting for the ability to terminate CxP contracts so that he could terminate the Orion contract, providing an opportunity to completely restructure the Orion contract with LM such that NASA oversight is radically lessened, e.g., only one center having oversight for the entire MPCV project and even that is kept to as low as possible. Would that be a way to cut costs? That wouldn't help the 10 healthy centers concern, but really, if Congress wants 10 "healthy" centers, that will take more $$ than what they have been offering.
Mr Bolden: My plan is next week to give you "the plan for the plan".We are not stalling or wasting money.
If I sound pessimistic it's only because that is what I have come to expect from this Administration after more than two years in office. If they had actually wanted to accomplish something positive with NASA, they would have started two years ago. Or at least immediately after the Augustine committee had completed their report.
While not on purpose, today's hearing only empowers commercial solutions. It is getting harder and harder to support 9 Centers +JPL and make it all work for 18.7 billion.VRTEARE327