Our Hapith I launch vehicle is standing on the launch pad and getting ready for its maiden flight. The flight test will usher in a very cost-effective cutting-edge hybrid rocket technology for fast access to space.
Before the first launch, we have another beautiful performance-Successful S2 Stage-level Qualification Hot-fire Test with Thrust Vectoring!!
Is this Hapith I a full orbital class rocket or a precursor as they talk only about a Hapith V on their website? [can‘t watch videos, currently being in Internet diaspora]
Quote from: TorenAltair on 12/25/2019 01:42 amIs this Hapith I a full orbital class rocket or a precursor as they talk only about a Hapith V on their website? [can‘t watch videos, currently being in Internet diaspora]I believe Hapith I is suborbital. It looks to have only the first two stages of the orbital Hapith V vehicle.
In late December 2019 TiSPACE plans to conduct a test launch its Hapith I (Saisiyat for “flying squirrel”) sounding rocket, and launch Hapith V in late 2020. Hapith means “flying squirrel in Saisiyat, the language of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan.
Maiden flight on Feb. 13 at 06:00. 晉陞太空火箭於2月13日早上六點首次發射!!
Is this orbital or sub-orbital? There is a comment saying it is suborbital on Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_in_spaceflight#February--- Tony
With help of the image in the user guide I was able to identify their launch pad on Gmaps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/7QJ27V6R%2BR2/@22.2620625,120.8893191,495m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d22.2620625!4d120.8900625
Quote from: starbase on 02/10/2020 10:29 amWith help of the image in the user guide I was able to identify their launch pad on Gmaps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/7QJ27V6R%2BR2/@22.2620625,120.8893191,495m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d22.2620625!4d120.8900625That has been fairly obvious, but...It's not a "launch pad" as much as a proposed launch site.And we heard that there are government objections to even proposing such a repurposing of that land.This was for orbital. IIRC the launch site for the suborbital test is elsewhere. Was it on the north or northwest coast?
The rocket is to be launched at 6am in the county’s Nantian Village (南田), home to a community of Aboriginal Paiwan people, TiSPACE said, adding that the ceremony would include a traditional Paiwan blessing.