Author Topic: US Launch Schedule  (Read 3646510 times)

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3080 on: 08/08/2020 12:39 am »
The next SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral will launch the next batch of Starlink internet satellites from pad 40 on mid August TBA.

A Falcon 9 will launch the SAOCOM 1B Earth observation satellite for Argentina, the first polar-orbit mission from the Cape since 1960, from pad 40 on end of August at the earliest, around 7:19pm EDT.

No Astra launch August 8 UTC:
Scrub for the day!

"Update: we are standing down due to extreme wind shear, particularly near Max Q. We will have an update soon on our next launch window"
« Last Edit: 08/08/2020 02:32 am by zubenelgenubi »
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3081 on: 08/08/2020 06:07 am »

BREAKING: The U.S. Air Force awards ULA and SpaceX with billions in 5 years of national security launch contracts, with the companies beating out Blue Origin and Northrop Grumman in the highly competitive NSSL Phase 2 program.

ULA will fly 60% of the NSSL missions, with SpaceX launching the remaining 40%.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3082 on: 08/08/2020 06:08 am »

Edit to add by FST:

United Launch Services LLC, Centennial, Colorado, has been awarded task orders for $337,000,000 for the National Security Space Launch (NSSL) Phase 2 contract. The NSSL Phase 2 contract is a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery requirements contract for launch service procurements supporting launches planned between fiscal 2022 through fiscal 2027. This launch service contract includes early integration studies, launch service support, fleet surveillance, launch vehicle production, mission integration, mission launch operations, mission assurance, spaceflight worthiness, and mission unique activities for each mission. Work will be performed in Centennial, Colorado; Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida; and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and is expected to be completed March 2028. Future launch services and launch service support will be placed annually on subsequent task orders, and will be publically announced upon issuance. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition, and four offers were received. Fiscal 2020 space procurement funds in the amount of $337,000,000 will be obligated in the first order year for launch service and launch service support task orders to United Launch Services. Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, is the contracting activity (FA8811-20-D-0001).

Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Hawthorne, California, has been awarded task orders for $316,000,000 for the National Security Space Launch (NSSL) Phase 2 contract. The NSSL Phase 2 contract is a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery requirements contract for launch service procurements supporting launches planned between fiscal 2022 through fiscal 2027. This launch service contract includes early integration studies, launch service support, fleet surveillance, launch vehicle production, mission integration, mission launch operations, mission assurance, spaceflight worthiness, and mission unique activities for each mission. Work will be performed in Hawthorne, California; Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida; and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and is expected to be completed March 2028. Future launch services and launch service support will be placed annually on subsequent task orders, and will be publically announced upon issuance. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition, and four offers were received. Fiscal 2020 space procurement funds in the amount of $316,000,000 will be obligated in the first order year for launch service and launch service support task orders to Space Exploration Technologies Corp. Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, is the contracting activity (FA2211-20-D-0002).

Online Salo

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3083 on: 08/08/2020 06:09 am »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - January 7 - Starlink flight 3 (x60) [v1.0 L2] - Falcon 9-079 (B1049.4 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 02:19:21
02 - January 29 - Starlink flight 4 (x60) [v1.0 L3] - Falcon 9-080 (B1051.3 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 14:06:49.493
03 - February 10 - Solar Orbiter (SolO) [LWS-5 Living With a Star mission-5] - Atlas V 411 (AV-087) - Canaveral SLC-41 - 04:03:00.155
04 - February 15 - Cygnus NG-13 (CRS-13) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A - 20:21:04.9
05 - February 17 - Starlink flight 5 (x60) [v1.0 L4] - Falcon 9-081 (B1056.4 S') - Canaveral SLC-40 - 15:05:55
06 - March 7 - Dragon SpX-20 (CRS-20), Bartolomeo (CEPHFISS) - Falcon 9-082 (B1059.2 L) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 04:50:31
07 - March 18 - Starlink flight 6 (x60) [v1.0 L5] - Falcon 9-083 (B1048.5 S') - Kennedy LC-39A - 12:16:39.428
08 - March 26 - AEHF-6 - Atlas V 551 (AV-086) [USA 298] - Canaveral SLC-41 - 20:18:00.148
09 - April 22 - Starlink flight 7 (x60) [v1.0 L6] - Falcon 9-084 (B1051.4 S) - Kennedy LC-39A - 19:30:30
10 - May 17 - USSF-7: X-37B OTV-6 [USA 299], FalconSat-8 [USA 300] - Atlas V 501 (AV-081) - Canaveral SLC-41 - 13:14:00.241
11 - May 25 - Starshine 4, Intern-Sat - LauncherOne (demo flight 1) - Runway 12/30 Mojave Air and Space Port, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl" - 19:50 (launch failure)
12 - May 30 - Dragon v2 (manned test) (SpX-DM2) - Falcon 9-085 (B1058.1 S) - Kennedy LC-39A - 19:22:45
13 - June 4 - Starlink flight 8 (x60) [v1.0 L7] - Falcon 9-086 (B1049.5 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 01:25:33
14 - June 13 - Starlink flight 9 (x58) [v1.0 L8], SkySat 16, SkySat 17, SkySat 18 - Falcon 9-087 (B1059.3 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 09:21:18
15 - June 30 - GPS III SV03 “Columbus”  [USA 304] - Falcon 9-088 (B1060.1 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 20:10:46
16 - July 15 - NROL-129: four sats [USA 305, USA 306, USA 307, USA 308] - Minotaur IV - MARS LA-0B - 13:46:00
17 - July 20 - Anasis II (KMilSatCom 1, KMSC-1, URC-700K) - Falcon 9-089 (B1058.2 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 21:30
18 - July 30 - Mars Perseverance rover (MSL-2), Ingenuity (MHS) - Atlas V 541 (AV-088) - Canaveral SLC-41 - 11:50:00.233
19 - August 7 - Starlink flight 10 (x57) [v1.0 L9], SXRS-1: BlackSky Global 7, BlackSky Global 8 - Falcon 9-090 (B1051.5 S) - Kennedy LC-39A - 05:12:05

Landing on (L)and or drone(S)hip
' - unsuccessful landing

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

  Mid-   August 18 - Starlink flight 11 (x58) [v1.0 L10], SkySat 19, SkySat 20, SkySat 21 - Falcon 9-091 (B1049.6 S) - Canaveral SLC-40  Kennedy LC-39A - 14:31:16
August 26 - NROL-44: Orion 10 (Mentor 8 ) (TBD) - Delta IV-H [D-385] - Canaveral SLC-37B - 06:16-10:25
  Late   August 27 - SAOCOM-1B, Capella 2 (Sequoia), GNOMES-1 - Falcon 9-092 (B1059.4 L) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 23:19
  Late   August    8    30 - demo mission - Rocket 3.1 (Astra) - Kodiak LP-3B - 02:00-04:30 (or NLT September 4)
NET August  September - Starlink flight 12 (x60) [v1.0 L11] - Falcon 9 (S) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
NET August  September - Starlink flight 13 (x60) [v1.0 L12] - Falcon 9 (S) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
September    29   30  October 2 - Cygnus NG-14 (CRS-14) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A - 02:26
September - NROL-101 - Atlas V 531 (AV-090) - Canaveral SLC-41
NET September - STP-27RM: Monolith - Electron/Kick Stage - MARS LA-0A (LC-2)
Q4 - SiriusXM SXM-7 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 - 04:27
Q4 - Turksat 5A - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 - NROL-82: KH-11 18 (Crystal 18, Block 5 #2) (TBD) - Delta IV-H [D-386] - Vandenberg SLC-6
Q4 - USSF-8: GSSAP 5, GSSAP 6 - Atlas V 511 (AV-085) - Canaveral SLC-41
NET September 30  October 1 - GPS III SV04 - Falcon 9 (B1062.1 S) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 00:00-04:00  (or Late)
NET Mid-October - BSS1, CRESST DREAM COMET, Firefly Capsule 1, FossaSat-1B (Fossa-1B), FossaSat-2 (Fossa-2), GENESIS-L, GENESIS-N, Hiapo, Magneto, NPS-CENETIX-Orbital 1, Qubik-1, Qubik-2, Spinnaker 3, TIS Serenity (TISSCCE) - Firefly Alpha (first flight) - Vandenberg SLC-2W (or Fall)
NET September 27  October 23 - USCV-1: Dragon v2 Crew-1 - Falcon 9 (B1061.1 S) - Kennedy LC-39A - 09:47
October 30 - Dragon v2 SpX-21 (CRS-21), Bishop (NanoRacks Airlock Module) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
October - NSLSat 1 (TBD) - Rocket 3.1 (Astra) - Kodiak LP-3B
NET    September   October - Starlink flight 14 (x60) [v1.0 L13] - Falcon 9 (S) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
NET    September   October - Starlink flight 15 (x60) [v1.0 L14] - Falcon 9 (S) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
November 10 - Jason-CS A (Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E (or Q3 2021)
November 18 - CST-100 Starliner (unmanned test) (Boe-OFT 2) - Atlas V N22 (AV-082) - Canaveral SLC-41
  Q4   NET November - Starlink flight 16 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
  Q4   NET November - Starlink flight 17 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Fall - USSF-44, TETRA-1 - Falcon Heavy-04 - Kennedy LC-39A
NET December 1 - ELaNa 35: PTD-1 - Super Heavy/Starship (SpaceX Transporter-1 inaugural flight) - Boca Chica  Kennedy LC-39A (or Q4 2021)
December    1   16 - SSO-1 (Smallsat Rideshare Mission): SXRS-3 / Sherpa-FX (Astrocast (x8), CPOD A (PONSFD A), CPOD B (PONSFD B), Hawk D, Hawk E, Hawk F, QPS-2 Izanami, USF IAE sat, YAM-3), Vigoride, Delfi-PQ 1, EASAT, GNOMES 2, Grizu-263a, HADES, LibertyQube 1, Lemur-2 (x8), Outpost Demonstration 1, PlasmaBrake, Pycubed, RadCube, Sattla, SpaceBEE (x12), SW1FT, Tartan Artibeus, TRSI 2, Umbra-SAR 2001, VZLUsat 2, XR-1, LINCS cubesat (x2), ELaNa 35: PTD-1  + multiple satellelites - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A (or Early 2021)
  Q4   NET December - Starlink flight 18 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
  Q4   NET December - Starlink flight 19 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Late - ELaNa XX: CACTUS 1, CAPE 3, ExoCube 2 (CP 12), INCA, MiTEE 1, PICS 1, PICS 2, PolarCube, Q-PACE, RadFxSat 2 (Fox 1E), TechEdSat 7 - LauncherOne (demo flight 2) - Runway 12/30 Mojave Air and Space Port, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
Late - Carbonite 4 (CBNT 4) - Firefly Alpha (second flight) - Vandenberg SLC-2W (or 2021)
Late - TBD - Firefly Alpha (third flight) - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20 (or 2021)

Summer - SeaHawk-2 - TBD - TBD
H2 - Kepler (xTBD) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
Q4 - Aurora 4A - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
October - CougSat-1 - TBD - TBD
Late - Mandrake 1 - TBD - TBD (or Early 2021)
Late - Wildcard, Mandrake 2 (x2) - TBD - TBD (or Early 2021)
TBD - LDPE-2 - NSSL 2 - TBD (or 2021)
TBD - Gunsmoke-J - TBD - TBD
TBD - Gunsmoke-G - TBD - TBD

Early - SiriusXM SXM-8 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Early - CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment) - Electron/Photon Lunar - MARS LA-0A (LC-2)
January - GPS III SV05 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
January - TBD - Rocket 4.0 (Astra) - Kodiak LPB
February 1 - Cygnus NG-15 (CRS-15), IT-Spins - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
February - SARah-1, XVI LEO, Vigoride (NuX-1, IRIS-1, La Jument (3U), QMR-KWT, SPARTAN) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
March 12 - Dragon v2 SpX-22 (CRS-22) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
March 30 - USCV-2: Dragon v2 Crew 2 - Falcon 9 (B1061.2 S) - Kennedy LC-39A
March - SBIRS-GEO 5 - Atlas V 421 - Canaveral SLC-41
Q1 - WorldView Legion 1, WorldView Legion 2 - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
Q1 - Turksat 5B - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q1 - test launch - RS1 (ABL space system) - TBD
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 20 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 21 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 22 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 23 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 24 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  Q1 - Starlink flight 25 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  NET Q1 - Starlink flight 26 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q4 2020  NET Q1 - Starlink flight 27 (x60) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
NET Late Q1 - STP-27VP mission: MiniCarb, ELaNa 29: PAN A, PAN B - LauncherOne (demo flight 3) - Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
Q2 - NROL-111 - Minotaur I - MARS LP-0B
NET Q2 - commercial launch - RS1 (ABL space system) - TBD
April - CST-100 Starliner (crewed test) (Boe-CFT) - Atlas V N22 (AV-0??) - Canaveral SLC-41
April - STP-4 - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
April - TBD - Rocket 4.0 (Astra) - Kodiak LPB
May 10  - Dragon v2 SpX-23 (CRS-23) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
Spring - NationSat (x2) - OmegA (first launch) - Kennedy LC-39B (or H2)
Spring - USSF-52 - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
  April   June - SSO-2 (Smallsat Rideshare Mission): Vigoride, Kleos Polar Vigilance Mission (x4) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E / Canaveral SLC-40
NET June - Peregrine 1 (Astrobotic’s Lunar Lander), CubeRover - Vulcan Centaur 522 (first launch) - Canaveral SLC-41 (or Q4)
H1 - GPS III SV06 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 (or NLT June)
NET H1 - Ignis - LauncherOne - Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
NET H1 - Starling (x8) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
NET H1 - Spaceflight - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
Midyear - ViaSat-3 - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A (or H2 2022)
Midyear - ViaSat-3 - Atlas V 551 - Canaveral SLC-41 (or H2 2022)
Midyear - GPS III SV07 - NSSL 2 - Canaveral (or H2)
NET July 9 - Artemis I (Uncrewed test flight of Orion), NEA Scout, Lunar Flashlight, BioSentinel, Skyfire, Lunar IceCube, LunaH-Map, CuSP (CuSPP+), EQUULEUS, OMOTENASHI, ArgoMoon, Cislunar Explorer A (CEA), Cislunar Explorer B (CEB), CU-E3 (Colorado University Earth Escape Explorer), Miles - SLS Block 1/iCPS - Kennedy LC-39B (or H1 2022)
July 21 - DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), LICIACube - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E (or February 2022)
July - TBD - Rocket 4.0 (Astra) - Kodiak LPB
August 12 - USCV-3: Dragon v2 Crew-3 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
NET August - USSF-12: WFOV (Wide Field of View Testbed missile-warning satellite), ESPA - Atlas V - Canaveral SLC-41
September 15 - IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) [SMEX-14] - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
September - Landsat 9, ELaNa 34: CUTE, CuPID - Atlas V 401 - Vandenberg SLC-3E (or NLT November)
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System 1st flight (SNC-1): Tenacity, Shooting Star - Vulcan Centaur 542 (second launch) - Canaveral SLC-41 (or fall)
September - TBD - Rocket 4.0 (Astra) - Kwajalein
NLT September - SARah-2, SARah-3 - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
Q3 - O3b mPower 1, O3b mPower 2, O3b mPower 3 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q3 - ASLON-45 spacelift mission - Ravn (Aevum) - Cecil Air and Space Port in Jacksonville, Florida
NET H2 - commercial launch - RS1 (ABL space system) - TBD
Q4 - NROL-174 - Minotaur IV - MARS LA-0B
October 2  - Dragon v2 SpX-24 (CRS-24) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
October 16 - Lucy [Discovery 13] - Atlas V 401 - Canaveral SLC-41 (or November)
October - Cygnus NG-16 (CRS-16) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
October - Dragon v2 (Axiom Space crewed mission to ISS) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
NET October - STP-S28 mission flight 1 (x15) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl" (or 2022)
Fall - first flight  - Terran-1 - Canaveral SLC-16
NET Fall - Spaceflight mission - Terran-1 - TBD
December 7 - GOES-T - Atlas V 541 - Canaveral SLC-41 (or January 2022)
December - NROL-85: Intruder 13A / 13B (TBD) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
December - NROL-87 - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
December  Q1 2023 - SSO-3 (Smallsat Rideshare Mission): Vigoride - Falcon 9 -  Canaveral / Vandenberg SLC-4E
Late - WorldView Legion 3, WorldView Legion 4, WorldView Legion 5, WorldView Legion 6 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Late - Inmarsat GX6B - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
Late - Dragon v2 (four Space Adventure spacetourists) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
Late - inaugural flight - New Glenn - Canaveral SLC-36B (or H2 2022)
TBD - STP-3: STPSat-6, small satellite (x6) - Atlas V 551 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - XBASE: B330 on ISS - Vulcan Centaur 564 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Firefly Alpha - Vandenberg SLC-2W / Canaveral SLC-20
TBD - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
TBD - Telesat LEO Vantage (xTBD) - Terran-1 - Canaveral SLC-16 (or 2022)
TBD - commercial comsat - Super Heavy/Starship - Boca Chica/Kennedy LC-39A

Early - GTOSat - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
Early - TROPICS (x6) [Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats] - TBD - TBD
NET Q2 - Nationsat - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Summer - ELaNa 37: CapSat-1, D3, GWSat, JAGSAT, LEOPARDSat-1, MARIO, NACHOS (Nano-satellite Atmospheric ChemistryHyperspectral Observation System), OreSat, PATCOOL, petitSat, REALOP, SPORT - TBD - TBD (or NET Q3)
October 11 - Nova-C (Intuitive Machines Lunar Lander) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
Late - SPARCS (Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat) - TBD - TBD
TBD - CLOUD (x3) (Cloud Observation for Updraft Determination) (Earth Venture 2 Candidate) - NLSP-I - Vandenberg
TBD - ARCSTONE (Earth Venture 2 Candidate) - NLSP-I - Canaveral
TBD - ACS3 (Advanced Composite Solar Sail System) - TBD - TBD
TBD - BurstCube - TBD - TBD
TBD - PREFIRE A, PREFIRE B (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment) - TBD - TBD
TBD - SNoOPI (SigNals of Opportunity P-Band Investigation) - TBD - TBD (or 2022)
TBD - HyTI (Hyperspectral Thermal Imager) - TBD - TBD (or 2022)
TBD - CTIM-FD (Compact Total Irradiance Monitor Flight Demonstration) - TBD - TBD (or 2022)
NET H2 2020  TBD - µHETsat - LauncherOne - Runway 12/30 Mojave Air and Space Port, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
TBD - La Jument (1.5U) - TBD - TBD

January - Solar Sentinals - NLSP-I - Canaveral
Early - Nilesat-301 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
February 4 - USCV-4: Dragon v2 Crew-4 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
February 24 - USCV-5: CST-100 Starliner Crew-1/PCM-1 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
March 5 - SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography) [Earth Systematic Mission] - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E (or April)
March - NROL-107: SILENTBARKER - Atlas V 551 - Canaveral SLC-41
Q1 - USSF-51 - Atlas V - TBD
Q1 - O3b mPower 4, O3b mPower 5, O3b mPower 6 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
April 21 - USCV-6: CST-100 Starliner Crew-2/PCM-2 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
April - Dragon v2 SpX-25 (CRS-25) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
April - Cygnus NG-17 (CRS-17) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
July 13 - Psyche [Discovery 14], EscaPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers), Janus [SIMPLEx program] - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A (or NLT August 26)
August 31 - JPSS-2, Athena, LOFTID (Low Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator) - Atlas V 401 - Vandenberg SLC-3E (or January 2023)
NET August - SBIRS-GEO 6 - Atlas V 421 - Canaveral SLC-41  (or October 2021-September 2022)
September - Dragon v2 SpX-26 (CRS-26) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-2) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
Q3 - Intelsat 40e - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
Q3 - USSF-67, LDPE-3 - NSSL  Falcon 9 - TBD
Q3 - USSF-106 - Atlas V - TBD
Q3 - NROL-91 (TBD) - Delta IV-H [D-387] - Vandenberg SLC-6
H2 - O3b mPower 7, O3b mPower 8, O3b mPower 9 - Falcon 9 (TBD) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A (TBD)
NET Q4 - NROL-68: Orion 11 (Mentor 9) (TBD) - Delta IV-H [D-388] - Canaveral SLC-37B
October - Artemis II (Crewed flight of Orion around Moon) - SLS Block 1/iCPS - Kennedy LC-39B (or April 2023)
December 1 - OSAM-1 (Restore-L) - NLSP II - Vandenberg (or December 2023)
December 14 - USCV-7: CST-100 Starliner Crew-3/PCM-3 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
December 15 - PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A (or January 2024)
Late - Eutelsat comsat - New Glenn  - Canaveral SLC-36B
Late - Inmarsat GX10A (ASBM-1), Inmarsat GX10B (ASBM-2) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
TBD - JCSat comsat - New Glenn - Canaveral SLC-36B (or 2023)
TBD - SatRevolution Mars Mission - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
TBD - ACE (Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystems) [Earth Systematic Mission] - NLSP-I - Vandenberg
TBD - second launch - OmegA - Kennedy LC-39B
TBD - Mid-Sized Moon Lander - NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - GPS III SV08 - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
TBD - GPS III SV09 - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
TBD - GPS III SV10 - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
TBD - STP-S28 mission flight 2 (x15) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
TBD - STP-S28 mission flight 3 (x15) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
TBD - mu Space Corp Geo Comsat - New Glenn  - Canaveral SLC-36B
TBD - mu Space LEO satellite - Terran-1 - Canaveral SLC-16
TBD - CDARS (Cooperative Data and Rescue Services) - TBD - TBD
TBD  - NTS-3: NTS-3A (Navigational Test Satellite-3) - Vulcan Centaur/Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-3E/4E
TBD - test launch - Spinlaunch - Spaceport America (Truth or Consequences, NM)
TBD - first flight - Regulus Orbital (Leo Aerospace) - TBD

July 1 - KPLO (Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
Q3 - OSAM-2 (Archinaut One) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
NET Q4 - LDPE-4 - NSSL 2 - TBD
Late - XL-1 (Masten Space Systems Lunar Lander) - NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - Janus [SIMPLEx program candidate] - TBD - TBD
TBD - Lunar Trailblazer [SIMPLEx program candidate] - TBD - TBD
TBD - HAKUTO-R Lunar Lander mission 1 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
TBD - La Jument (6U)  - TBD - TBD
TBD - La Jument (6U)  - TBD - TBD

January - SAOCOM-2A - NLSP II - TBD
April - Cygnus NG-18 (CRS-18) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
June  - USCV-8: Dragon v2 Crew-5 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-27 (CRS-27) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-3) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
Q4 - WSF-M 1 - NLSP II - Vandenberg (or 2024)
November - Dragon v2 SpX-28 (CRS-28) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
NET November - Gateway: PPE + HALO - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-9: CST-100 Starliner Crew-4/PCM-4 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
Late - Griffin (Astrobotic's Lunar Lander), Viper (NASA Moon Rover) - NLSP II - TBD
TBD - Manned Circumlunar Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
TBD - GEO-CAPE (Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events) [Earth Systematic Mission] -  NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - TBD - Vulcan-ACES - TBD
TBD - Blue Moon mission - New Glenn - Canaveral SLC-36B (or 2024)
TBD - TBD - Firefly Beta - Vandenberg SLC-2E (or 2024)

NET July 1 - SunRISE (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment) (x6 cubesats) - TBD - Canaveral
TBD - HAKUTO-R Lunar Rover mission 2 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A

January - SAOCOM-2B - NLSP II  - TBD
February - NROL-70 - Delta IV-H [D-389] - Canaveral SLC-37B
April - Cygnus NG-19 (CRS-19) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
April - GOES-U - NLSP II - Canaveral (or Q4)
June  - USCV-10: Dragon v2 Crew-6 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - SPHEREx (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer) - TBD - TBD
June - Dragon v2 SpX-29 (CRS-29) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-4) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
September - AxN1 - New Glenn - Canaveral SLC-36B
H2 - O3b mPower 10, O3b mPower 11 - Falcon 9 (TBD) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A (TBD)
October 1 - IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe) [STP-05 - Solar-Terrestrial Probes-05], SWFO-L1 (Space Weather Forward Observatory L1 mission), up to 4 satellites - TBD - TBD (or NLT December 21)
October - Artemis III ( Integrated lunar lander launch to Moon) - SLS Block 1B/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
October - Artemis IV (Crewed flight of Orion for human Moon landing) - SLS Block 1/iCPS - Kennedy LC-39B
NET October - DYNAMIC (Dynamical Neutral Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling) [STP-05 - Solar-Terrestrial Probes-05] - NLSP II - Canaveral
November - Dragon v2 SpX-30 (CRS-30) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-11: CST-100 Starliner Crew-5/PCM-5 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - WGS-11+ - NSSL 2 - Canaveral
TBD - Lander modules (to Gateway) - NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - Logistics Resupply (Dragon extended), Robotic Arm (Gateway)  - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
TBD - Gateway Logistics/ARM - NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - TBD - OmegA Heavy - Kennedy LC-39B

April - Cygnus NG-20 (CRS-20) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
NET April - AxH1 - New Glenn - Canaveral SLC-36B
June  - USCV-12: Dragon v2 Crew-7 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-31 (CRS-31) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-5) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
September - Europa Clipper (Orbiter) - SLS Block 1/iCPS - Kennedy LC-39B
November - Dragon v2 SpX-32 (CRS-32) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-13: CST-100 Starliner Crew-6/PCM-6 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - NG-OPIR-GEO 1 - Falcon-9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41
TBD - inaugural flight - Shockwave - Kennedy LC-48

Q1 - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Falcon 9 (TBD) - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A (or Vega C)
Q2 - Sample Fetch Rover, Earth Return Orbiter [Mars Sample Return (MSR)] - SLS Block 1B - Kennedy LC-39B
April - Cygnus NG-21 (CRS-21) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
April  - Dragonfly [New Frontiers-4] - NLSP II - TBD
June  - USCV-14: Dragon v2 Crew-8 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-33 (CRS-33) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Artemis V (Crewed flight of Orion to Moon) - SLS Block 1B/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-6) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
Q3 - JPSS-3 (PFO) - NLSP II - Vandenberg
October - NGRST (WFIRST-AFTA) [Astrophysics Decadal Mission Astro-1] - Vulcan-ACES 564/Falcon Heavy - Canaveral
November - Dragon v2 SpX-34 (CRS-34) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-15: CST-100 Starliner Crew-7/PCM-7 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - Logistics Resupply (Gateway) - NLSP II - Canaveral
TBD - Lunar Sample Return - TBD - Canaveral
TBD - Advanced Exploration Moon Lander - TBD - Canaveral
TBD - GPS IIIF-01 (SV11) - NSSL 2 - Canaveral

April - Cygnus NG-22 (CRS-22) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
June  - USCV-16: Dragon v2 Crew-9 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-35 (CRS-35) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Europa Clipper (Lander) - SLS Block 1B/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-7) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
November - Dragon v2 SpX-36 (CRS-36) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December - USCV-17: CST-100 Starliner Crew-8/PCM-8 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - NG-OPIR-Polar 1 - Falcon-9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41 (or NLT September)
TBD - NG-OPIR-GEO 2 - Falcon-9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41

April - Cygnus NG-23 (CRS-23) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
June  - USCV-18: Dragon v2 Crew-10 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-37 (CRS-37) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
August - Artemis VI (Crewed flight of Orion to Moon) - SLS Block 1B/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-8 ) - Vulcan Centaur 542 - Canaveral SLC-41
November - Dragon v2 SpX-38 (CRS-38) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-19: CST-100 Starliner Crew-9/PCM-9 - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD  - NG-OPIR-GEO 3 - Falcon-9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41

February - Artemis VII (Cargo mission to Moon) - SLS Block 2/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
April - Cygnus NG-24 (CRS-24) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
June  - USCV-20: Dragon v2 Crew-11 - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-39 (CRS-39) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
August - Artemis VIII (Crewed mission of Orion)- SLS Block 2/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
November - Dragon v2 SpX-40 (CRS-40) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
December  - USCV-21: CST-100 Starliner Crew-10 (PCM-10) - Atlas V N22 - Canaveral SLC-41
TBD - NG-OPIR-Polar 2 - Falcon-9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41

February - Artemis IX (Cargo mission) - SLS Block 2/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
April - Cygnus NG-25 (CRS-25) - Antares-230+ - MARS LP-0A
June - Dragon v2 SpX-41 (CRS-41) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
August - Artemis X (Crewed mission of Orion) - SLS Block 2/EUS - Kennedy LC-39B
November - Dragon v2 SpX-42 (CRS-42) - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A
TBD - Landsat 10 - NLSP II - Vandenberg (or Mid-2028)

Q3 - JPSS-4 (PFO) - NLSP II - Vandenberg

AFSPC-#        - Air Force Space Command-#
ASBM             - Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission
AxN1              - first Axiom Space’s module: Node Module
AxH1              - second Axiom Space’s module: Crew Habitat module
AxRMF            - third Axiom Space’s module: Research and Manufacturing module
AxPTM            - fourth Axiom Space’s module: Power and Thermal Tower
ESPA              - EELV Secondary Payload Adapter
HALO             - Habitation and Logistics Outpost - Gateway
LDPE-#          - Long Duration Propulsive ESPA
LOP-G            - Lunar Orbital Platform – Gateway
LOP-G Hab     - LOP-G Habitation module
MHS               - Mars Helicopter Scout
MMO              - Mars Micro Orbiter
NFI                - Narrow Field Imager
NG-OPIR        - Next-Generation Overhead Persistent InfraRed
NGRST           - Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
NLSP I           - NASA Launch Services Program I
NLSP II          - NASA Launch Services Program II
NSSL              - National Security Space Launch program
NSSL 2           - National Security Space Launch program Phase 2
OSAM-#         - On-orbit Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing-#
PPE                - Power and Propulsion Element - Gateway
PUNCH           - Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere
SBIRS             - Space Based Infrared System
SIMPLEx         - Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration
STP-#             - Solar-Terrestrial Probes-#
TRACERS        - Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites
USCV-#          - US Crew Vehicle-#
USSF-#          - US Space Force-#
WFI               - Wide Field Imager
WFIRST-AFTA - Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope - Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets
WSF‐M #        - Weather System Follow‐On Microwave

Statistics (active):
Antares               - 12 (WI - 12)
Atlas V                 - 85 (СС - 70; Va - 15)
Delta IV Heavy    - 11 (СС - 8; Va - 3)
Falcon 9              - 89 (СС - 54; KSC - 20; Va - 15)
Falcon Heavy       -  3 (KSC - 3)
Launcherone       -  1 (Mo - 1)
Minotaur             - 18 (СС - 1; Va - 7; WI - 8; Kd - 2)
Minotaur-C         - 11 (Va - 11)
Pegasus             - 44 (СС - 7; Va - 21; WI - 6; Ed - 5; Kw - 4; Ga - 1)

Launches:  1730 (СС - 781; In - 6; Va - 702; WI - 47; KSC - 174; Ed - 5; Ga -1; Kw - 4; Kd - 3; Om - 5; Ka - 1; Mo - 1)
Satellites:  3555 (СС - 1537; In - 6; Va - 1221; WI - 290; KSC - 451; Ed - 12; Ga -1; Kw - 4; Kd - 13; Om - 5; Ka - 13; Mo - 2)

CC - Cape Canaveral; Ed - Edwards AFB; Ga - Base Aerea de Gando; In - Inyokern; Ka - Kauai; Kd - Kodyak; KSC - Kennedy Space Center; Kw - Kwajalein Island; Mo - Mojave Air and Space Port; Om - Omelek; Va - Vandenberg AFB; WI - Wallops Flight Facility

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« Last Edit: 08/17/2020 07:27 pm by Salo »

Online Salo

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3084 on: 08/08/2020 06:49 am »
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

2020 - GiSat-1 (Global IP comsat) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
2020 - BlackSky Global (x2) - TBD - TBD (or PSLV)
NET 2020 - OSP-4 launch - Xbow Launch Systems LV (Super Strypi/SPARK (TBD)) - Kauai (Hawaii)
NET 2020 - USSF-9 - Atlas V/Falcon 9 - Canaveral
NET 2020 - USSF-10 - Atlas V/Falcon 9 - Canaveral
NET 2020 (TBD) - OneWeb (x2) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
NET 2020 (TBD) - OneWeb (x2) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
NET 2020 (TBD) - OneWeb (x2) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
NET 2020 (TBD) - OneWeb (x2) - LauncherOne - TBD, Boeing 747 "Cosmic Girl"
Early 2021 - first flight - Intrepid-1 - Kennedy LC-39C
2021 - XBASE: B330 on ISS - Vulcan Centaur 564 - Canaveral SLC-41
2021 - NSTP-Sat - TBD - TBD
NET 2021 - Lunar Bullet - NEPTUNE N3 - open-ocean location off the California coast/KSC
NET 2021 - 30+ CubeSats, tubesats - NEPTUNE N5 - open-ocean location off the California coast/KSC
NET 2021 - 27 CubeSats, tubesats (Ballistic Lunar Transfer) - NEPTUNE N5 - open-ocean location off the California coast/KSC
NET 2021 - Starlink deployment  (47 launches) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
NET 2021 (TBD) - OneWeb (xTBD) - New Glenn - Vandenberg (or Ariane 62)
NET 2021 (TBD) - OneWeb (xTBD) - New Glenn - Vandenberg (or Ariane 62)
NET 2021 (TBD) - OneWeb (xTBD) - New Glenn - Vandenberg (or Ariane 62)
NET 2021 (TBD) - OneWeb (xTBD) - New Glenn - Vandenberg (or Ariane 62)
NET 2021 (TBD) - OneWeb (xTBD) - New Glenn - Vandenberg (or Ariane 62)
NET 2021 - BlackSky Global (x 20) partner satellite - TBD - TBD (or PSLV)
NET 2021 - WorldView Legion sat 2 - NSSL - Vandenberg
NET 2021 - MEV-3 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-4 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-5 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-6 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-7 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-8 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-9 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - MEV-10 - Falcon 9 - Canaveral (or Ariane/Proton)
NET 2021 - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
NET 2021 - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
NET 2021 - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
NET 2021 - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
NET 2021 - TBD - Terran-1/Momentus Vigoride - Canaveral SLC-16
NET September 2022 - SDA Tranche 0 SV manifest (30 sats) - TBD - TBD
Q3 2022 - Helio-SMEX-1 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q4 2022 - ASCENDS (Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons) [Earth Systematic Mission] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
NET 2022 - Starlink deployment  (many launches) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40
NET 2022 - Telesat LEO Vantage constellation multi-lanch agreement - New Glenn - Canaveral/vandenberg
NET 2022 - Cargo Moon Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2022 - Cargo Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2022 - Cargo Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2022 - GPS III SV10 - NSSL - Canaveral
NET 2022 - B330 - Vulcan Centaur 564 - Canaveral SLC-41
Mid-2023 - Astro EX-2 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2023-2025 - GRACE-II [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
Q2 2024 - Astro-MoO-02 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2024 - Helio Expl MoO-05 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2024 - New Frontiers 4 - NLSP-II - TBD
August 15, 2024 - CAESAR (Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return) [New Frontiers-4 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q3 2024 - ILV (Integrated Lander Vehicle) - New Glenn  - Canaveral SLC-36B
Q3 2024 - DHLS (Dynetics Human Landing System) - Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC-41
Q3 2024 - Crewed Moon Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A 
Late 2024 - NEOCam (Near-Earth Object Camera) - NLSP-II - Canaveral (with IMAP)
NET 2024 - Cargo Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2024 - Cargo Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2024 - Manned Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2024 - Manned Mars Mission - Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A/Boca Chica
NET 2024 - Japan cis-lunar cargo ship - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
NET 2024 - ESPRIT module (LOP-G) - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A
NET 2024 - AETHER (Aeronomy at Earth: Tools for Heliophysics Exploration and Research) - TBD - TBD
NET 2024 - EZIE (x3) (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) - TBD - TBD
Q2 2025 - EVM-3 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2025 - ESCAPE (Extreme-ultraviolet Stellar Characterization for Atmospheric Physics and Evolution) - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2025 - COSI (The Compton Spectrometer and Imager) - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2025 - GUCI (The Gravitational-wave Ultraviolet Counterpart Imager Mission) - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2025 - EVC-01 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2025 - AEHF-7 - Vulcan Centaur/Falcon 9 - Canaveral
NET 2025 - AEHF-8 - Vulcan Centaur/Falcon 9 - Canaveral
H2 2025-2026 - VERITAS (Venus geophysical orbiter) [Discovery 15 candidate] - TBD - TBD (or H2 2028-2029)
H2 2025-2026 - Io Volcano Observer [Discovery 15 candidate] - TBD - TBD (or H2 2028-2029)
H2 2025-2026 - DAVINCI (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging) [Discovery 15 candidate] - TBD - TBD (or H2 2028-2029)
April 15 - May 5, 2026 - Trident (Trident Triton flyby) [Discovery 15 candidate] - Atlas V 401/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC-41
Mid-2026 - Astro-MoO-04 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2026- WSF-M 2 - NSSL - Vandenberg
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-02 (SV12) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-03 (SV13) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-04 (SV14) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-05 (SV15) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-06 (SV16) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-07 (SV17) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-08 (SV18) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-09 (SV19) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-10 (SV20) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-11 (SV21) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-12 (SV22) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-13 (SV23) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-14 (SV24) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-15 (SV25) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-16 (SV26) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-17 (SV27) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-18 (SV28) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-19 (SV29) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-20 (SV30) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-21 (SV31) - NSSL - Canaveral
2026-2034 - GPS IIIF-22 (SV32) - NSSL - Canaveral
Q2 2027 - GDC (Geospace Dynamics Constellation) - NSSL - TBD
Q2 2027 - Helio-MIDEX-1 - NSSL - TBD
Mid-2027 - Astro-MoO-05 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2028 - Discovery 16 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2028 - Astro-MoO-06 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2028 - Astro-MIDEX-03 - NLSP-II - TBD
2028 - Mars Mission - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - Lunar Geophysical Network [New Frontiers-5 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - Io Probe [New Frontiers-5 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - VICI (Venus In-Situ Composition Investigations) [New Frontiers-5 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - ELSAH (Enceladus Life Signatures and Habitability) [New Frontiers-5 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - Helio Expl MoO-07 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2029 - Planetary Defense-01 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2029 - Astro-MoO-07 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2029 - Helio-SMEX-2 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2029 - STP-06 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q3 2029 - Discovery 17 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q3 2029 - Astro-Probe-01 - NLSP-II - TBD
Late 2020s - NeMO (New Mars Orbiter) - Falcon 9/Vulcan Centaur - Canaveral SLC 40/41
Late 2020s - Mars orbiter - NLSP-II - TBD
2020s - WSF‐E - NSSL - Vandenberg
2020s - WSF‐G - NSSL - Canaveral
January 2030 - Areostationary Relay Satellite-1 - NLSP-II - Canaveral
Q2 2030 - Astro-SMEX-3 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2030 - EVC-02 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2030 - EVM-4 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2030 - LWS MoO-8 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2030 - Astro-MoO-08 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2030 -  - New Frontiers-05 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2030 - 3D Winds (Demo) [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
NET 2030 - GACM (Global Atmosphere Composition Mission) [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
NET 2030 - LIST (Lidar Surface Topography) [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
NET 2030 - PATH (Precision and All-Weather Temperature and Humidity) [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
NET 2030 - SCLP (Snow and Cold Land Processes) [Earth Systematic Missions Candidate] - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
Q2 2031 - Astro-MoO-09 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2031 - Helio-MIDEX-2 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2031 - STP-MoO-10 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q3 2031 - Helio Expl MoO-09 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET October 2031 - GPS III-32 - NSSL - Canaveral
Q1 2032 - ESDS-01 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q1 2032 - ESDS-02 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2032 - Astro-MoO-10 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2032 - Discovery 18 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2032 - Astro-MIDEX-04 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q3 2032 - Helio-SMEX-3 - NLSP-II - TBD
February 2033 - Areostationary Relay Satellite-2 - NLSP-II - Canaveral
Q2 2033 - MEDICI (Magnetosphere Energetics, Dynamics, and Ionospheric Coupling Investigation) [STP-07] - NLSP-II - Canaveral
Q2 2033 - Astro-MoO-11 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2033 - EVC-03 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2033 - LWS MoO-11 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2033 - Astro-SMEX-4 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2033 - Astro-2 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2033 - Astro-3 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2033 - Future Mars Flagship - TBD - TBD
Mid-2034 - Astro-MoO-12 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2034 - Helio Expl MoO-12 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2035 - EVM-5 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2035 - Helio Expl MoO-13 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2035 - Helio-MIDEX-3 - NSSL - TBD
Q2 2035 - Planetary Defense-02 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2035 - Discovery 19 - NLSP-II - TBD
2035 - Origins Space Telescope (Far IR Surveyor) [Astro2020 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
2035 - HabEx (Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission) [Astro2020 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
2035 - Lynx (X-Ray Surveyor) [Astro2020 candidate] - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2036 - Astro-MoO-13 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2036 - ESDS-03 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2036 - EVC-04 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2036 - HST Disposal (Hubble Space Telescope Disposal Mission) - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2036 - New Frontiers-06 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2036 - Helio-SMEX-4 - NLSP-II - TBD
2036 - JPSS-5 (PFO) - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
Q1 2037 - STP-08 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2037 - Astro-MoO-14 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2037 - Astro-SMEX-5 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2037 - Astro-Probe-02 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2037 - Astro-MIDEX-05 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q4 2037 - Discovery 20 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2038 - Astro-MoO-15 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2039 - Astro-MoO-16 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2039 - EVC-05 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2039 - Landsat 11 - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
2039 - LUVOIR (Large Ultraviolet/Optical/Infrared Surveyor - large 16-meter space telescope) [Astro2020 candidate] - SLS - Kennedy LC-39B
2030s - Interstellar Probe - TBD - TBD
Q2 2040 - EVM-6 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2040 - Helio-MIDEX-4 - NSSL - TBD
Q2 2040 - Astro-4 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2040 - ESDS-04 - NLSP-II - TBD
Mid-2040 - Helio-SMEX-5 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2041 - Astro-SMEX-6 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2041 - New Frontiers-07 - NLSP-II - TBD
Q2 2041 - STP-09 - NLSP-II - TBD
2041 - JPSS-6 (PFO) - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
Q1 2042 - Astro-5 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2043 - Astro-6 - NLSP-II - TBD
NET 2043 - EVM-7 - NLSP-II - TBD
2046 - JPSS-7 (PFO) - NLSP-II - TBD
2050s - JPSS-8 (PFO) - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
2050s - JPSS-9 (PFO) - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
2050s - JPSS-10 (PFO) - NLSP-II - Vandenberg
2069 - interstellar mission - TBD - TBD
TBD - WGS-12 - NSSL - Canaveral
TBD - SBSS FO 1 - NSSL/Minotaur - TBD
TBD - SBSS FO 2 - NSSL/Minotaur - TBD
TBD - SBSS FO 3 - NSSL/Minotaur - TBD
TBD - SBSS FO 4 - NSSL/Minotaur - TBD
TBD - SBSS FO 5 - NSSL/Minotaur - TBD

TBD - CryoCube 2 (CC-2) - TBD - TBD
TBD - GNS BEE 1, GNS BEE 2, GNS BEE 3, GNS BEE 4 (Global Network of Swarms) - TBD - TBD
TBD - Polaris (Persistent Tactical Communications) - TBD - TBD
TBD - Gunsmoke-L - TBD - TBD

Probably cancelled:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
Midyear 2024 - TDRS-4G-1 (Next Gen Earth Relay 1) - NSSL - Canaveral
Midyear 2024 - TDRS-4G-2 (Next Gen Earth Relay 2) - NSSL - Canaveral
NET 2025 - TDRS-4G-3 (Next Gen Earth Relay 3) - NSSL - Canaveral
NET 2025 - TDRS-4G-4 (Next Gen Earth Relay 4) - NSSL - Canaveral

Astro-#               - Astro decadal mission
Astro-MIDEX-#    - Astrophysics Middle Explorer Mission
Astro-MoO-#       - Astrophysics Mission of Opportunity
Astro-Probe-#     - Astrophysics Probe
Astro-SMEX-#      - Astrophysics Small Explorer Mission
ESDS-#              - Earth Science Decadal Survey Mission
EVC-#                - Earth Venture Continuity
EVM-#                - Earth Venture Mission
Helio-MIDEX-#     - Heliophysics Middle Explorer Mission
Helio-Expl MoO-# - Heliophysics Explorer Mission of Opportunity
Helio-SMEX-#      - Heliophysics Small Explorer Mission
LWS-MoO-#        - Living With a Star mission Mission of Opportunity
NG-OPIR             - Next-Generation Overhead Persistent InfraRed
NSSL                  - National Security Space Launch program
OSP-#                - Orbital Services Program
SBIRS                - Space Based Infrared System
STP-#                - Solar-Terrestrial Probes
USSF-#              - US Space Force
WSF‐G #            - Weather Satellite Follow-on Geostationary
WSF‐E #            - Weather Satellite Follow-on Electro-Optical / Infrared (EO/IR)
WSF‐M #            - Weather System Follow‐On Microwave

Changes on August 8th
« Last Edit: 08/08/2020 07:37 am by Salo »

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3085 on: 08/08/2020 06:57 am »
The Pentagon also announced Friday the first three firm-fixed-price launch contracts awarded by the U.S. Space Force under the NSSL program’s Phase 2 agreements.

Two of those missions, designated USSF-51 and USSF-106, were awarded to ULA for launches in the the first quarter and third quarter of calendar year 2022. SpaceX won a task order to launch the USSF-67 mission in the third quarter of calendar year 2022.

ULA received $337 million in the task orders announced Friday, while SpaceX was awarded $316 million.

If ULA’s Vulcan Centaur rocket, which scheduled to debut in 2021, is not certified for the national security missions in 2022, ULA could offer an Atlas 5 rocket — with its Russian-made engine — as an alternative for the USSF-51 and USSF-106 missions.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3086 on: 08/08/2020 08:17 am »
SpaceX Manifest Updates and Discussion Thread 5
Discussion of the manifest, and updates. The best guess at the current manifest is in this post.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3088 on: 08/11/2020 08:32 pm »

Sept. 29/30 Antares • NG-14
Launch time: 0226 GMT on 30th (10:26 p.m. EDT on 29th)
Launch site: Pad 0A, Wallops Island, Virginia
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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3089 on: 08/11/2020 09:08 pm »

The next SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral will launch the next batch of Starlink internet
satellites from pad 40 on August 18 around 10:30am EDT. A Falcon 9 will launch the SAOCOM 1B
Earth observation satellite for Argentina, the first polar-orbit mission from the Cape since 1960, from
pad 40 on end of August at the earliest, around 7:19pm EDT. The first stage will land back at the
Cape about eight minutes after launch. Other upcoming launches include more Falcon 9s with the next
batches of Starlink internet satellites on September TBA. And a Falcon 9 from pad 40 will launch the
fourth Block III GPS satellite on September 30.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3090 on: 08/12/2020 04:28 am »
ELaNa 29
Date:  Late Q1 2021
Mission:  Virgin Orbit, LauncherOne – Anderson Air Force Base, Guam
1 CubeSat Mission scheduled to be deployed

    PAN – Cornell University, Ithaca, New York​

ELaNa 35
Date: December 1, 2020
Mission:  SpaceX, Transporter-1 – Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL
1 CubeSat Mission scheduled to be deployed

    PTD-1 - NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
ELaNa 37
Date: NET Q3 CY2021
Mission: Launch vehicle and launch site TBD
12 CubeSat Missions scheduled to be deployed

    CapSat-1 - The Weiss School, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
    D3 - University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
    GWSat - George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
    JAGSAT - University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama
    LEOPARDSat-1 - University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
    MARIO - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
    NACHOS - Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, New Mexico
    OreSat - Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
    PATCOOL - NASA KSC, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
    petitSat - NASA GSFC, Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
    REALOP - University of California - Davis, Davis, California
    SPORT - NASA MSFC, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3091 on: 08/13/2020 06:11 pm »
The next SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral will launch the next batch of Starlink internet
satellites from pad 40 on August 18 at 10:31am EDT.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3092 on: 08/13/2020 06:26 pm »

The Pacific Spaceport Complex Alaska (PSCA) is planning to conduct a rocket launch from launch pad LP-3B at Narrow Cape, Kodiak, Alaska from 310200-310430 UTC which is 1800-2030 Alaska Daylight Savings Time on August 30th, 2020. If the launch does not occur on August 30th then it will be rescheduled for the following day during the same time window. Rescheduling could continue each day through September 3rd, 2020 (September 4th for UTC). Additional information including the locations of the hazardous areas is available in an enclosure to this LNM.
« Last Edit: 08/13/2020 06:28 pm by Salo »

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3093 on: 08/13/2020 07:11 pm »
Other announced Momentus payloads for this launch:

- NuX-1
- IRIS-1

Viasat, which was selected to lead the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles XVI program, is scheduled to deliver the first 50-pound XVI satellite to Vandenberg Air Force Base, California in December ahead of a scheduled launch in the spring of 2021.

Sounds like that satellite could be launching on this mission.

I didn't see any other obvious candidate flights, unless they're counting on one of the new launchers to be flying by then.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3094 on: 08/14/2020 09:23 pm »

NET October 23 - USCV-1: Dragon v2 Crew-1 - Falcon 9 (B1061.1 S) - Kennedy LC-39A
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3095 on: 08/15/2020 06:19 am »
The next Crew Dragon launch, Crew-1, is scheduled for launch from pad 39A on October 23 at 5:47am EDT. The launch window is instantaneous (sunrise is not until 7:28am). The launch time gets 22-26 minutes earlier each day.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3096 on: 08/15/2020 06:39 am »
Kleos Space (ASX: KSS, Frankfurt: KS1), a space-powered Radio Frequency Reconnaissance data-as-a-service company, announces that it has signed a contract with Spaceflight Inc. to carry and launch a cluster of Kleos satellites on the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch scheduled for mid 2021.

This launch will be the second cluster launched by Kleos, following the expected launch of the Kleos Scouting Mission aboard the Indian Space Research Organisation’s PSLV C49 shortly.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3098 on: 08/16/2020 08:44 pm »
WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin and the University of Southern California are collaborating on a small satellite program with the goal to launch four cubesats over the next two years.

Students at USC’s Information Sciences Institute will build the satellites and integrate them with Lockheed Martin’s SmartSat mission payload.

Adam Johnson, director of Lockheed Martin’s SmartSat program, told SpaceNews that the collaboration with USC is an opportunity for the company to test its new software-defined satellite technology and for the students to gain experience building satellites with real-world applications.

The first of the four planned missions is a remote sensing spacecraft. It will be used to test artificial intelligence technology to enable autonomous satellites.

Momentus, a space transportation and logistics startup in Silicon Valley, was hired to provide the launch services. The company has arranged for the 3U cubesat to fly on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rideshare scheduled for February 2021. The cubesat will be mated with a Momentus “transfer vehicle” that, once released from the SpaceX rocket, will take the cubesat to a sun synchronous orbit about 550 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

The SmartSat software lets satellite operators change missions while in orbit. Lockheed Martin has released a software development kit to encourage developers to write their own third-party mission apps.

The 3U cubesat mission is the first of four that USC will build. The second will be a smaller 1.5U cubesat to test communications links. Two larger 6U cubesats are being designed for projected launches in 2022.

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Re: US Launch Schedule
« Reply #3099 on: 08/16/2020 08:45 pm »
LITTLETON, Co., - Lockheed Martin is building mission payloads for a Space Engineering Research Center at University of Southern California (USC) Information Sciences Institute small satellite program called La Jument, which enhance Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) space technologies.

For the program, four La Jument nanosatellites - the first launching later this year - will use Lockheed Martin’s SmartSat software-defined satellite architecture on both their payload and bus. SmartSat lets satellite operators quickly change missions while in orbit with the simplicity of starting, stopping or uploading new applications.

The system is powered by the NVIDIA Jetson platform built on the CUDA-X capable software stack and supported by the NVIDIA JetPack software development kit (SDK), delivering powerful AI at the edge computing capabilities to unlock advanced image and digital signal processing.

SmartSat provides on-board cyber threat detection, while the software-defined payload houses advanced optical and infrared cameras utilized by Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Center (ATC) to further mature and space qualify Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. The La Jument payloads are the latest of more than 300 payloads Lockheed Martin has built for customers.

La Jument satellites will enable AI/ML algorithms in orbit because of advanced multi-core processing and on-board graphics processing units (GPU). One app being tested in orbit will be SuperRes, an algorithm developed by Lockheed Martin that can automatically enhance the quality of an image, like some smartphone camera apps. SuperRes enables exploitation and detection of imagery produced by lower-cost, lower-quality image sensors.


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