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Go Cosmos returned to PC on Sep 2 @ 2:42am ET

Go Cosmos departed PC on Sep 7 @ 6:12pm ET
Signet Warhorse I + ASOG + B1062 (partial) returned to PC on Aug 30 @ 12:11pm ET

Signet Warhorse III + ASOG departed PC on Sep 7 @ 8:15am ET

Heading for Port Freeport, Bahamas
Bob departed PC on Sep 2 @ 1:28pm ET

Bob returned to PC on Sep 7 @ 6:37am ET

Bob departed PC on Sep 7 @ 6:34pm ET

Heading to Charleston, SC
Signet Warhorse I + JRTI departed PC on Sep 2 @ 2:19pm ET

Signet Warhorse I + JRTI + B1077 returned to PC on Sep 7 @ 12:00pm ET

Signet Warhorse I + JRTI departed PC on Sep 7 @ 4:09pm ET
BTW the filtered water you had in your fancy Yeti thermos at the beach and dumped out before you left was also no longer portable in pretty much the exact same way.

Don't even get me started on the toxic disaster that dumping out your warm Coke or leftover beer is!!!

How many thousands of gallons of warm Coke are you dumping on the regular?
Are we comfortable with sending people to Mars before Starship demonstrates a safe return and landing on Earth after landing on Mars?
"we" the people are uncomfortable with lots of things, though ironically sending people to their possible death is not one of them.

The people you should be asking is the people that want to go.  If a crew is able and willing (and "able" includes "informed") then yes.

Once they land, they can keep getting supplied. They'll set up ISRU, and at some point return flights will become possible.
Regulatory cadence needs to change to make this happen. Or start a new company in another country.

Regulatory agencies have long been a convenient scapegoat for the fact that space is hard and progress will be slow, and people do not want to admit that fact.

It's frustrating to see that every time a date for a Mars journey is announced dozens of people show up with countless reasons not to do it. >:(

I can think of countless reasons to do it. I can also think of countless reasons why it is unrealistic, impractical, dangerous, reckless, foolhardy, etc.

Ultimately, I think a lot of the drive to do it - on behalf of entities both private and public - is not the altruistic "saving civilization" or "advancing humanity" endeavor it's marketed as. It's just vanity and ego. Sometimes it's a single man's ego, sometimes it's a country's ego.
Are we comfortable with sending people to Mars before Starship demonstrates a safe return and landing on Earth after landing on Mars?
Who is "we"? There are people who believe that humanity on Earth is under several near-term existential threats. These people want to establish a self-sustaining colony on Mars as a long-shot insurance policy to maintain humanity. I doubt that they are "comfortable" with risking lives to shorten the time needed, but they may be less comfortable with not doing so.
Blue Origin / Re: Blue Origin Factory Tour: Jeff Bezos & Tim Dodd
« Last post by meekGee on Today at 01:27 am »

I'll ask you this:  If he's the tech nerd you think he is, and if he's also as rich as Bezos and in full control, why does BO behave the way it does?  The secrecy, the patents, the pad troll lawsuit? The "trust Bob Smith" passive attitude..

Because those same behaviors (which to be clear, I think are bad and at times anti-competitive), helped make Amazon one of the most successful businesses on Earth. Why wouldn't Bezos keep doing that, when it's worked for him before?

And they are also the behaviours that got F1 engines recovered from the seabed

Exactly.  Except that the achievement has nothing to do with making BO successful. Nobody doubts that he likes technology. But his focus is wrong for leading a rocket company.

Secrecy and patents are not unusual in any business, which includes spaceflight. SpaceX has 84 granted patents, and its own share of secrets.

And as for your conclusion that his focus is wrong... he's doing it anyway.
Having patents and secrets is one thing. (And is natural and ok)

Conducting your company in a secretive way is quite another, and that's the difference. Same with troll patents and idiotic lawsuits.  Not the way of the tech nerd.
Ok, so in your mind you think that you have to be a "tech nerd" to lead a rocket company??
It was how JB's appearance in the video was characterized upthread. The role is obviously a lot more demanding than that.

Tech leader, industrialist, infinite dedication...  JB fails early as tech leader, he's capable of following along but not more.

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