Author Topic: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6 (1:144)  (Read 1111031 times)

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #20 on: 11/22/2012 10:44 pm »
Hey guys,

it's a pity that no one says his opinion, don't you dare?  :-\

Now, the AXM version suits me better and therefore I'll scratch build the pedestals like this, because it looks much better and is more accurate in size in my opinion.  ;)

« Last Edit: 11/22/2012 10:54 pm by roma847 »
Regards from Germany


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Offline Dappa

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #21 on: 11/23/2012 03:23 pm »
I'd say the one on the right (in the last image) looks more realistic.

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #22 on: 11/23/2012 08:08 pm »
Hi Dappa,

thanks for your answer, you're the first guy who is giving a feedback here, congratulations.  8)

Okay, then we have the same taste, and a 3D design is obviously more realistic than the 2D design of the paper kit.  ;)

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Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #23 on: 11/23/2012 08:37 pm »
At this pedestal detail a small general deficit of the actually great Paper kit of David Maier shows up.

All too small and above all still more complicated, spatial details cannot be represented of paper nevertheless so convincingly and can be converted still many more with difficulty. And in extreme cases completely tricky things can become then even easily unattractively, particularly regarded from the nearness. And that is probable the reason, why David Maier also sometimes abstain from it and some details are only suggested. And last but not least everything is a question of expenditure, both for the CAD designer and for the modeler too.

Therefore I want to build pedestals from sheet after the AXM template, but with small changes to the corner interfaces, which are missing in both variants so far.

As one can see in the next picture, the baseplates of the corner interfaces exceed approximately to the half over the MLP corners.

Source: NASA

Therefore I have small angles of the supernatant corner interface made of sheet, which are glued together concisely with the corners of the MLP baseplate. Here one sees the individual parts for the corner MMI's, which was adapted on the basis of the AXM template still more to the original.

And here are the next steps of the fitting:

That is first the angle bracket (1.5 mm) with the main plate (0.5 mm), both from Sheet. Who looks exactly, the difference to the AXM template will recognize. Next the ribs (0.5 mm) had his turn, and so the mite grows then over continues to the corner.

Now only a rear rib is missing to the Side 2, and then there was already the final fitting, which fit already completely properly and pleases me so also well.  ;)

And here is the corner MMI for the right corner on Side 1. Before it already lie the angle plates for the two rear corner MMI's at Side 3 and the templates for the side panels.

And then still fast a picture of the fitting.

And thus to the corner MMI's to the Side 3, which see actually exactly the same as at the Side 1, as one can see in the following pictures. Here the MMI opinion of the rear end of the Side 4, at the transition to the Side 3,

Source: NASA

and here the opinion behind the corner, from the Side 3.

Source: NASA

The individual parts for the remaining MMI's lie here already.

Those are now the six MMI's after their completion.

Now the parts are cleaned still of last finishing and then they finally can go for painting.  ::)

Regards from Germany


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Offline Dappa

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #24 on: 11/23/2012 10:48 pm »
;D Certainly looks like you're having loads of fun with that Manfred! And it all seems to go really quick, how do you manage to do that?

It has been a few years since I built my last model, but you actually make me want to build something again. :) Little problem though: I moved out of my parents' house since then, so no more using my dad's tools. ;)

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #25 on: 11/24/2012 06:20 am »
Yes, that makes a lot of fun,  :) but that costs too much time to scratch build all these details.  ::)

You need not wonder, I am building for about a year on this project and post here one after the other the individual steps until I have got the connection to the current state. Then it goes on in real time and the progress will be then of course no longer so fast.  ;)

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Offline jgoldader

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #26 on: 11/24/2012 01:19 pm »
, I am building for about a year on this project and post here one after the other the individual steps until I have got the connection to the current state. Then it goes on in real time and the progress will be then of course no longer so fast.  ;)

Aha!  That's your secret!

What a tremendous build.  It is a wonderful reference for those of us planning to do the same project.  Thank you!

Recovering astronomer

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #27 on: 11/24/2012 03:08 pm »
Hi Jeff,

Oh no, I have no secret, I am just honest.  ;)  And that's why I show you also the construction progress in such details, especially for those who want sometime even to build a complete launch pad. And to do this I'll share many details in original photos as a reference.  8)

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Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #28 on: 11/24/2012 03:39 pm »
Here is the next update with the six MMI's after painting. Those look here somewhat dark in the picture, are however brighter in reality, as one will directly see.

Here are the two corner interfaces at the Side 1 after the assembly.

and here the MMI's to the other MLP sides.

Without large break equal still with the four Access Platforms for the Side 1. Before painting the platforms were cleaned in an isopropanol bath thoroughly with the brush and dried afterwards with a blow-dryer. And in such a way the platforms look now finished painted from above,

and so at the bottom

And tomorrow the assembly follows.

« Last Edit: 08/12/2013 10:41 am by roma847 »
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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #29 on: 11/24/2012 04:01 pm »
Amazing work.
Thank you for sharing.

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #30 on: 11/24/2012 09:54 pm »
Thanks for the compliments and your interest.  ;)

Regards from Germany


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Offline OV135

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #31 on: 11/25/2012 02:33 pm »
Any tips for a 1/72 scale MLP/ shuttle LC-39? :)

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #32 on: 11/25/2012 03:49 pm »
What kind of tips do you want to know?  :-\

You can build exactly the MLP in the same way as I do with David Maier's  MLP Paper Kit 1:72 in combination with a Shuttle stack by Monogram 1:72.

Do you want to build a Shuttle Launch tower (FSS & RSS) 1:72 too?  ::)

If so, David Maier offers a Paper kit 1: 72 too, which you can use to build the entire Launch Pad 39A,  8)  look



Good luck!

« Last Edit: 11/25/2012 06:00 pm by roma847 »
Regards from Germany


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Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #33 on: 11/25/2012 06:59 pm »
But befor the assembly of the Access Platforms follows, here are still some other details.

At the MLP buttom side there are these two small air grids above the Crawler's cab, which should not naturally be missing.

Source: NASA

Because those are rather tiny, I used the fine-meshed ribbon for the lattices again. Among them the prepared frameworks with the black background already lie.

Next the lattices were glued behind the frameworks, cut out these then and glued afterwards on the black background, that already were it.

And in this photo the air grids are already installed.

Next the bottom plates of the MMI's (from the AXM template) were glued together and then the holes for the centering bolts were carefully bored (Ø 2.4 mm).

Subsequently, below the Side 4 the three markings for the SSWS pipings and in the center four markings for the Crawler Transporter/MLP Mechanical Interfaces were attached.

Those are the four support points of the MLP on the Crawler, which has in each case a distance from 27,40 m from each other, as one can see from this picture from David Maier's Crawler building guidance.

Source: EDU-Craft Diversions(CD-ROM)

In the end the centering bolts already painted (Ø 2.3 mm) were then glued into the drillings, with which the buttom side is complete now.

And now the welding operators have begun with the assembly of the Access Platforms, and like it itself belonged, naturally with the Access Platform AP 1. That is the largest of the four Access platforms here at the left front.

On this platform there are some parts of the LOX Valve Skid, as well as filters and armatures, how one can see in this picture. To the protection from hot exhaust gases during starting these platforms are roofed over through Blast Shields.

Source: NASA

The associated parts in the used Paper kit look in such a way:

There are two Equipment Pallets AP 1 C (left) and AP 1 D (right) with some armatures, as well as two panel retaining structures AP 1 J and AP 1 K, which however can be attached only after the assembly of the Blast Shields. I have put the pallets here provisionally on the platform.

In reality the right pallet is however no closed platform but a framework from H-Beams, as one can see here in the following picture of the right pallet with the LOX Filter in the center.

Source: NASA

So long!

Regards from Germany


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Offline OV135

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #34 on: 11/26/2012 01:34 pm »
I'm building the entire LC-39 set when it arrives. :)

I plan to use styrene for this  1/72 scale set.

I'm also adding the  truss span that  spans the width of the flame trench that the LC-39 FSS/RSS doesn't include.
« Last Edit: 11/26/2012 01:45 pm by OV135 »

Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #35 on: 11/26/2012 02:44 pm »
Wow, what a nice project, I'm already now interested in.  ::)

What kind of model kit is that you want to use, or will you use David Maier's Paper Kit as a template?  :-\

BTW that truss span you are meaning is the so-called North Bridge, which I also still want to build.  ;D

And for this, the last photo is well suited.  ;)

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Offline roma847

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #36 on: 11/26/2012 09:21 pm »
Thus I probably will scratch-build the right pallet from H-Beams (1,5x1,5 mm), in order to remain closer at the original. With the left pallet (AP 1 C) it looks somewhat differently.

And here is my first attempt with parts of the paper kit, in order to show the difference to the original better, so that you can judge.

Here the first armatures are to be seen on the right pallet, on the left the "Black Box" with a piping to the right in the back and behind it the LOX Filter. The box as such does not exist in such a way in the original. Those are here again only hazy suggestions of the pipings left from the LOX Filter, if you want to compare with the last picture. And now still another further detail is added.

That should be the mounting plates of different pipings which there stand in front of it.

The more I look at myself against the original photographs, the less I am convinced of the paper details, particularly since it looks really differently in the original MLP. I mean also that the H-Beams framework is some more longer and extends to the left, probably up to the end of this Bay with the inlet of the white LH2 Pipe into the MLP wall, which leads then to the TSM. One can recognize the inlet as black point left above the box.

It seems to me that I must think about it still more exactly.  8)

And here is a update to the Access Platforms, which are now completely installed.

Between the AP 2 and AP 3 the first supports were drawn in.

And then still completely surprisingly the stair builder went past and already took measure.

So it can go further.

That would have been also too beautiful, but thus the safety check agreed unfortunately not at all, which was turned up suddenly and for the surprise of all and concerning the platforms gave some editions, which are shown by the following picture:

Source: NASA

The inspection did not only have complained the missing platform bracer over the corner MMI interface (right arrow) , which was in the meantime already improved. Above all however it was criticized that between the lower platform AP 2 and the outside AP 4 a stabilization prop (left arrow, I-Beam) is missing, which must be absolutely still attached, before the final inspection can take place!  :o

But those inspectors are right, safety first!!! And therefore the welders drew in the complained of missing props also fast, as one can see here.  ::)

And now finally all are content.

Regards from Germany


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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #37 on: 11/27/2012 06:03 pm »
And so that again back on the Access Platform AP 1, where I had already begun with the two pallets from D. Maiers Paper kit, which did not so completely convince me however. And therefore I assiduously scanned archives again for detail photographs.

As one can recognize in the following picture from below the left Equipment Pallet, this pallet is a closed frame construction with a coverage.

Source: NASA

At least the middle range (without gratings) is closed upward and one can even recognize some girders. From the same photo series there is a further picture from something other position. And on that one can recognize the following details with experienced view (and eagle eyes  ::)  ):

Source: NASA

In the ranges marked by arrows actually light from above shines through.  That would mean that only the middle closed part belonges to the left pallet which has a coverage. In D. Maiers Kit the left pallet is closed, but sits however directly before the MLP wall. And I assume strongly that it has also no break as with D. Maiers kit, but continuous exhibits the same width.

In the meantime I investigated also in NSF forum and found thereby these two detail photos of the left pallet, which seems to confirm my theory. In the first picture one sees the framework of the pallet behind the grating strip with pipes and armatures of the LOX Valve Skid.

Source: (J. Patterson)

And in the second picture of the same place one can recognize the rear grating strip in front of the MLP wall.

Source: (J. Patterson)

After these questions are clarified now to the pallets on the Access Platform AP 1, finally far can be with the practical work on the right Pallet of the LOX Valve Skid, which is to be seen in this photo again beautifully.

Source: NASA

For the framework I essentially use H-beams 1,5x1,5 mm.

As one can see however in the previous NASA photo, the pallet sits not concisely on the grating, but stands for something increased on small bases. And those I'll build then tomorrow, together with further cross beams and bracers, up to the base frame for the LOX Filter.

Therefore first times eight small bases came as feet under the right pallet from square profile 1,5x1,5 mm.

In the center the two small extensions indicate already the location of the LOX Filter. Then there are several cross beams on the framework, on which further mounting plates for pipings etc. sit, from which first is installed here already. The cross beam is H-profile 1.5x1.5 mm, the front prop from T-beam 1,5x1,5 mm.

Further left there is still another second mounting plate of this kind, which is to be seen in the next picture. Then I have built the next miniature, that is the mounting plate right beside first with the T-beam, which has a special structure, which I had to look at myself and then consider only longer time, from which I can make it best. For the base frame I finally took then after some preliminary tests failed a H-beam 3.0x3.0 mm and on it still few small parts from sheet glued.

And I must say, these details stop genuinly and require already some at patience and concentration. Up to now about 25 component parts are in the pallet, and those are not yet all, if you look back to the NASA photo. Well yes, I wanted it in such a way, now I thereby began, and now I'm also keep on doing. I think already that the expenditure will be worthwhile itself ...  ::)

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Offline OV135

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #38 on: 11/27/2012 10:46 pm »
Mt model will be entire built from scratch using the paper model as a guide to get the scale of the pieces right. :)

Say will you be adding the elevator that is inside the FSS side of the small structures attached to the FSS? There is one also on the opposite side as well. Unlike the FSS, this elevator is easily visible for obvious reasons. It's shown in the old Apollo films when the astronauts board at the pad.

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Re: Space Shuttle Launch Pad 39A with Challenger STS-6
« Reply #39 on: 11/28/2012 08:50 am »
Have you even decided which STS mission you want to build?  :-\  It depends what looks like your FSS Tower. In the early years of the shuttle era the launch tower looked different than in recent years.

David Maier's LC 39 Paper Kit shows the FSS tower in its latest design at the STS-135 mission.

Since I decided for the STS-6 mission with the Challenger, I'll use the Detail kits of LVM Studios, which one can build the elevator shaft of the tower in the original building technique with the red lattice windows.

Source: NASA

As you know the launch towers of Pad 39A and 39B later were reconstructed and rebuilt several times, where the elevator shafts were then covered with steel.

The LVM Detail Kits I've presented in a special thread (in German), you can look here.

Detail kit No. 1 contains e.g. parts for the complete staircase in the tower, which is completely missing in the Revell Kits 4910/4911.

These are photo etched parts (PE) from thin brass sheet metal, with which very finely detailed structures can be produced as well known.

BTW, I don't know what you mean with the other elevator on the opposite side of the FSS? Have you a photo from this side?  ::)

Regards from Germany


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