What you are saying is that the quantum vacuum defines a universal rest frame, so as I said, you are just defining a preferred frame. This means that you should be able to measure your velocity relative to it. How would you do so? (And no, Hafele-Keating does not show a difference, you are going to state exactly what you are going to measure, and how 2 observers, one that comes in and is moving at the same velocity as clock 1 and one moving the same as clock 2, would agree on which clock was accelerated.)
...The M-M experiment clearly demonstrates that the speed of light is invariant between reference frames demonstrating that there is no difference between frames based on their velocity, which requires reciprocity to work.
You continue to claim that this has not been tested when you have been given evidence and every counterargument you have made I have shown to be either contradictory or irrelevant. You continuing to claim this is simply ignoring everything I have written so far.Quote from: WarpTech on 12/02/2017 07:26 pmQuote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 06:48 pmbut if you pick a preferred frame, you will no longer see the speed of light as constant in all frames.This is a false assumption. As in the PV Model, everyone sees the same value c "locally". Time dilation and length contraction at higher energy states relative to the vacuum, assure that the rulers and clocks are scaled to always give "c" as the local value. It's NOT an aether.It is a preferred frame, you are claiming that the velocity measured relative to the vacuum matters. If that is true, then there must be a measurable difference based on this. This would be counter to the most fundamental principles that relativity is derived from, so you would simply not get the same results.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 06:48 pmbut if you pick a preferred frame, you will no longer see the speed of light as constant in all frames.This is a false assumption. As in the PV Model, everyone sees the same value c "locally". Time dilation and length contraction at higher energy states relative to the vacuum, assure that the rulers and clocks are scaled to always give "c" as the local value. It's NOT an aether.
but if you pick a preferred frame, you will no longer see the speed of light as constant in all frames.
I do not know of any reason why 2 clocks at rest and separated by a distance (x2 - x1) can't be synchronized by exchanging light pulses.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 09:40 pmWhat you are saying is that the quantum vacuum defines a universal rest frame, so as I said, you are just defining a preferred frame. This means that you should be able to measure your velocity relative to it. How would you do so? (And no, Hafele-Keating does not show a difference, you are going to state exactly what you are going to measure, and how 2 observers, one that comes in and is moving at the same velocity as clock 1 and one moving the same as clock 2, would agree on which clock was accelerated.)No. What "I" am saying is that the EM ZPF defines a zero baseline for the energy content of matter. Matter is in equilibrium with the vacuum it's immersed in. A different zero-point energy in the EM field results in a different equilibrium energy of the matter. As I said previously, you cannot measure velocity relative to the ZPF. The spectrum will Doppler shift and the matter will respond to this increased equilibrium energy. Its length will contract and time will dilate, such that the vacuum will look the same, regardless of the energy content of the object.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 09:40 pm...The M-M experiment clearly demonstrates that the speed of light is invariant between reference frames demonstrating that there is no difference between frames based on their velocity, which requires reciprocity to work.Again, the M-M experiment says nothing about reciprocity. You have not proven to me that it does. It only demonstrates that length contraction prevents it from detecting any change in the speed of light.
The outcome shows that inertial reference frames are equivalent regardless of velocity, this directly leads to the Lorentz transformations, which are inherently reciprocal. It does not matter how many times you claim otherwise, you have no supporting argument, and are just ignoring what the results say.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 09:40 pmIt is a preferred frame, you are claiming that the velocity measured relative to the vacuum matters. If that is true, then there must be a measurable difference based on this. This would be counter to the most fundamental principles that relativity is derived from, so you would simply not get the same results.No, I'm not saying that, because I know you cannot measure velocity relative to the vacuum. You can, however, measure the energy state by comparing clocks and rulers.
It is a preferred frame, you are claiming that the velocity measured relative to the vacuum matters. If that is true, then there must be a measurable difference based on this. This would be counter to the most fundamental principles that relativity is derived from, so you would simply not get the same results.
Here is an actual experiment with relativity that shows it is non symmetric. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafele%E2%80%93Keating_experimentQuoteConsidering the Hafele–Keating experiment in a frame of reference at rest with respect to the center of the earth, a clock aboard the plane moving eastward, in the direction of the Earth's rotation, had a greater velocity (resulting in a relative time loss) than one that remained on the ground, while a clock aboard the plane moving westward, against the Earth's rotation, had a lower velocity than one on the ground.2 aircraft flying in opposite directions on earth. Aircraft one, flying in the direction of the rotation of earth has its clock slowed the greatest. The clock on the ground is not as slow as aircraft 1 but is slower than aircraft 2. Aircraft 2's clock is the fastest as it moves the counter the earths rotation. Now take this path and reduce it to an instant in time with the two aircraft passing each other. One aircraft clock is running fast w.r.t. one plane while the other plane should see the others as slow. They quickly land and measure the smaller change in time via the shorter trip. This appears to me to be non-symmetric. Oddly with respect to something that doesn't rotate and seems to be with respect to the earth center if this article is correct.
Considering the Hafele–Keating experiment in a frame of reference at rest with respect to the center of the earth, a clock aboard the plane moving eastward, in the direction of the Earth's rotation, had a greater velocity (resulting in a relative time loss) than one that remained on the ground, while a clock aboard the plane moving westward, against the Earth's rotation, had a lower velocity than one on the ground.
What is non-symmetric here isn't the speed of light. Both planes would record a light beam as moving at c but with various Doppler shifts so that isn't the issue (except for maybe the specifics of the light changing vacuum frames leading to Doppler shifts). What is non-symmetric is the passage of time as in the Minkowski_diagram. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_diagram where one persons time space axis tilts while the others does not (non-symmetric). Here we have the very non-symmetric effect which leads to one twin more rapidly ageing while the other doesn't. Knowing what your moving with respect to is detectable by the passage of time not the speed of light. This is exactly what they detected. This is why I stated, "This appears to me to be non-symmetric. Oddly with respect to something that doesn't rotate and seems to be with respect to the earth center if this article is correct."
I'll get back to what we were discussing later. Right now, let's consider Frame Dragging.
The Hafele–Keating experiment,...
There is an alternate interpretation of this. If there were a gravitomagnetic potential, AG has units of velocity, m/s, it is essentially the cause of frame dragging. One could draw the conclusion that the field (space-time) rotates in the direction of the earth's rotation. Flying eastward, the clock is moving faster than the field, AG-v < 0. Flying westward, the clock is moving slower than the field, AG - v > 0. This would imply that there is a preferred reference frame that is "at rest" relative to the rotating field AG. They used the center of the earth as the reference, which would also be the center of the rotation, AG => 0 as the flux through the loop, ΦG => 0 at the singularity r=0.
The 3 clocks run at different rates. They are not reciprocal. The field AG provides a background velocity field relative to which they are moving.Possible or no?
The DSSU gravitational field is fundamentallydifferent. Instead of a force field it is a dynamic aether“field” —an active region which can be divided into twofunctional components.The first is the aether flow field. Surrounding anygravitating body there is a bulk flow of aether —acontinuous streaming into the central mass body. Thespeed of the aether flow increases with proximity to thesurface of the central body.
Of course, the most striking aspect of the aboveequation is that <rho> is negative. It is therefore interestingto understand the origin of the minus sign in more details...where ... are the particleand anti-particle number operators respectively. Ofcourse, their mean value vanishes in the vacuum statewhich contains no particle. The zero point energy is thusgiven by the formally infinite term δ(0). Since this termappears with a minus sign in the Hamiltonian, the correspondingenergy density is indeed negative. The origin ofthis minus sign is the anti-commuting properties of thecreation and annihilation operators. We conclude thatthe vacuum energy density is negative because we dealwith fermions which are anti-commuting objects....we estimate the vacuum energy and find a valuevery far from the often quoted “122 orders of magnitude”....4. Schr¨odinger Equation in an Accelerated FrameIt is also frequent to refer to the weak equivalence principleas the property stating that, locally, the effect of aconstant gravitational field can be mimicked by an acceleratingframe. Therefore, it is interesting to studywhether this claim holds in quantum mechanics. Thisquestion has been studied in Refs. [146, 150, 151]. Here,we follow the treatment of Ref. [146].Let us consider the free Schr¨ondinger equation (in onedimension to simplify the problem). ... we find that the equivalence between a constantgravitational field and an accelerated frame propagatesto quantum mechanics.
In a previous paper we have shown it is possible to build alternative versions of Special Theory of Relativity only considering homogeneity of space, of time and Relative Principle without invoking the postulate of invariance of light velocity in all the inertial frames. Within these alternatives, space and time transformations different than the Lorentz ones like, in particular, the Selleri inertial transformations, are possible. This has many important consequences as, for example, the need for the distinction between physical time as duration of change in space and mathematical time as a parameter quantifying this change as well as the anisotropy of one-way velocity of light. ...
Getting back to it...There are two identical clocks, at rest wrt each other and synchronized at the same place, at the same time. My hypothesis is; that if you accelerate either one of these clocks, "work" is performed on that clock that is not performed on the other clock. It is the work performed that makes that clock run "slower" because it now has a higher energy content, its Tuv has changed. The situation is not symmetrical, since no work was done to the other clock. It's rate isn't affected and it's energy-momentum tensor is unchanged.
However, given the previous example where one of the clocks was put into orbit at the same altitude as the other clock. Work was done to the clock in orbit, and now it is in free-fall, where there are no forces and no proper acceleration in the frame of the orbiting clock. The clock in orbit runs slower than the clock that is hovering at the same altitude. Even though the hovering clock feels a force supporting it, no work has been done to it because it hasn't moved anywhere. In this scenario, the clocks do not tick at the same rate, their Tuv's are different, AND observers with each clock will agree on whose clock is running faster or slower. It is not reciprocal.
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/02/2017 06:09 pmI'm glad we agree. However, the situation is not the same as what you describe. Flying in a big circle requires forces acting on the ship/twin for the whole trip. This is equivalent to the twin hovering in my experiment. In your situation, the other twin at rest would age faster. In the situation which I described we have the opposite. It is the twin in the inertial frame in free fall that ages slower and the one accelerating (forces present) that ages faster. In both situations it is the twin that is moving in a circle as seen by a distant observer that ages slower. The situations are mathematically equivalent, yet you are insisting on defining your terms in such a way as to get an apparent contradiction.
I'm glad we agree. However, the situation is not the same as what you describe. Flying in a big circle requires forces acting on the ship/twin for the whole trip. This is equivalent to the twin hovering in my experiment. In your situation, the other twin at rest would age faster. In the situation which I described we have the opposite. It is the twin in the inertial frame in free fall that ages slower and the one accelerating (forces present) that ages faster.
This non-reciprocity cannot be demonstrated with Lorentz transformations because they are inherently reciprocal. The fact that the observer and the source are moving toward or away from each other changes the situation, such that the changing time delay between them gives the "illusion" of reciprocity. I say it is an illusion because it is not present in the orbital scenario where it can be tested. The issue is that the differences in the Tuv of each clock is ignored, because the work done is not taken into consideration.
Are we clear up to this point?
You still haven't answered how to tell which clock is the one that accelerated, and some of your comments seem to be backtracking and agreeing with the point that you cannot tell which one is moving relative to the vacuum, but that is the definition of reciprocity being true.
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/12/2017 09:18 pmGetting back to it...There are two identical clocks, at rest wrt each other and synchronized at the same place, at the same time. My hypothesis is; that if you accelerate either one of these clocks, "work" is performed on that clock that is not performed on the other clock. It is the work performed that makes that clock run "slower" because it now has a higher energy content, its Tuv has changed. The situation is not symmetrical, since no work was done to the other clock. It's rate isn't affected and it's energy-momentum tensor is unchanged.How does some observer passing by (moving at some arbitrary velocity) know which clock was accelerated? Your hypothesis is meaningless if you cannot answer this question. If the answer is "they can't" then you are left with a perfectly symmetrical situation.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/12/2017 09:54 pmQuote from: WarpTech on 12/12/2017 09:18 pmGetting back to it...There are two identical clocks, at rest wrt each other and synchronized at the same place, at the same time. My hypothesis is; that if you accelerate either one of these clocks, "work" is performed on that clock that is not performed on the other clock. It is the work performed that makes that clock run "slower" because it now has a higher energy content, its Tuv has changed. The situation is not symmetrical, since no work was done to the other clock. It's rate isn't affected and it's energy-momentum tensor is unchanged.How does some observer passing by (moving at some arbitrary velocity) know which clock was accelerated? Your hypothesis is meaningless if you cannot answer this question. If the answer is "they can't" then you are left with a perfectly symmetrical situation.Simple! The random "inertial" observer passing by, would need to use his sensors (telescope) to read the face of both clocks as the two clocks pass each other. He would need to observe 1 or more complete orbits
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/12/2017 10:48 pmQuote from: meberbs on 12/12/2017 09:54 pmQuote from: WarpTech on 12/12/2017 09:18 pmGetting back to it...There are two identical clocks, at rest wrt each other and synchronized at the same place, at the same time. My hypothesis is; that if you accelerate either one of these clocks, "work" is performed on that clock that is not performed on the other clock. It is the work performed that makes that clock run "slower" because it now has a higher energy content, its Tuv has changed. The situation is not symmetrical, since no work was done to the other clock. It's rate isn't affected and it's energy-momentum tensor is unchanged.How does some observer passing by (moving at some arbitrary velocity) know which clock was accelerated? Your hypothesis is meaningless if you cannot answer this question. If the answer is "they can't" then you are left with a perfectly symmetrical situation.Simple! The random "inertial" observer passing by, would need to use his sensors (telescope) to read the face of both clocks as the two clocks pass each other. He would need to observe 1 or more complete orbitsWhat orbits? Nothing is orbiting anything in the described situation.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/12/2017 11:48 pmWhat orbits? Nothing is orbiting anything in the described situation.I thought we were getting back to my previous example, where one clock is in free fall (orbit) and the other is hovering on a platform. That's where I'm at.
What orbits? Nothing is orbiting anything in the described situation.
Except energy is frame dependent. In a frame based on a distant observer that is moving at the same instantaneous velocity as the orbiting twin, the orbiting twin is the one with less (0) kinetic energy. Your claim of "no reciprocity" ignores the existence of this frame.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 06:48 pmExcept energy is frame dependent. In a frame based on a distant observer that is moving at the same instantaneous velocity as the orbiting twin, the orbiting twin is the one with less (0) kinetic energy. Your claim of "no reciprocity" ignores the existence of this frame.For me, it comes down to this quote "energy is frame dependent". Obviously, in an orbital situation, the kinetic energy makes a big difference. A clock that has it, stays in orbit. A clock that doesn't, falls to the ground. This perspective comes from choosing the center of mass frame.
If you eliminate the center of mass frame, I have no solution.
On the other hand, there is nowhere in our entire galaxy that is not relative to some center of mass object. Be it the earth, the sun or Sagittarius A. So what is the point of discussing a situation where there is no gravitational potential as is done in SR?
There is nowhere in our galaxy where it would apply, except as an approximation to a larger model.
I can choose any center of mass I want, but it have to have a center of mass relative to which, a gravitational potential can be established in order to know the rate at which clocks "actually" tick. Not the rate they are perceived to tick by a moving observer.
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/13/2017 04:03 pmQuote from: meberbs on 12/02/2017 06:48 pmExcept energy is frame dependent. In a frame based on a distant observer that is moving at the same instantaneous velocity as the orbiting twin, the orbiting twin is the one with less (0) kinetic energy. Your claim of "no reciprocity" ignores the existence of this frame.For me, it comes down to this quote "energy is frame dependent". Obviously, in an orbital situation, the kinetic energy makes a big difference. A clock that has it, stays in orbit. A clock that doesn't, falls to the ground. This perspective comes from choosing the center of mass frame.I have said this repeatedly, yet you still have not acknowledged it:You can pick a frame where the large mass is moving, then you can do so in a way that the "hovering" object has more kinetic energy than the orbiting one (at least some of the time)
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/13/2017 04:03 pmIf you eliminate the center of mass frame, I have no solution.The universe does not have a center of mass frame. As far as we know, the universe may contain an infinite amount of mass across an infinite amount of space. I don't have to remove a frame that doesn't exist in reality.
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/13/2017 04:03 pmOn the other hand, there is nowhere in our entire galaxy that is not relative to some center of mass object. Be it the earth, the sun or Sagittarius A. So what is the point of discussing a situation where there is no gravitational potential as is done in SR?There are countless situations where gravitational potentials are irrelevant and space is essentially flat. You can imagine a couple of clocks halfway between here alpha centuari, and you would be able to have them move around at relativistic speeds for a few light weeks in any direction without having to worry about any gravity wells, and motion relative to the center of the galaxy would be negligible on that scale, so any effects from changing gravitational potential or such would be negligible.
You could, but it would be wrong to do so. The resulting frame would not be an inertial frame, it would have forces acting on the observer at all times.
I couldn't care less about the rest of the universe.
The space between the Sun and Alpha Centauri still has a gravitational potential relative to the Sag-A that can be used to set the baseline for the rate at which a clock will tick. It is also there to set the baseline to compare which clock has a kinetic energy content and which does not, relative to this CM. From that, the difference in the rate of the two clocks can be determined.
Quote from: meberbs on 12/13/2017 04:36 pmThere are countless situations where gravitational potentials are irrelevant and space is essentially flat. You can imagine a couple of clocks halfway between here alpha centuari, and you would be able to have them move around at relativistic speeds for a few light weeks in any direction without having to worry about any gravity wells, and motion relative to the center of the galaxy would be negligible on that scale, so any effects from changing gravitational potential or such would be negligible.The gravitational potential is only irrelevant if you don't care about comparing the rate at which clocks tick. If that is the goal, then gravity can't be ignored anywhere in the Universe.
There are countless situations where gravitational potentials are irrelevant and space is essentially flat. You can imagine a couple of clocks halfway between here alpha centuari, and you would be able to have them move around at relativistic speeds for a few light weeks in any direction without having to worry about any gravity wells, and motion relative to the center of the galaxy would be negligible on that scale, so any effects from changing gravitational potential or such would be negligible.
Quote from: WarpTech on 12/13/2017 05:56 pmThe gravitational potential is only irrelevant if you don't care about comparing the rate at which clocks tick. If that is the goal, then gravity can't be ignored anywhere in the Universe.For the described situations, the gravitational potential would be essentially constant, therefore it has the same effect on all of the clocks. You can't talk about orbits when the scenario is measured in weeks and the orbit is similar to the sun's around Sagittarius-A.Now are you going to attempt to answer the question of how to tell apart 2 clocks at the same gravitational potential that are moving relative to each other or are you going to keep making excuses and avoiding the question?
The gravitational potential is only irrelevant if you don't care about comparing the rate at which clocks tick. If that is the goal, then gravity can't be ignored anywhere in the Universe.