Please forgive me, envy887. I made a typo when inputting the ISP for MB-60. It should have been 466.7 and not 266.9. When you said, "use the AVERAGE specific impulse," are you referring to the specific impulse at sea level?
So the goal is to keep flying RS-25 engines?
If anything the RS-25 should be turned into a reusable second stage engine (~470s ISP) on top of a BE-4 booster.
Quote from: Oli on 05/19/2017 03:15 pmIf anything the RS-25 should be turned into a reusable second stage engine (~470s ISP) on top of a BE-4 booster.The SSME was the original engine for the Ares-I upper stage but it needed to be restartable, which proved to be far to expensive to do. It is designed from the beginning to require ground based equipment to start. As for being reusable, that is not physically possible. That needs to be part of the fundamental base design.
This thread should be renamed "RS-25 or bust"...
Quote from: clongton on 05/19/2017 04:29 pmQuote from: Oli on 05/19/2017 03:15 pmIf anything the RS-25 should be turned into a reusable second stage engine (~470s ISP) on top of a BE-4 booster.The SSME was the original engine for the Ares-I upper stage but it needed to be restartable, which proved to be far to expensive to do. It is designed from the beginning to require ground based equipment to start. As for being reusable, that is not physically possible. That needs to be part of the fundamental base design.I know people are huge fans of the SSME, but it is by now a pretty ancient design compared to newer engines. It is very expensive.
And despite its great efficiency, it is not well suited for a reusable vehicle.
Newer engines that are built with reusability in mind - M1D, BE-4, Raptor - are better choices for new rocket stages. Can't we just let the RS-25 retire with honor instead of trying to use it where it doesn't make sense?
What about 5-7 BE-3's on the Delta 5m core, with a BE-3 vacuum upper stage ACES? That would be an all hydrolox vehicle, 1st stage may be able to land.
OK.I changed my mind. After re-reading the information available, I have come to believe that the RS-25D is just too complicated and thus too expensive. If it should turn out that they can simplify the design in the quest to make an expendable version, then find out it could still be reusable, I could reconsider.So in the meantime, a simpler alternative: Add four BE-3's to the current Delta 4. The design already accepts solids, so it should be almost trivial (not really) to add plumbing. Use them for the boostback, ect. The landing legs should not be a challenge either. A few years ago, I remember reading they had run the RS-68 for as long as 700 seconds, so its quite possible that 3 flights per engine could happen now. Then upgrade the engine to RS-68B with a regenerative bell and make it manrated.That should be a cheaper path to keeping a hydrolox booster in production.
Can't we just let the RS-25 retire with honor instead of trying to use it where it doesn't make sense?
Sadly, the RS-25 will never again be used on a reusable spacecraft. It almost makes more sense to upgrade the RS-68 to a regenerative nozzle and more thrust. Combining that type of engine with a big cluster of GEM solids and a good upper stage would make for a formidable expendable launcher!
... Also, hydrolox first stages always seems to need solids to actually get going (has there ever been a Delta IV without solids attached?)
(has there ever been a Delta IV without solids attached?)