hyper_snyper - 22/6/2006 12:41 PMAnd people say the CEV looks ugly...
Jim - 23/6/2006 5:15 PMX-38 was derived from the HL-20 which was derived from the HL-10, which flew from 1966 to 75 at EAFBBOR-4 and Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-105 "Spiral"
Jim - 23/6/2006 3:15 PMX-38 was derived from the HL-20 which was derived from the HL-10, which flew from 1966 to 75 at EAFBBOR-4 and Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-105 "Spiral"
PlanetStorm - 24/6/2006 7:52 AMThe X-24A actually flew? That is some lifting body - it doesn't seem to have any wings at all!
PlanetStorm - 24/6/2006 9:52 AMThe X-24A actually flew? That is some lifting body - it doesn't seem to have any wings at all!
Dana - 24/6/2006 7:46 PMAncestors of the Shuttle: The Lifting Bodies: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/newancestrosoftheshuttlepartiitheliftingbodies.msnwM2-F1: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/m2f1.msnwM2-F2: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/m2f2.msnwM2-F3: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/m2f3.msnwHL-10: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/hl10.msnwX-24A: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/x24a.msnwX-24B: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/x24b.msnwUnmanned Lifting Bodies: ASSET, PRIME & Hyper III: http://groups.msn.com/spacecowboysaloon/unmannedliftingbodiesassetprimeamphyperiii.msnw
Jim - 24/6/2006 10:03 PMsupply the proof of its flights.