Author Topic: SpaceForest: Perun sounding rocket  (Read 973 times)

Offline bolun

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SpaceForest: Perun sounding rocket
« on: 10/02/2024 10:29 am »
Boosting SpaceForest sounding rocket

In brief

ESA and SpaceForest just signed a ‘Boost!’ contract to further develop and commercialise the Perun suborbital launch service.


Based in Poland, SpaceForest is developing a new commercial single-stage European sounding rocket offering almost four minutes of microgravity experimentation time. The 11.5-m tall rocket will be able to launch 50 kg up to 150 km in altitude while also stabilising the payload for high-quality microgravity periods of flight.

Perun runs on modified paraffin, commonly used as candle wax, and so its propellant is non-toxic. The rocket can be launched on a mobile launch pad, allowing for easy deployment at launch facilities around Europe.

Last year, SpaceForest launched two full-scale models of its Perun rocket that flew to 22 km and 13 km altitude from the coastal town of Ustka, Poland, on the Baltic Sea.


To support the further service development and deployment, ESA is offering co-funding of €2.4 million for the following activities:

Upgrades to the combustion chamber will be designed, manufactured and flight-tested, followed by flight demonstrations of Perun to 50 km, 80 km, 100 km and 150 km altitudes to test the system and check the microgravity parameters.

ESA will also help in designing a mobile refueling station, ground support station and tracking and communication system, that can be transported by general road vehicles to keep launch activities agile and manageable.

With its Boost! programme, ESA is boosting commercial initiatives that offer transportation services to space, in space, and returning from space. The programme also supports Member States implementing national objectives for spaceports, testing facilities and more.

More information about Perun rocket system can be found at:

Credits: SpaceForest

Offline bolun

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Re: SpaceForest: Perun sounding rocket
« Reply #1 on: 10/02/2024 10:33 am »



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