The main goal of the work is to integrate the Prichal nodal module, which arrived at the International Space Station at the end of November 2021, into the Russian segment of the ISS.
1 Pre EVA Configuration3 Egress MRM2---->Open and Tether EV hatch and install protective ring5 ---->EV2 Egress MRM2 to STRELA boom6 ---->Take EVA bundles out of MRM27 ---->EV1 Egress MRM28 Configure STRELA9 ---->EV1 Translate to STRELA Operators post, Tether and monitor EVA bundle10 ---->EV2 Translate along STRELA boom to EE then Release EE from nx011 ---->EV1 Maneuver STRELA from nx0 to MLM HR410012 ---->EV2 Attach EE to MLM HR410013 Transfer EVA bundle to NM14 ---->EV1 Translate with EVA bundle along STRELA boom using translation ring to HR 410015 ---->EV2 Translate with US safety tether along MLM HRs 4100- ... -410816 ---->EV1 Translate with EVA bundle along MLM HRs 4100- ... -410817 ---->EV2 Translate with US safety tether to HRs 4101- ... -458018 ---->EV1 Translate with EVA bundle to MLM HRs 4108- ... -458019 ---->EV2 Translate with US safety tether to NM HRs 4580- ... -7445 Attach tether to HR 744420 EV1 Split EVA bundle and Prep short-cut HR 2 for installation21 EV2 Translate to HR 7661 and Install handrail limiter then Remove MLI covers from HRs22 Install short-cut HR 2 between HRs 4580 - 744323 Install NM Kurs-P cables24 ---->EV1 Translate with KPU EVA Tool Carrier to NM HR 7225 and Install cable clamps K3 and K425 ---->EV2 Translate along MLM to On26 Connector Patch Panel and Demate MLM Kurs-P cables26 ---->EV1,EV2 Secure NM Kurs-P cables in cable clamps. Mate NM Kurs-P cables to On26 panel27 ---->EV1 Translate to NM On2 Patch Panel and Remate cnctr 1,2,3 to unused cnctr 4,5,628 ---->EV2 Translate to NM On1 and Remove MLI cover from On129 ---->EV2 Mate to On1 NM Kurs-P cables30 Install Antennas31 ---->EV1 Translate with [AP-BKA], [2AP-BKA] antennas to site AS along PI. D32 ---->EV1 Secure boom with antennas in lock and Mate antenna cables to On733 ---->EV2 Translate with [4A0-BKA] antenna to site A4 along PIA34 ---->EV2 Remove MLI cover from A4 and Install antenna then Mate cables to On635 EV1 Translate with TV cable along NM PI. D to MLM interface and Demate from On18 MLM TV cable36 EV1 Mate NM TV cable to On18 and Route cable under MLM HR to NM On237 EV1 Mate to cnctr 7 on NM On238 EV2 Install limiters on HRs 7551, 7553, 7554, 7441, 733839 Translate to TV camera between NM Pl. I-IV HRs 7552,7553 and Remove camera from port [TK1]40 EV1 Translate to container with target on NM PH41 EV1 Install Docking monitoring target and Docking target42 EV2 Transfer TV camera along NM Pl. IV to camera port [TK2]43 EV2 Remove MLI cover from [TK2] port and Install camera then Mate TV camera cable to On944 Jettison [4A0-BKA] antenna cover and 2 empty containers from NM45 EV1 Remove floodlight unit46 EV2 Install limiters on HR 7557 and Install cable clamps K1, K2, K547 Install short-cut HR 1 between HRs 4570-722548 Remove 2AC01-M-BKA antennas 1,2 and [A0-753A] antenna49 Jettison removed antennas50 Return to MRM251 ---->Translate to MLM with CPU EVA Tool Carrier, Crew Lock Bag and US safety tether52 ---->Perform visual inspection of Orlans, wipe gloves, jettison wipes53 ---->Translate along MLM and STRELA boom to MRM2 EV hatch54 ---->Perform inventory of EVA tools and HW55 Ingress MRM2
January 19, Wednesday6 a.m. – Coverage of the ISS Expedition 66 Russian spacewalk #51 to outfit the Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module (Shkaplerov and Dubrov; spacewalk scheduled to begin at 7 a.m. EST and last 7 ½ hours)
A view of MRM-1 Rassvet I would rather say...
Is there a schedule for these EVAS ?
Installation of "handrail limiter" to prevent tethers to be cut by HRs themselves.
Quote from: centaurinasa on 01/19/2022 12:45 pmInstallation of "handrail limiter" to prevent tethers to be cut by HRs themselves. First installation in handrail 7661.
Strela now freed from its grapple fixture restraint, moving it outboard.Noting an antenna rotating on Columbus (probably ASIM?).