Want to see some fire close up from my favorite secret SLC6 viewing spot? (turn up the volume...). #NROL91
Here’s a cool fisheye shot for all you flame trench fans. Don’t forget to turn up the sound. #NROL91
OK. By popular demand, my ultra secret, most favorite spot. #NROL91
Another longer time lapse clip of Delta IV Heavy - NROL 91 with additional pre and post engine launch views. See people & trucks for a sense of scale. @NASASpaceflightnasaspaceflight.com/2022/09/delta-…
Quote from: FutureSpaceTourist on 09/29/2022 06:55 pmThe pitch "up" after separation of the two side boosters is interesting. How does the vehicle appear to "roll" slightly as well with a only a single center mounted engine?
Quote from: Targeteer on 10/03/2022 12:29 amThe pitch "up" after separation of the two side boosters is interesting. How does the vehicle appear to "roll" slightly as well with a only a single center mounted engine?Same way the Delta II did: With a dedicated vernier engine. Using the Core Stage vernier engine, roll control is maintained after booster separation.
The pitch "up" after separation of the two side boosters is interesting. How does the vehicle appear to "roll" slightly as well with a only a single center mounted engine?
No, it's through a vectored nozzle for the turbopump exhaust.
Engine Specifics.The new RS-68 is capable of operating in—and transitioning between—full power level and minimum power level upon command from the vehicle. It also supplies pressurization gasses to vehicle fuel and oxidizer propellant tanks and thrust vector and roll control by gimbaling the thrust chamber assembly and the fuel turbine exhaust roll control nozzle.
The real ULA sniper...#DeltaIVHeavy #NROL91
Did you know that @ulalaunch added our music to their space rocket launch recap video? We met ULA’s CEO, who brought us a scaled model of the Delta IV Heavy rocket & taught us about launches. What an experience!🤘 Watch the launch 👉 youtube.com/watch?v=pXifOi…