Author Topic: Joining L2 - Payment Tutorial - now via the NSF Store  (Read 58907 times)

Online Chris Bergin

How to join L2 - 2023 Update

If you've clicked on this page, the NSF Server Hamsters already like you. ;D That shows you're interested in joining L2, super news for all concerned!

Here's the steps to complete your upgrade into L2.

1) Are you a member of the forum? If so, skip this step.

If you're a guest, you can create your username by clicking here It is a requirement you have a username here so we can upgrade you. We do not use your e-mail for anything else other than registration. There's some anti-spammer protection, so any issues with registering, just e-mail support@nasaspaceflight and we'll manually assist you.

2) Now, decide how long you want to join L2. The process is self-explanatory, but we're here to help you in all ways, including purchasing for a friend or member of your family.

The options are 2, 6 and 12 months. And now with far more payment options compared to the old method!

THIS IS NOT A RECURRING PAYMENT. No cancellation is required. You will join for the term you selected and at the end of the term you can either manually renew or your subscription will simply expire.

Please ensure you send your already-registered NSF Forum Username as that is what we use to upgrade your account.

Upon receiving notification of your subscription payment (near-instant), it will be handled by one of the NSF team (actually, 99 percent of the time, it's me), so upgrading during daytime Eastern hours is usually within the hour (can be just minutes). Overnight it's no longer than six hours. Your L2 term length won't begin until you first access it.

Your upgrade will open up all of the Main Sections of L2 to you and your welcome message will be sent to you in your forum messages section - which will include a jump in point which includes a Hall of Fame highlights section with links to some of the best L2 content selected by L2 members.

And thanks again! There simply would not be a site without L2 support.

Additional resources:
In work
« Last Edit: 11/11/2024 06:38 pm by Chris Bergin »
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