Author Topic: Predicting the SLS  (Read 259958 times)

Offline Jeff Bingham

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Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #660 on: 01/12/2011 12:46 am »
Anyway, IF the report required on January 10th by Section 309 of P.L. 11-267 is delivered on a timely basis, that will be surprising, frankly.

Has the report arrived yet?

Sorry...slow to respond, and I see that, in the meantime, Chris has been "equipped" with specifics, hehe, so you have that part of the answer. Was it surprising? yes, actually. It went through OMB much more quickly than previous reports. The questions is now how responsive it is considered and whether it truly sets the stage for progress. Views on that will undoubtedly differ as folks get a chance to review it in detail.
Offering only my own views and experience as a long-time "Space Cadet."

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Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #661 on: 01/12/2011 04:18 am »

I'm predicting that the SLS will use SSME's on an 8m core, 5-Seg SRBs and an upper stage powered by a J2X. I would like to be wrong though. :)

I was right!!!!! unfortunately :(

That was my prediction as well.
« Last Edit: 01/12/2011 04:19 am by Steven Pietrobon »
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Online Chris Bergin

Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #662 on: 01/12/2011 06:16 am »
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Offline Ben the Space Brit

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Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #663 on: 01/12/2011 07:52 am »
Just to summarise what I got from Chris's article:

MSFC studied a variety of SHLLVs and found that the A-251SH offers the best compromise of schedule to safety.  However, the budget is a big issue and NASA are saying that a HEFT 5/5 SDHLV isn't doable before the end of 2016 without trying to dress up a test flight as an early operational flight.

Interestingly, the DIRECT 4/x customisable non-stretched 130/24x core was not apparently included in the MSFC study. I'm wondering if NASA is holding it back as the 'compromise low-budget' option if Congress get angry about the long schedule and high budget needed for the 5/5.  If it was always the better option (and I'm betting that it was) but is still marginal on budget or schedule terms, NASA is more likely to get it approved if they can present it as an inferior but still usable 'fall-back' option.  It will assure the politicians that they are making sacrifices for the Greater Good. ;)

Another interesting factor is the the USAF has been doing its own studies on Atlas-V evolution based around a 1.2Mlbf oxygen-rich kerolox core engine and either a J-2X- or RL-10 replacement-based upper stage.  The conclusions of the USAF study are not reported.  To me at least, this indicates that USAF are planning to proceed with some facsimile of Atlas-V Phase 1 with a US-indigenous core engine and a new upper stage, possibly common across the EELV fleet (Common Centaur?) irrespective of what direction HLV takes.  NASA probably wants to avoid giving Congress the impression that it is a viable alternative to the SDLV.
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Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #664 on: 03/20/2011 08:55 pm »
I've chosen this thread as the best place to engage our fancies on the kerolox/SD-HLV options being thrown around here, without starting a new thread.

Something that I would like to know is the avionics aspect of WHATEVER HLV is chosen.

Is this something that NASA is currently engaged in designing and 'soon to be' procuring? Because obviously this becomes one of the longest lead items in the whole process, and the sooner it is started, the better off we are.

1) The Atlas V avionics were chosen for Ares I-X. Can the NEW Ares-I avionics be novated or applicable to the HLV?

2) Can the avionics chosen be used in either a SD-HLV or Kerolox? It seems to me the final parameters would need to be changed more or less near the end of the development phase, but the core lines of codes, and likely the main hardware, can be generic.

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Re: Predicting the SLS
« Reply #665 on: 03/20/2011 09:33 pm »
Something that I would like to know is the avionics aspect of WHATEVER HLV is chosen.

Does the law require use of the Ares I upper stage instrument unit, or something contractually derived from it?
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