Senator LeMieux asks Robinson what haven't they done due to no appropriations bill being passed and she says specific funding for each new activity not clear.
Quote from: yg1968 on 11/30/2010 11:42 pmQuote from: sdsds on 11/11/2010 07:35 am will be there tommorow. Here we go again with the hearings.
Quote from: sdsds on 11/11/2010 07:35 am will be there tommorow.
In July, we considered whether NASA improperly terminated or eliminated any program, project, or activity of the Constellation program. We determined that NASA had five programs, projects, or activities within the “Constellation Systems” category:Program Integration and Operations,Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle,Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle,Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle, andCommercial Crew and CargoWe concluded that NASA did not terminate or eliminate any program, project, or activity of the Constellation program because NASA continued to obligate Exploration appropriations to all five of the Constellation programs, projects, and activities. NASA diverted no Exploration funds to create a new program, project, or activity. We also noted that as long as NASA does not improperly create or terminate a program, project, or activity, the agency has discretion in how it carries out the Constellation program consistent with Congress’s statutory direction. Shifts in priority do not in themselves constitute the termination or elimination of a program, project, or activity.
Pretty much a waste of time...are you following the law, yes we're following the law, you better follow the law, we're following the law...
Robinson says if only $18.7bn agreed then Bolden decided new Space Launch complex would take the financial hit.