Author Topic: LIVE: STS-133 Flight Days 8/9 - PMM Outfitting, Off Duty, President, Transfers  (Read 88340 times)

Offline psloss

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Maybe the "general" public won't/don't, but us NASA fans do (at least I certainly do).

I couldn't agree more. I am often amazed at the selection of photos which are made public when we know that there are more interesting photos for them to chose from (e.g. Bowen's EVA2 photos from the end of the SSRMS). There really should be someone at the PR dept. who has a photographic background (Is Mike Gentry still there?) to make a better selection - and more of them! I had thought Discovery's last mission might have prompted better coverage.

We can only hope that Chris' contacts come through!

Not sure about Mr. Gentry, but that department went through at least one layoff at the end of the last fiscal year (i.e., 30 Sept 2010).  (Technically, I believe the people there are contractors.  Or, well, were contractors.)

There are still people there, but fewer of them and probably not fewer "responsibilities."

Re: imagery, I'll check, but IIRC "PAO" is not specifically responsible for what gets published on  (Be glad there was no gov't shutdown, BTW.)

But these questions might be a better topic for a mission-specific PAO thread...we've had several of these before.

Offline Ford Mustang

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ISS DPC ongoing.  Current view inside the PMM with what looks like Nicole Stott and Al Drew doing some outfitting work.

Offline Ford Mustang

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MSB at 6pm EST, 5pm CST with Mr. Renfrew.

Offline Ford Mustang

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Overall transfers are 85% done as of a while ago.  They're doing great up there.  Estimates are we are now over 90% complete with transfers.
« Last Edit: 03/04/2011 09:27 pm by Ford Mustang »

Offline Jason1701

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With the ISS in its unique configuration, will the astronauts make a video tour? It would be amazing to fly into all the VVs and the PMM in turn.

Offline Space Pete

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With the ISS in its unique configuration, will the astronauts make a video tour? It would be amazing to fly into all the VVs and the PMM in turn.

I really, really hope they do!

But then we'd have the same issue - will NASA release it?

Offline rdale

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Yes, they've released several tours already.

Offline Space Pete

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Yes, they've released several tours already.

Really - STS-133 tours? If so, where?

The last full ISS tour we had was back in February 2010.

Offline rdale

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Every ISS video tour I know of has been released, if not let me know when it happened and I'll see what I can get.

Offline Ford Mustang

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Yes, they've released several tours already.

Really - STS-133 tours? If so, where?

The last full ISS tour we had was back in February 2010.

I believe rdale meant the previous tours - I haven't seen any taped STS-133 tours yet.  There's still some docked time for those, however.

Offline psloss

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Mr. Renfrew has entered the building. :)

But not the briefing room yet.

Offline Chris Bergin

The traditional flowers:

"Thank you Discovery, the beautiful workhorse of the fleet".
« Last Edit: 03/04/2011 09:59 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline psloss

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Mr. Renfrew and Mr. Humphries are getting mic'd, MSB should be starting shortly.

Offline robertross

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The traditional flowers:

"Thank you Discovery, the beautiful workhorse of the fleet".

Very nice.

Offline Chris Bergin

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Offline Space Pete

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Every ISS video tour I know of has been released, if not let me know when it happened and I'll see what I can get.

I read in the ISS reports that Scott Kelly did a tour for the STS-133 crew prior to the mission, but I haven't seen it anywhere.

I remember Mike Fincke did one for the STS-119 crew back in 2009 (which NASA released), and it was very good as it was full of technical content.
« Last Edit: 03/04/2011 10:03 pm by Space Pete »

Offline robertross

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Every ISS video tour I know of has been released, if not let me know when it happened and I'll see what I can get.

I read in the ISS reports that Scott Kelly did a tour for the STS-133 crew prior to the mission, but I haven't seen it anywhere.

I remember Mike Fincke did one for the STS-119 crew back in 2009 (which NASA released), and it was very good as it was full of technical content.

To me, the best video tour would be when they have finished unloading & transfering all the cargo from the VV & PMM. THEN we will see what the ISS truly looks like! (when it's all cleaned up)

Offline Chris Bergin

Mr Renfrew - another great day on orbit. Getting the PMM squared away.

Transfers are 90 percent complete. In the PMM had a very successful day, getting the PMM into ease of usage. Removed a bunch of hardware. Express Rank 8 into the lab.

Spent some time playing with the Zero G stowage racks. One to go into Columbus. Little bit of stowage reconfig.

All in all a great day.

Spent some time in the airlock, getting the EMUs ready to transfer to Discovery. Putting the tools away and getting the airlock into nominal stage ops config.

Did some WVS troubleshooting.

Tomorrow is another busy day. Three major activities. 1) Continue in the PMM to get the last bit of launch hardware off the ranks.Time in HTV-2 removing food and transfer to PMM. Move some ballast around. Important to maintain center of gravity in the modules.

2) Node 3 installation of a remediation kit into the OGA. Hardware is a filter.

3) Lab CDRA. Had a failure during EVA-1. Root cause tracked to the heater pads - where a heating process cleans the CO2 by baking it. Mike did the same activity during his increment. Also is the same Environmental Control and Life Support System officer, so we've got the band back together :)

HTV-2 to be relocated on 10th. Release 28th from the Nadir Port. R2 won't come out until after relocate.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Mark on OGA.

Mr Renfrew - hasn't been working for a while. Been waiting for the remediation kit on 133. Haven't needed to use it as ATV-2 brought up a bunch of O2 tanks.

Mark on CDRA:

Each have two beds. Two strings of heaters on each bed. Lab CDRA only running with one bed. Work to find the short and get both stringers of the heater bed.

Philips on :) Asking about Russian CO2 scrubber.

Mr Renfrew - yes it just went down. Moscow not going to work on it until the morning to try and get it back up and running.

On O2 transfer.

Mr Renfrew - the ISS tanks will be near full (Little difficult to say). Pressure on the tanks relating to solar beta. Average it out. No exact number of lbs of O2. On the math from the Environmental Control and Life Support System, we'll leave the O2 tanks full when Discovery departs.

Robert on R2/134

Mr Renfrew - Relatively extensive process. Increase the tasks for R2. Once relocate HTV, set up, power up and MSFC will look at the telemetry. Can't focus how long that will go on before R2 moves. Long time to check out the system. Will have a breadboard to play with, moving sockets, and then increase the difficulty.

On ground command for R2.

The crew actually has the ability to operate onboard. Crew time is a resource we check out. Majority will be from the ground, then the crew will get involved. Majority from the ground.

Question to recap on OGS/OGA and R2

Mr Renfrew - Bringing home the hydrogen dome. Packing from PMM to Discovery middeck for the dome. Chemical imbalance in the dome root cause. Haven't operated it at max capacity as the chemicals need adjusting - which is what the redemiation kit is about. Hope to fire it up tomorrow.

R2 schedule is where we expected it to be. It's a science payload we want to get active. After 133 and HTV-2 relocate.

Marcia on R2 between 10th-28th?

Mr Renfrew - Correct. This crew is very fast, we're one step ahead of the crew, but I prefer being 10 steps ahead of the crew, so wouldn't be surprised to do it faster, but the schedule is between the 10th-28th.

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Offline Chris Bergin

I've written up an article to bring us up to date:

STS-133: Workhorse Discovery exemplifying routine orbiter excellence
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