Author Topic: Vulcan VC2S V001 - Peregrine Lander - CCSFS SLC-41 - 8 Jan 2024 (07:18 UTC)  (Read 525921 times)

Offline GWH

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Is this still the most cost effective way to achieve its aim?

The Cygnus on Atlas 401 typically requires the extra extended 4m fairing on the Atlas. The cost increase is $8-12M to go to 5m depending on length required.
The additional SRBs cost $20-21M.

Even at $31M I don't think a dedicated launch vehicle would be available at that price.

Going through this some more: if this is a CRS2 mission the Cygnus may already require a 5m fairing + a single SRB (Atlas V 511) if it is for a longer 4 segment Cygnus. I've written out the reasons why in this thread:

So in that case the additional hardware to co-manifest peregrine is just 2 SRB's and maybe a longer fairing.
Cost of additional fairing length is $2-4 Million, additional 2 SRB's is $10 Million.

So the total cost of hardware for Peregrine is $12-14 Million which is a lot more reasonable given the pricing posted on Astrobotic's website.

Offline Zed_Noir

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Is this still the most cost effective way to achieve its aim?

The Cygnus on Atlas 401 typically requires the extra extended 4m fairing on the Atlas. The cost increase is $8-12M to go to 5m depending on length required.
The additional SRBs cost $20-21M.

Even at $31M I don't think a dedicated launch vehicle would be available at that price.

Going through this some more: if this is a CRS2 mission the Cygnus may already require a 5m fairing + a single SRB (Atlas V 511) if it is for a longer 4 segment Cygnus. I've written out the reasons why in this thread:

So in that case the additional hardware to co-manifest peregrine is just 2 SRB's and maybe a longer fairing.
Cost of additional fairing length is $2-4 Million, additional 2 SRB's is $10 Million.

So the total cost of hardware for Peregrine is $12-14 Million which is a lot more reasonable given the pricing posted on Astrobotic's website.

You are forgetting the SYLDA style payload adapter. Which I have no idea of the cost to manufactured and qualified of such an adapter. Will ULA use the Dual Satellite System for this dual manifest payloads?

« Last Edit: 08/23/2017 03:48 am by Zed_Noir »

Offline russianhalo117

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Is this still the most cost effective way to achieve its aim?

The Cygnus on Atlas 401 typically requires the extra extended 4m fairing on the Atlas. The cost increase is $8-12M to go to 5m depending on length required.
The additional SRBs cost $20-21M.

Even at $31M I don't think a dedicated launch vehicle would be available at that price.

Going through this some more: if this is a CRS2 mission the Cygnus may already require a 5m fairing + a single SRB (Atlas V 511) if it is for a longer 4 segment Cygnus. I've written out the reasons why in this thread:

So in that case the additional hardware to co-manifest peregrine is just 2 SRB's and maybe a longer fairing.
Cost of additional fairing length is $2-4 Million, additional 2 SRB's is $10 Million.

So the total cost of hardware for Peregrine is $12-14 Million which is a lot more reasonable given the pricing posted on Astrobotic's website.

You are forgetting the SYLDA style payload adapter. Which I have no idea of the cost to manufactured and qualified of such an adapter. Will ULA use the Dual Satellite System for this dual manifest payloads?

A modified version of Atlas DSS-5 is being used.

Offline GWH

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You are forgetting the SYLDA style payload adapter. Which I have no idea of the cost to manufactured and qualified of such an adapter. Will ULA use the Dual Satellite System for this dual manifest payloads?
Yes was trying to just focus on info that can be found, should have stated that as a missing item.

A modified version of Atlas DSS-5 is being used.

Interesting info, thanks.
Below is the ULA rideshare info on payloads, max upper mass supported by DSS-5 is 5440 kg, 4m dia x 6.1m long lower payload volume.  So a much shorter and possible reinforced version for the 1.5m tall Peregrine and much more massive Cygnus would be needed,

Offline eeergo

Starting a dedicated thread for this milestone flight, now that metal is being bent for the flight article. Quoting the news-breaking posts:

Just finished a nice interview with @torybruno. The first flight hardware for Vulcan is now being produced at ULA’s factory in Alabama. First launch remains set for Spring 2021.

Critical design review for Vulcan should be completed soon, says @torybruno. Waiting on some final data from BE-4 engine tests. He says Blue Origin has completed dozens of hotfire tests to date on the BE-4, the most powerful methane rocket engine ever built.

Presumably waiting to get higher than 70% power?

The age of Vulcan has begun...  The first flight panel is being bump formed.
« Last Edit: 06/12/2020 08:52 pm by gongora »

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AUGUST 19, 2019

Pittsburgh, Penn., and Centennial, Colo., Aug. 19, 2019 – Astrobotic announced today that it selected United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Vulcan Centaur rocket in a competitive commercial procurement to launch its Peregrine lunar lander to the Moon in 2021.

“We are so excited to sign with ULA and fly Peregrine on Vulcan Centaur. This contract with ULA was the result of a highly competitive commercial process, and we are grateful to everyone involved in helping us make low-cost lunar transportation possible. When we launch the first lunar lander from American soil since Apollo, onboard the first Vulcan Centaur rocket, it will be a historic day for the country and commercial enterprise,” said Astrobotic CEO, John Thornton.

Astrobotic, the world leader in commercial delivery to the Moon, was selected by NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program to deliver up to 14 NASA payloads to the Moon on its Peregrine lunar lander in 2021. With this $79.5 million CLPS award, Astrobotic has now signed 16 customers for lunar delivery on its first mission.

“Our rockets have carried exploration missions to the Moon, the sun, and every planet in the solar system so it is only fitting that Vulcan Centaur’s inaugural flight will lead the return of Americans to the lunar surface,” said Tory Bruno, ULA’s president and CEO. “We could not be more excited to fly this mission for Astrobotic.”

Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander will launch on a Vulcan Centaur rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The launch of this mission will serve as the first of two certification flights required for ULA’s U.S. Air Force certification process.

“This partnership represents a true ‘whole-of-government’ approach to how our nation is leading the world in space: NASA contracted with a commercial company to land on the Moon, who then went on to contract with a commercial company for a rocket built to serve the national security space market,” said Bruno. “This highlights the power of our American system of partnership between government and industry to solve the toughest problems and the greatest of our human aspirations.”

About Astrobotic

Astrobotic Technology, Inc. is a space robotics company that seeks to make space accessible to the world. The company’s lunar lander, Peregrine, delivers payloads to the Moon for companies, governments, universities, non-profits, and individuals for $1.2 million per kilogram. Astrobotic was selected by NASA in May 2019 for a $79.5 million contract to deliver payloads to the Moon in 2021. The company also has more than 30 prior and ongoing NASA and commercial technology contracts, a commercial partnership with Airbus DS, and a corporate sponsorship with DHL. The company is also an official partner with NASA through the Lunar CATALYST Program. Astrobotic was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA.

About ULA

With more than a century of combined heritage, ULA is the world’s most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully delivered more than 130 satellites to orbit that provide Earth observation capabilities, enable global communications, unlock the mysteries of our solar system, and support life-saving technology. For more information on ULA, visit the ULA website at, or call the ULA Launch Hotline at 1-877-ULA-4321 (852-4321). Join the conversation at, and

@torybruno Congratulations on the contract win. Will this be a dedicated launch for Astrobotic on Vulcan Centaur’s debut flight, or a rideshare?

We’ll see
« Last Edit: 08/19/2019 07:18 pm by FutureSpaceTourist »

Offline GWH

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That's super exciting!

This little tidbit in ULA's press release states Astrobotic's price to NASA also:
Astrobotic, the world leader in commercial delivery to the moon, was selected by NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program to deliver up to 14 NASA payloads to the Moon on its Peregrine lunar lander in 2021. With this $79.5 million CLPS award, Astrobotic has now signed 16 customers for lunar delivery on its first mission.

Offline Rocket Science

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Isn't Peregrine a Falcon? ??? ;D
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Offline TrevorMonty

Astrobotics would've got cheap price given its demo flight. I'd say ULA will have rights to sell all spare capacity to secondary payloads.

Offline soltasto

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Astrobotic updated their Payload user's guide. It could be found in the attachments of this post but also here (DIRECT LINK WARNING):

Few interesting things specific about Mission 1 (M1):

This configuration of Peregrine is set to fly M1; it stands 1.9 m tall and 2.5 m in diameter.
The lander launches as a co-manifested payload onboard a ULA’s Vulcan launch vehicle,
enabling a low-cost mission to the Moon.

M 1   M I S S I O N    P R O F I L E

Payload Integration with Peregrine ->
PRE-LAUNCH PHASE - Includes preparation activities ->
Launch Vehicle Lift-Off ->
LAUNCH PHASE - Includes transit from Earth’s surface to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) ->
Peregrine Separation from Launch Vehicle ->
CRUISE PHASE - Includes all Trans-Lunar Injection (TLI) maneuvers from LEO to LOI1 ->
Peregrine Insertion into Lunar Orbit ->
LUNAR ORBIT PHASE - Includes all LOI maneuvers, orbital payload deployments, and descent to the lunar surface ->
Peregrine Touchdown on the Lunar Surface ->
SURFACE PHASE - Includes surface activities such as surface payload deployments ->
Onset of Lunar Night

This is the M1 configuration and specifications of the Peregrine Lunar Lander.
Lander Height: 1.9 m
Lander Diameter: 2.5 m
Lander Wet Mass: 1,313 kg
This is the total mass of the lander including propellant and payloads.

So from this we get that the Vulcan inaugural flight will be a rideshare launch to LEO, with a payload greater than 1300kg.

Offline PM3

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Just finished a nice interview with @torybruno. The first flight hardware for Vulcan is now being produced at ULA’s factory in Alabama. First launch remains set for Spring 2021.

That statement is half a year old. Target date for the first Peregrine flight is July 2021 (source).
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Offline TripleSeven

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Astrobotics would've got cheap price given its demo flight. I'd say ULA will have rights to sell all spare capacity to secondary payloads.

or give it away.    ULA has been at least so far receptive to several groups seeking rides withlittle amateur radio groups

Offline gaballard

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Isn't Peregrine a Falcon? ??? ;D

It's also the original name of the Raptor engine, which happens to be the BE-4's main competitor...
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Offline jongoff

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It's good to see ULA being able to announce customers for Vulcan.

Online ZachS09

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Are they still gonna launch a Cygnus spacecraft as seen in an earlier video when Atlas V was supposed to launch Peregrine?
Liftoff for St. Jude's! Go Dragon, Go Falcon, Godspeed Inspiration4!

Offline envy887

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It's good to see ULA being able to announce customers for Vulcan.

"Being able to", as in: someone was stopping them before?

Offline GWH

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So from this we get that the Vulcan inaugural flight will be a rideshare launch to LEO, with a payload greater than 1300kg.

No this isn't correct, that is an abbreviated version of the mission profile.

See page 30 where the mission profile is written out in more detail.

Launch to LEO aboard the Vulcan
Earth-departure burn from the Centaur booster
Separation from the launch vehicle

Perigee raise maneuver
TLI maneuver
Cruise through cislunar space
LOI maneuver
Lunar orbit hold
Autonomous descent operations
Landing at Lacus Mortis
Surface operations

Page 29 also has this:
This configuration of Peregrine is set to fly M1; it stands 1.9 m tall and 2.5 m in diameter.
The lander launches as a co-manifested payload onboard a ULA’s Vulcan launch vehicle,
enabling a low-cost mission to the Moon.

Interesting in that Vulcan will fly a minimum of 2 SRBs for this.
« Last Edit: 08/20/2019 02:25 pm by GWH »

Offline russianhalo117

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So from this we get that the Vulcan inaugural flight will be a rideshare launch to LEO, with a payload greater than 1300kg.

No this isn't correct, that is an abbreviated version of the mission profile.

See page 30 where the mission profile is written out in more detail.

Launch to LEO aboard the Vulcan
Earth-departure burn from the Centaur booster
Separation from the launch vehicle

Perigee raise maneuver
TLI maneuver
Cruise through cislunar space
LOI maneuver
Lunar orbit hold
Autonomous descent operations
Landing at Lacus Mortis
Surface operations

Page 29 also has this:
This configuration of Peregrine is set to fly M1; it stands 1.9 m tall and 2.5 m in diameter.
The lander launches as a co-manifested payload onboard a ULA’s Vulcan launch vehicle,
enabling a low-cost mission to the Moon.

Interesting in that Vulcan will fly a minimum of 2 SRBs for this.
Maybe extra margins since both the launcher and lander will be on their maiden flight. Centaur V aft can deploy rideshare from its equivalent to Atlas's ABC and its other carriers. Reference the last Atlas launch in that TDO and like rideshares can be flown on any launch and is not limited to flying with other government payloads.

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@Astrobotic replied on my question on Twitter confirming Peregrine 1 will be a secondary payload, however they have since deleted their tweet. ☆

Offline russianhalo117

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@Astrobotic replied on my question on Twitter confirming Peregrine 1 will be a secondary payload, however they have since deleted their tweet.
That is likely because ULA haven't announced the primary payload yet which is confirmed to be a commercial customer.
« Last Edit: 08/21/2019 12:23 am by russianhalo117 »


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