
Who willl successfully land (unmanned), first: Starship on Mars, or Blue's Lander on the Moon?

Starship (unmanned), on Mars.
0 (0%)
Blue's Lander (unmanned), on the Moon.
0 (0%)
Other result (explain in comments).
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: 06/18/2023 08:12 pm

Author Topic: Poll Section Intro  (Read 9453 times)

Online Chris Bergin

Poll Section Intro
« on: 03/09/2015 10:10 pm »
Yeah, guess what this section will be about!


No, polls.

Although it's partly to do with the "problem" we had with the SpaceX ("OMG, every thread is about SpaceX!!!") General section being overrun by end of year/start of year polls.

This will be for all polls, previous (ones we find and can thus move here) and future polls.


I've added some polls I've found around the forum, and will add some more as I find them.

Feel free to add your poll. Start the title with "POLL:" to make it look tidy when it's a section list of polls. If you need help setting it up, PM me....
« Last Edit: 04/13/2015 12:57 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Re: Poll Section Intro
« Reply #1 on: 08/23/2019 03:14 pm »
Some poll guidance: Although it's not a hard and fast rule, we kind of have a "way we do polls" here... The standard settings are as follows:

- 30 days
- Votes are visible after voting. Not before. Not after the poll closes but after the reader votes.
- Voters cannot change votes once made

Further, it's a "best practice" to always have an "other". In case you didn't think of all the options, an "other, please explain in comments" gives you additional input. This is especially important for numeric polls. In addition to your ranges, give an 'more than the highest" and a "lower than the lowest" (if it makes sense)... for example if you have a poll about number of starlink launches in 2020 you might have 0,1,2,... 10 and "more than 10"... you don't need "less than 0" since that doesn't make sense.

If you want a poll that deviates from this, consult with a moderator to discuss.
"I think it would be great to be born on Earth and to die on Mars. Just hopefully not at the point of impact." -Elon Musk
"We're a little bit like the dog who caught the bus" - Musk after CRS-8 S1 successfully landed on ASDS OCISLY


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