Author Topic: Crew Dragon On-Orbit Comms and Network  (Read 27025 times)

Crew Dragon On-Orbit Comms and Network
« on: 06/11/2021 04:46 pm »
Hi All!
I'm doing some research on what communication options Dragon 2 has in orbit when not attached to ISS. Is there a resource that lists all of it's communication methods? Is it all through TDRS, or do they have other uplink/downlink options direct to earth ground stations? If so, do we know if ground stations are only used on ascent or also while in Orbit?

Is there any internet access for the crew? I know the crew carry iPads, looking back at the issue Bob and Doug had on one of their iPads, one of the troubleshooting steps was to make sure the iPad WiFi was off and airplane mode was on. Mission control asked at one point that WiFi be turned on, but that was for Airlink (which doesn't require a WiFi network).  How does SpaceX do downlink of live video from crew dragon?

Any help on any of these questions would be so appreciated! Its hard to find any information on this, a lot of my search terms obviously result in starlink info.


Re: Crew Dragon On-Orbit Comms and Network
« Reply #1 on: 06/11/2021 05:13 pm »
I did just come across this, but i'm not sure if its up to date, any other information or resources anyone have would be very helpful!

- Communications: Fault tolerant S-band telemetry & video transmitters; Onboard compression & command encryption / decryption; Links via TDRSS and ground stations.
- TT&C (Telemetry and Command): Payload RS-422 serial I/O, 1553, and Ethernet interfaces (all locations); IP addressable payload standard service; Command uplink: 300 kbit/s; Telemetry/data downlink: 300 Mbit/s (higher rates available).

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Re: Crew Dragon On-Orbit Comms and Network
« Reply #2 on: 06/23/2021 12:48 pm »
I also asked this question. It was difficult even for me as an aerospace electric engineer from, but I found on Quora that someone else also asked this question.
The question was: What technology is used to stream a video feed from the ISS or the SpaceX Dragon?
His reply:
Just radio, talking to big satellite dishes around the world. NASA set up the network back in the 1960s so they could talk to spacecraft continuously throughout their orbit.
Besides, what do I think that video is transmitted over S-band at 2200.0 to 2300.0 MHz, as explained in the Falcon 9 Users Guide. Video (and telemetry) are received from ground-based antennas.
You can read more about it here:
I hope it helps you ;)
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Re: Crew Dragon On-Orbit Comms and Network
« Reply #3 on: 06/23/2021 12:59 pm »
A lot is propriety information


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