I think we should direct this young person to a thing called "Google," and encourage him to do some research for this school project.
Hello together,i have to prepare myself for the study and want to present something about the moon flight projects. Do you know if there were some really bad and failed projects in history? if yes, could you tell me the project name or date? Thank for support!
He's a kid who is looking for help with his homework. Look at his few posts.
I'm somewhat surprised I could not find a recent Dyna-Soar thread on this board. Anyway, I just saw this image of Dyna-Soar on an Atlas. Is this something that was known? Or is this super obscure?
Next, the USAF pursued the experimental single-seat recoverable prototype mentioned above, known alternatively as the X-20 and the Dyna-Soar. X-20 would have been launched atop an Atlas booster, and would have had unique (at the time) abilities to manoeuvre in orbit