
Which Mission Will Launch First?

SLS/Orion EM-1
6 (9.5%)
Blue Origin New Shephard w/ Crew
24 (38.1%)
SpaceX Crewed Dragon test flight to ISS
16 (25.4%)
Boeing CST-100 Crewed test flight to ISS
15 (23.8%)
Sierra Nevada DreamChaser first cargo resupply
2 (3.2%)

Total Members Voted: 63

Voting closed: 09/29/2016 05:05 pm

Author Topic: POLL: Which Mission Will Launch First?  (Read 28259 times)

Offline JDTractorGuy

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POLL: Which Mission Will Launch First?
« on: 09/09/2016 05:05 pm »
With the recent announcement that SpaceX's first crew mission to the ISS has slipped to 2018, coupled with their recent failure, it is no longer evident who will be the first to send people back into space.  With that in mind, which one of these missions do you all think will fly first?  Opt. 1-4 are all set for 2018, and provided they don't slip it might be close.  Happy polling.

**SLS is up there just for argument's sake even though there is no crew**

Offline koshvv

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Re: POLL: Which Mission Will Launch First?
« Reply #1 on: 09/15/2016 10:01 pm »
I think it will be Blue. They already have New Shepard ready, and short duration suborbital launch is much simpler than orbital trip to ISS.

P.S. We already have a similar poll http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=39012.msg1472860

Offline jongoff

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Re: POLL: Which Mission Will Launch First?
« Reply #2 on: 09/15/2016 10:52 pm »
I said New Shepard with crew, since SpaceX, Boeing, and SLS are all slipping to the right. Now, if Blue's in-flight abort test goes horribly wrong next month, I might have to change my tune, but assuming that works well (I given it a >80% chance of doing so), My guess is they'll be flying crew by early 2018 at the latest. Both SpaceX and Boeing are now iffy for flying crew in 2018 at all, and EM-1 is likely 2019. Not sure when SNC will fly, but they're just starting their CRS-2 contract, so my guess is it'll be a while yet.



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