Author Topic: LIVE: STS-133 Flight Days 8/9 - PMM Outfitting, Off Duty, President, Transfers  (Read 86764 times)

Online Chris Bergin

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Online Chris Bergin

Onboard with the crew
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Online Chris Bergin

Mike doing his superman impression as the PAO event comes up next.
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Online Chris Bergin

Event starting.
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Offline DavisSTS

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No kids asking questions, it's just someone reading out questions and they seem to be scripted, rather than ones that comes from kids.

Online Chris Bergin

Hmm, it's not like some of the previous events, where kids sent videos asking questions. It's blog questions, read out by someone who works on a NASA education site.

Funny moment was when she asked about the benefits of social media (her job) and Steve Bowen had a bit of a dig about Twitter :)

Still good questions. John44 will have the video.
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Online Chris Bergin

No kids asking questions, it's just someone reading out questions and they seem to be scripted, rather than ones that comes from kids.

They'll of come from all ages. Doesn't matter anyway, so long as the video gets into schools etc. Every little bit helps.
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Online Chris Bergin

Commander Kelly flip.
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Offline apace

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No kids asking questions, it's just someone reading out questions and they seem to be scripted, rather than ones that comes from kids.

They'll of come from all ages. Doesn't matter anyway, so long as the video gets into schools etc. Every little bit helps.

But of course it's much more fun if a kid can go home and tell the parents the she/he talked one-to-one with an astronaut :-) but better than nothing, true.

Online Chris Bergin

Inside Destiny.

Glory failure presser at the top of the hour.
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Online Chris Bergin

View into the PMM.
« Last Edit: 03/04/2011 11:47 am by Chris Bergin »
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Online Chris Bergin

Stack going over the Middle East.

Call just then saying middeck transfers complete (as in they could be 100 percent on that).
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Online Chris Bergin

More info on the alarm from Josh.

One sensor was inhibited because it had tripped before because of dust. The Russians had rebooted some systems, so that sensor turned back on and tripped the alarm one more time.

Sensor is re-inhibited.
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Online Chris Bergin

Next event is the joint crew presser in just over two hours.

Have to step out and do day job things for a couple of hours, so anyone is welcome to keep a check on things, add some screenshots etc.

All PMM Outfitting over this time period.
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Cool view of what could have been a ground based training sim. Until you look at the second picture where people are floating through :)
Hoping for a future of NASA manned spaceflight

Offline Space Pete

Per today's Execute Package, the following rack moves will be performed today (in order):

Note: For all ZSR relocations, the ZSR's "tent-like" structure will be deployed as part of the relocation procedure.

• Soft stowage at LAB1O5 > various locations.
• ZSR at PMM1S3 > PMM1P2.
• ZSR at LAB1P4 > LAB1O5.
• ER-8 at PMM1S3 > LAB1P4.
• ZSR at PMM1S4 > PMM1S3.
• ISP at PMM1F3 > PMM endcone.
• ISP at PMM1P3 > PMM endcone.

In addition, the following RSPs will be rotated down, allowing stowage to be removed from them:
• RSP at PMM1A1.
• RSP at PMM1A4 (will go to HTV-2 eventually).
• RSP at PMM1A2.

Following these rack moves, the only remaining rack moves will be:
• ZSR at PMM1S1 > COL1F2.
• 2x RSPs in PMM > HTV2F1 & HTV2A1.
• 2x ISPs in PMM endcone > HTV2S1 & HTV2P2.
« Last Edit: 03/04/2011 06:01 pm by Space Pete »
NASASpaceflight ISS Writer

Online Chris Bergin

PAO event
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Online Chris Bergin

Will note the interesting ones.

Robert on first on Discovery.

Commander Lindsey. There are times where I've reflected on it and what a wonderful vehicle where you can see Discovery on the wings and in the Payload Bay and recall all the things the vehicle has done.

Robert on cool views of Discovery during EVAs.

Al - Discovery filled our entire visor. Wonderful ship and a blessing to be part of Discovery's history.

More questions - won't know some of them.

Hometown questions for Steve Bowen - notes his pride in the crew.

Anadotes on Bowen.

Commander Lindsey: When Steve was taking the PM off the truss, he was being driven on the arm. When they they were flying him over the RWS crashed and he was stuck holding the payload. Crew did great work to get the back up going, but it gave us an opportunity to joke with him when he was stuck there with nowhere to go.

Mark on extention.

Commander Kelly. The original plan didn't have them working PMM too much. So it would have been a time crunch to outfit PMM to get foam into HTV-2. So we have two extra days of six people to get a lot of it done before they leave. Helps maximize our time.

Where Express Rank 8 is heading.

Moved it this morning, it's next to Steve Bowen, it is the last express rank.

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Online Chris Bergin

Denise on Discovery flyaround

Eric Boe - it's a privilage to do an undock and flyaround with all the VVs on ISS. When we finish the flyaround it's amazing how big the vehicle is, how each piece was brought up by Shuttle.

Eric Berger on ISS complete/size.

Nicole: This is the largest pressurized volume in space, in history. You could spread all of us out all over the Station. It's the interior size of a 747.

Question on trash.

Commander Kelly - we recycle certain things, such as urine into water. Right now we don't have a whole lot of common trash (food and clothing), as we've had two Progress vehicles depart. 11-12 large garbage bags were removed. Certain areas in the node and Russian area for where it stays until we can dispose of it.

Marcia on R2.

Cady - we've all been voting to get him out of his box. We're sure we can hear scratching :D A lot of work to do, and we'll see if we can bring him out before 133 departs. Exicted about the prospect of working with him.

On Bowen's late catch up.

Steve - Am I pinching myself and there's no way I could make this up to Tim. If there's anything I can do for him I'm willing to discuss it.

Bill on Soyuz flyaround.

Alexander - Yes, we were ready, but now we have a no decision for this operation. Would have been unique. But unfortunately we don't do this.

Commander Kelly - would have been historic, but the risk is there. I didn't get to see the risks. I'm not sure why they decided no.

UK woman - woo....on astronomy.

Mike - well hello to the UK :) - your senses can be overwhelmed. We actually have a medallion for James Cook and the rich heritage of Discovery in the UK.

On inspiring future astros.

Commander Kelly. When the shuttle retires we'll still have a space station. We'll have a program beyond this. Don't know what it'll be, but we'll eventually head to other destinations.

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