Quote from: oliverio on 12/19/2015 06:49 pmThanks for the reply meberbs, this makes sense that the forces experienced in the near-field aren't the same as a classical "baseball gets thrown" analogy for particles.The transition point does not happen at a specific time and place, though, right? As I understand, this is because the zone is a product of gradient self-interference. Does this not imply that we could, by exact positioning of a photodiode, control which virtual photons self-interfere before all photons have actually left it, and create nonsymmetric but conserved forces? (In this context the photodiode is somewhere between the near field and the far field.)You are correct, there is no sharp cutoff, just a point where the near field effects become negligible for a given definition of negligible.The forces will always be balanced, as long as you include the momentum stored in the fields. You can't get away from momentum conservation, and the only way to get EM momentum away from the rest of the device is through photons. You can redirect the photons in specific directions, but not get better ratios of energy to momentum.Quote from: goran d on 12/22/2015 06:42 pmQuote from: meberbs on 12/18/2015 12:18 amThis is because the derivation of momentum storage in E-M fields assumes conservation of momentum. If the derrivation of momentum storage assumes the conservation laws, then you are deriving it from the combination of Maxwell Equation and Conservation Laws.This is not the same as getting the conservation laws from only Maxwell's equations.So, the conclusion that Maxwell Equations imply Conservation Laws is false.You can't first assume something and then prove it on the basis of the assumption.Conservation laws all derive from Noether's theorem (although most of the conservation laws were being used well before this theorem was proven).It is not difficult to find situations in electrodynamics that forces do not appear to be equal and opposite when you consider only the momentum changes in the charged particles. Reconciling this with conservation of momentum, requires that momentum be also stored in the fields. When deriving the equation for momentum in the fields, it is therefore already assumed that momentum is conserved.I am not proving conservation of momentum by assuming it. (that would be the "correct" usage of "begging the question" by the way). I am pointing out that conservation of momentum is embedded in the way that momentum is assigned to the fields. Maxwell's equations plus conservation of momentum yield equations for the momentum stored and transported by EM fields. Lots of very smart people have reviewed that derivation, and there are no flaws in it. These equations when used correctly cannot yield a result that violates conservation of momentum, because they were derived from conservation of momentum. The "proof" of conservation of momentum is Noether's theorem given the appropriate symmetry (plus it is generally taken as a fundamental law anyway based on all the experimental observations ever made).
Thanks for the reply meberbs, this makes sense that the forces experienced in the near-field aren't the same as a classical "baseball gets thrown" analogy for particles.The transition point does not happen at a specific time and place, though, right? As I understand, this is because the zone is a product of gradient self-interference. Does this not imply that we could, by exact positioning of a photodiode, control which virtual photons self-interfere before all photons have actually left it, and create nonsymmetric but conserved forces? (In this context the photodiode is somewhere between the near field and the far field.)
Quote from: meberbs on 12/18/2015 12:18 amThis is because the derivation of momentum storage in E-M fields assumes conservation of momentum. If the derrivation of momentum storage assumes the conservation laws, then you are deriving it from the combination of Maxwell Equation and Conservation Laws.This is not the same as getting the conservation laws from only Maxwell's equations.So, the conclusion that Maxwell Equations imply Conservation Laws is false.You can't first assume something and then prove it on the basis of the assumption.
This is because the derivation of momentum storage in E-M fields assumes conservation of momentum.
Quote from: oliverio on 12/19/2015 06:49 pmThanks for the reply meberbs, this makes sense that the forces experienced in the near-field aren't the same as a classical "baseball gets thrown" analogy for particles.The transition point does not happen at a specific time and place, though, right? As I understand, this is because the zone is a product of gradient self-interference. Does this not imply that we could, by exact positioning of a photodiode, control which virtual photons self-interfere before all photons have actually left it, and create nonsymmetric but conserved forces? (In this context the photodiode is somewhere between the near field and the far field.)You are correct, there is no sharp cutoff, just a point where the near field effects become negligible for a given definition of negligible.The forces will always be balanced, as long as you include the momentum stored in the fields. You can't get away from momentum conservation, and the only way to get EM momentum away from the rest of the device is through photons. You can redirect the photons in specific directions, but not get better ratios of energy to momentum. ....
"the only way to get EM momentum away from the rest of the device is through photons", Is there any proof of that(except the momentum conservation law)?
Here P=A and B implies CQ=B and C implies AAs you can see there is an entry where P is true while Q is false.In general, you can't reverse an implicationdon't forget,the value of false implies false is trueI talking about the statement that if you derive Poynting vector from electrodynamics and conservation laws, it's therefore imposiible to get results that disobey conservation laws. This statement is false.In the truth table, A is conservation laws, B is Maxwell equations, C is Poynting vectorThere is an entry in which the derivation is true but the conservation laws can't be implied from Poynting vector and Maxwell's Equations.
So I interpret your answer like this: "a LASER itself is a device that prevents photons from leaving the near field in all but one specific direction (which is the maximum of linear momentum potential where photons are concerned)." In a certain very real sense, this is what a LASER is as opposed to a spherical radiator of RF energy.I'll have to think on that for a moment, because it answers only part of my question. To address the unanswered portion I feel there is an explanation lacking of the following: when emitting no photons at all, there is more potential momentum in the near-field of an electromagnetic field than the sum total of all photons leaving a laser's focus. For that reason, analytically, there seems to be a possibility of dispersing this energy in either the creation of photons (as an antenna or laser normally does) or, it would seem reasonable, directly as momentum given the proper case.If the field loses potential at the same time as the object gaining it, there is no paradox, right? Especially given that the field is given potential by a storage device in the first place (i.e. a battery).
An attempt of actual proof by counter example that is two perpendicular dipole radiators. Force increases with R^-2, radiation tends to a fixed point (when dipole sizes are same).