Author Topic: ISRO Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR Launch Facilities  (Read 25757 times)

Offline vyoma

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ISRO Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR launch facilities - vehicle assembly and launch pads:

MST: Mobile Service Tower
FLP: First Launch Pad
PIF: PSLV Integration Facility
VAB: Vehicle Assembly Building
SVAB: Second Vehicle Assembly Building
SSAB: Solid Stage Assembly Building
SLP: Second Launch Pad
OMPF: Orbital Module Preparation Facility (under construction - can see the inverted arch that matches with the building schematic)

SDSC SHAR can integrate up to 4 LVs at a time (3 full, and 1 partial):
1) PSLV/SSLV integration at FLP MST.
2) PSLV partial integration at PIF. Only first and second stages can be integrated here, and it's moved to FLP for further stacking.
3) PSLV/GSLV Mk2/LVM3 integration at VAB for SLP.
4) PSLV/GSLV Mk2/LVM3 integration at SVAB for SLP.

And, SSAB is used for preparing solid stages of all ISRO LVs.
« Last Edit: 07/30/2023 06:48 pm by vyoma »

Offline vyoma

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OMPF (Orbital Module Preparation Facility) building construction progress.
« Last Edit: 06/05/2023 05:40 pm by vyoma »


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