There were white pufs off the interstage vent , 2-3 seconds before T-0 (first attempt).
Second time around, there was none.
Edit: there was voice exchange from test control, right after first abort, with "ox vent" in it.
SpaceXer: "Picture of all nine Merline engines firing at once during today's static fire test on Launch Complex 40 at the U.S "
Did you notice in the video that F9 appears to have a "twang" of its own when it ignites? Rocks left and right slightly from that viewpoint.
QuoteEdit: there was voice exchange from test control, right after first abort, with "ox vent" in it.Of course there was. The first thing that happens after an abort is the tanks depressurize so OX and RP-1 helium vents open.
I uploaded the abort sequence:
Vents open ? Not consistent with "kill ox purge" ... "close ox purge" ... listen from 2:07 in the recording (thanks joshcryer !):
Quote from: renclod on 12/04/2010 04:17 pmVents open ? Not consistent with "kill ox purge" ... "close ox purge" ... listen from 2:07 in the recording (thanks joshcryer !): Purges have nothing to do with ...
But ... please tell... when is the word "kill" nominally used over the voice loop, in a pad test ?
"kill" troubles you, but the numerous "abort" calls during a nominal terminal sequence don't?
One thing that surprised me was the use of "abort". Firstly as the request to abort the countdown was "abort abort abort" using abort in other contexts could lead to confusion.