Thanks for the video link, Josh. I couldn't connect to the webcast.
curiousif they do have to do another static fire test..for the first stage's TEA-TEB ignitor system, how do they recharge the it unlimited?jb
from twitter:"SpaceXerWe will continue to review data, but today’s static fire appears to be a success!half a minute ago via web"
Did you notice in the video that F9 appears to have a "twang" of its own when it ignites? Rocks left and right slightly from that viewpoint.
Watch the video, it appears quite successful to me. Looks like it actually went over 2 seconds on several viewings.
With first attempt; it looks like the gaseous Ox purge (first stage) was not [fully] closed during the last few seconds before T-0.
Quote from: renclod on 12/04/2010 03:21 pmWith first attempt; it looks like the gaseous Ox purge (first stage) was not [fully] closed during the last few seconds before T-0.What if it was in fact an MVac pump chill vent?