Total Members Voted: 113
Voting closed: 11/19/2021 08:17 pm
While we do not have numbers, we do have elements.Lets start with the assumption that the flight is on pre-flown equipment. Therefore the 'cost' of the flight would be composed of expenses related to:1) Refurbishment cost of booster stage 1b) Amortized cost of booster2) New build 2nd stage3) New build Dragon2 Trunk4) Refurbishment cost of Dragon2 capsule 4b) Amortized cost of Dragon25) Fuel/Oxydizer/crew consumables6) Launch and Flight service personnel (Pad Ninjas - Launch/Mission Control)7) Government launch/landing support services (NASA/Spaceforce/NOAA/FAA/FCC/Coast Guard/etc)8 ) Crew/Passenger training9) Custom space/flight suits10) Recovery service personnel and ship wear and tear (Also, where does the ASDS expense reside? Is it a negative on successful recovery like an auto-parts core refund?)11) Taxes and fees (Hey, it's on my phone bill!!!)*bold indicates areas I'm assuming to be highest expense*I'm gonna ballpark this in the $70 - $80 mln range
I would guess that dragon refurbishment is one of the most expensive parts of the mission. They have to replace the whole outer shell including TPS and heat shield for every mission (the heat shield can theoretically last multiple missions but they haven't tried that afaik), repairs from water landings which probably means rebuilding the whole reaction control system, packing new parachutes and covers, etc. I would guess it costs more to refurbish Dragon 2 than it does to refurbish Falcon 9, and I think likely more than the cost of a new upper stage.
"One thing worth mentioning is that Elon confirmed the marginal launch cost (no overhead) for reusable Falcon 9 is $15M."
Since Elon Musk donated $50 million at the end of the flight my guess is that's what the flight and training and insurance cost SpaceX or it was the discount price they gave the mission.
Looks like we now have some better insight into this question"One thing worth mentioning is that Elon confirmed the marginal launch cost (no overhead) for reusable Falcon 9 is $15M."Now all you need to do is speculate on the marginal cost of a used Dragon.