can resistors be made from ironoxide on the moon?
and lastly, can resistors be made from ironoxide on the moon? I haven't found any material on that aspect of production. thanks for any consideration,Ryan
As for coating the wire, what's wrong with aluminum oxide?
Resistors for what purpose? Power resistors, precision resistors, resistors as electronic components or high power systems? All have different characteristics and design tradeoffs. One of the major ones being the thermal coefficient of resistance.There are many different materials and construction techniques that can be used to make resistors each with it's own advantages and drawbacks, accuracy, drift, parasitic inductance and capacitance etc. There is no one size fits all design.
coating the wire?You will need to know the environment your wire will be in. Different coatings for different environments. Mars , moon surface , in space in direct Sun light or no light at all, or will it be in a hab.
Lunar Production of Solar Cells, Geoffrey Landis, 1989
...after extracting the aluminium from the highlands
Two steps back: How are you going to convert Alumina (=aluminium oxide) into aluminium? This is a process which requires a large heat and electrical input. think ISRU should start with a focus on producing GOX / LOX both for lifesupport, and for propellant. Anything else would appear to me as very long term. Start with bringing solar panels, cabling, etc to start a lunar base. Relative small scale O2 production (for life support) should be feasible when enough power is available.
I wonder if the introduction or availability of 3d material printing will significantly alter approaches to bootstrap ISRU. Case in point - the production of proto-wires via 3d printing of various native resources, perhaps including their insulation coating.Granted, you have to get both the power generation (not least to facilitate material refining) and the printer into place, but the notion of a "self replicating base station" has a certain appeal to it. This 3d printing stuff is the first approach I've heard that makes such a vision seem more than just a dream.How far can it take you?Edit: highlight power requirement to refine materials, in addition to drive the printer. Of course, the real test of a self replicating base station will be to create a self replicating 3d printer and its associated refinery machinery.
Sounds like an interesting idea, but since the power stations will be primary used as power stations for mining operations and the extra it stores sent to the other components of the base, the only vehicle that will need to go back and forth would be the hauler with the exception of damaged or specialized robotics. I'll keep that in mind though. As for the power needed to create the products, there would be a level of guess work since there is no exact amount of material to process, no exact power a robotic unit will use recovering it, and no exact amount of power that the unit will produce. A lot of estimation would be involved, but I'll play with the numbers a little later.
Also look into using reflected light to reduce the amount of panels needed. Panels that I know of will burn out if added light was used on them, only rated to the amount the Sun would provide on the brightest day.
Then start with how much energy it takes here on Earth at the manufacture for the cells. So if we need a total of 100 watts of cells how much energy is used just to make the needed amount of cells used on a 100W panel here on Earth? That is taking the needed elements at the factory to the point of shipment, not counting the packaging.We will have to see if it is better for now just to send panel to the moon or make them there.
Added thought, could it be possible to use lenses to redirect the Sun light from one place to another instead of mirrors? Would this have less loss of the solar energy?