Inflight entertainment and connectivity provider Anuvu is nearing the launch of its Astranis-made MicroGEO satellites. The capacity will be used to support Anuvu’s aero clients including Southwest Airlines.The launch date has slipped a few times, namely because Astranis’ first MicroGEO satellite for Alaskan satellite communications company Pacific Dataport experienced a malfunction that needed to be addressed.But Astranis tackled the problem and has been very “responsive”, Anuvu executive vice president connectivity Mike Pigott told RGN at the APEX Global Expo in Long Beach.[...]Space watch web sites are keeping a close eye on the program, and the latest suggest that Anuvu’s first two Ku-band MicroGEOs could launch on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 16 December.But Pigott would only say at Expo that Anuvu expects the launch to happen before year-end, noting that the “satellites are done” but that “the reality is that we are just waiting in the queue” at SpaceX. The two MicroGEOs will launch alongside two other Astranis satellites.
On November 26, 2024, Pacific Dataport Inc was granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning on November 27, 2024 through December 26, 2024, to operate its antenna in Eagle Mountain, UT to provide telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) support for the Astranis Arcturus (S3092) satellite, and for the Astranis Block 2 satellites licensed by the United Kingdom and composed of the AstranisAero East, AstranisAero West, AGILA, and the UtilitySat satellites, in the 28.35-28.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 19.7-19.8 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.
Given the collective light mass of the four payloads, I deduce the first stage recovery will be at LZ-1.
NextSpaceflight; updated December 6:Launch 17 December 03:37 UTC, SLC-40ASDS or LZ-1 not mentionedGiven the collective light mass of the four payloads, I deduce the first stage recovery will be at LZ-1. (See post immediately below for qualifier)
Our next four satellites are ready for launch.They’re already at Cape Canaveral getting integrated onto a dedicated SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, and we’re on track for a December 17th liftoff.It’s time for Astranis to go from one to many satellites in orbit.
[...]Astranis reported a number of upgrades to the MicroGEO model used in these four satellites including a new gimbal for the electric propulsion thruster developed in-house, a deployable main reflector that boosts the throughput per satellite, and additional redundancy to the Astranis software-defined radio. Because the Astranis satellites are smaller than typical GEO satellites, this mission has the interesting distinction of being the first time a single satellite manufacturer has flown four of its own satellites on a single launch to GEO.
Dec 11, 2024Our satellites are headed to geostationary orbit — 22,000 miles away — for communications missions. But first, we have to drive them 3,000 miles across the country.
A Falcon 9 will launch the Astranis MicroGEO mission from pad 40 on December 17 in the evening EST.
From here:Primary Launch Day 17 Dec 0337Z-0756Z Backup Launch Day (1) 18 Dec 0338Z-0757Z Backup Launch Day (2) 19 Dec 0338Z-0757Z Backup Launch Day (3) 20 Dec 0339Z-0758Z Backup Launch Day (4) 21 Dec 0339Z-0758Z Backup Launch Day (5) 22 Dec 0340Z-0759Z Backup Launch Day (6) 23 Dec 0340Z-0759Z
From Ben Cooper:QuoteA Falcon 9 will launch the Astranis MicroGEO mission from pad 40 on December 17 in the evening EST.
A Falcon 9 will launch the Astranis MicroGEO mission from pad 40 on December 17 at 10:37 p.m. EST.
130458Z DEC 24NAVAREA IV 1562/24(11,26).WESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC.FLORIDA.1. HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS, ROCKET LAUNCHING 180338Z TO 180757Z DEC, ALTERNATE 190338Z TO 190757Z, 200339Z TO 200758Z, 210339Z TO 210758Z, 220340Z TO 220759Z AND 230340Z TO 230759Z DEC IN AREAS BOUND BY: A. 28-39.10N 080-37.74W, 28-40.00N 080-23.00W, 28-38.00N 080-12.00W, 28-32.00N 080-11.00W, 28-31.00N 080-21.00W, 28-31.71N 080-33.62W. B. 28-07.00N 075-25.00W, 28-38.00N 075-24.00W, 28-51.00N 073-57.00W, 28-28.00N 072-24.00W, 28-18.00N 072-08.00W, 28-06.00N 072-07.00W, 27-54.00N 072-20.00W, 27-42.00N 074-01.00W.2. CANCEL THIS MSG 230859Z DEC 24.//
Hazard period starts at 03:38 per this NGA Rocket Launching notice (matching the December 18 time in the NOTAM information posted by Galactic Penguin SST).
A Falcon 9 will launch the Astranis MicroGEO mission from pad 40 on December 17 at 10:38 p.m. EST.
[GPS launch:] SCRUBThe SpaceX launch webcast has been delayed to tomorrow. needed, a backup opportunity is available on Saturday, December 14 starting at 7:59 p.m. ET.= 15 December 00:59 UTCHowever, I note that the booster recovery weather risk is "High". And, the launch site forecast is worse. Maybe it will be a circa ~48 hours delay?
If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Saturday, December 14 starting at 7:59 p.m. ET.
And just like that, we have FOUR Astranis satellites ready to launch.That's more satellites than any company has ever flown to GEO at once. LFG!
161416Z DEC 24NAVAREA IV 1577/24(11,26).WESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC.FLORIDA.1. HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS, ROCKET LAUNCHING 200339Z TO 200758Z DEC, ALTERNATE 210339Z TO 210758Z, 220340Z TO 220759Z, 230340Z TO 230759Z DEC IN AREAS BOUND BY: A. 28-39.10N 080-37.74W, 28-40.00N 080-23.00W, 28-38.00N 080-12.00W, 28-32.00N 080-11.00W, 28-31.00N 080-21.00W, 28-31.71N 080-33.62W. B. 28-07.00N 075-25.00W, 28-38.00N 075-24.00W, 28-51.00N 073-57.00W, 28-28.00N 072-24.00W, 28-18.00N 072-08.00W, 28-06.00N 072-07.00W, 27-54.00N 072-20.00W, 27-42.00N 074-01.00W.2. CANCEL NAVAREA IV 1562/24.3. CANCEL THIS MSG 230859Z DEC 24.